[5G – 1996 Telecommunications Act Section 704 – ART Americans for Responsible Technology – Capacitor – DE Dirty Electricity – Educate Your MP – EHS / ES – FCC – FDA – FIT – Health – Itron – NIH – NTP – Ofgem – Radio-off Smart Meters – RF Microwave Radiation – SLC33 – SMPS – Solar – STA (Leonie Greene) – Studies – William Bathgate – Wireless | BC – Ottawa, Ontario – Canada – UK – Hawaii & New Jersey & Pennsylvania & South Dakota & Washington, DC, USA] & Photo & PowerPoint & Websites
1) Recently, someone (and I cannot recall who) told me that ITRON smart meters do not create dirty electricity because they use a capacitor instead of a switch mode power supply (SMPS) to convert power to power the smeter. According to Electrical Engineer Bill Bathgate, who has taken tthe ITRON smeter apart, he has found the SMPS and provided a photo:
(click on photos to enlarge)

from https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Evaluation-of-the-ITRON-Open-Way-AMI-Meter-PowerPoint-by-William-Bathgate-Jan.12-2017-v8-3-2-2017.pdf
This is one explanation for the fact that many people suffer health problems after being smetered, even when the transmitter is disabled. Dirty electricity can be as harmful as the microwave radiation.
2) Please see below for more activity by Americans for Responsible Technology. They are dedicating renewed efforts on educating the politicians in Washington, DC about the dangers of 5G.
Is there a will to devote similar efforts to educating our politicians in Ottawa? We could begin with our own MPs.
3) In the UK, an industry article reports that smeters and solar panels are incompatible. I couldn’t get the article at the link but a member kindly provided it. You’ll find it below. There could be technical differences between smeters used in the UK and here that make this issue irrelevant, but I don’t know. If anyone does, please let me know.


The Theory That Wireless Radiation is Safe is Crumbling.
The idea that radio-frequency (RF) microwave radiation is not harmful to humans has been promoted by the wireless industry and parroted by regulators and legislators for decades. It has been the underlying principle for all federal legislation and regulations since the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
While hundreds of studies from researchers around the world have demonstrated evidence of harm, the wireless industry has fought back vehemently, questioning both the research and the researchers, and claiming the science isn’t clear.
But now the government’s own National Institutes of Health has completed its 10-year, $30-million-dollar study, and the results are clear: exposure to wireless radiation increases the risk of cancer.
Now the question is, what are legislators going to do about it?
That’s the question we’ll be raising this week as we commence our second wave of “legislator education” on Capitol Hill. We’ll be explaining the basics of 5G, addressing the long-outdated FCC exposure guidelines, highlighting the failure of the FDA to acknowledge the results of the NIH study, and discussing Congress’s role in protecting public health.
We have thirty six meetings scheduled in two days with Republican and Democratic members who sit on key congressional committees, laying the groundwork for your phone calls! There’s Nothing Like a Phone Call
We’re using social media and special videos to reach people in the districts of key legislators who sit on committees overseeing the FCC and FDA. We’re encouraging them to learn more about the issue, and then call Washington and voice their opposition to the roll out of 5G. We have campaigns currently running in Pennsylvania, South Dakota, New Jersey and Hawaii.
We know for certain that phone calls to the offices of federal legislators are absolutely the most powerful tool we have in this fight to stop the race to roll out 5G. . Please keep calling, and encourage everyone in your network to do the same.

STA warns smart meters and solar panels ‘should be decoupled’
Smart meters and solar panels “should be decoupled” following a number of functionality issues, according to the Solar Trade Association (STA).
The STA reports that SMETS1 devices do not have the export recording functionality to link to the Data Communications Company, meaning solar panel technology was incompatible for some customers.
An initial consultation on a review of the Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme was held in 2015 in which respondents expressed their concerns about smart functionality.
Another consultation was held over the summer of this year on the proposed closure of the Feed-In Tariffs (FIT) Scheme to new applications after 31 March 2019, but the results are yet to be published.
STA spokesperson Leonie Greene told Utility Week: “A lot of the issues that are coming to light now were warned about, this shouldn’t be news.
“We should have had a consultation on this, the potential consequences were warned about and they are happening out there in the real world.
“The smart meter rollout and solar should be decoupled until these issues are resolved so you should be able to put in a smart meter but you should be able to retain your deeming.”
Supplier licence condition 33 (SLC33) stipulates that export metering with a smart meter is required however it acknowledges that it is not “possible or practical to measure the export by way of export meter readings”.
In response to the concerns raised, an Ofgem spokesperson said that while there are issues, it expected suppliers to resolve them.
“Smart meters are compatible with solar panels and any issues that do exist currently can be resolved. Once a smart meter has been installed, FIT payments should be based on the actual amount exported using readings from the meter,” the spokesman added.
“We are aware that some suppliers are continuing to make FIT payments based on the ‘deemed’ estimate of the generation sent to the grid rather than the actual amount.
“We understand that this is because, at the moment, the relevant supplier can’t always access the export meter readings. We expect suppliers to work to resolve this issue.”
The smart meter rollout which, according to the latest estimates, has so far seen 12.05 million devices installed, has seen other functionality issues which have resulted in some devices “going dumb” when customers switch supplier.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
~ Albert Einstein