[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Siting Legislation – ANSI – Cyber Attacks – Doctor Gunnar Heuser – FCC – Health Canada – Hospitals – Huawei Ban (Espionage, Security Risk, Smartphones) – IAFF International Association of Fire Fighters Exemption from SB 649 – IEEE – Jesse Jones – Media – Military – Misinformation – NGMN Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance – Privacy – RF – Safety – SHA Seattle Housing Authority – Smart Grid – Sonia Hoglander, Building Biologist – Studies – Susan Minowa, Olmsted Manor – Telus (Bernard Bureau, 5G Living Lab, PureFibre) – Tracking – Wireless – Write to David Eby, John Horgan, Michelle Mungall, MLAs re BC Hydro Itron Smart Meters & Legality of Active Grid IoT Commercial Uses Without Consent | Vancouver, BC – Australia – China – Japan – California & Seattle, Washington, USA] & (audios)
1) Telus is trying to sell the public on the benefits of 5G without any discussion about it requiring the placement of cell transmitters outside everyone’s homes or the dramatic increase in microwave radiation in the environment, making every home, every yard a hot spot. When you see this ad in a newspaper or on TV, please write to the media outlet with some facts about the safety, the privacy, and the fact that this is happening outside our homes without our permission or without our even being told. Why is Telus doing business with Huawei, a Chinese government-affiliated business capable of performing cyberattacks on our grid? Also, please add your comments to this article.

How the 5G global wireless revolution is powering B.C.’s future
TELUS leads the way into a 5G-enabled future that promises much more than faster and more reliable networks; it means a greater quality of life and stronger economy for years to come.

“Get ready, British Columbia. The next generation of wireless networks is right around the corner, bringing with it revolutionary changes to the way we work, live, learn, communicate with each other, and do business.
The 5G era promises a new age of hyper-connectivity. Where 1G gave us the very first cellular phones and 4G brought us the fast wireless speeds we enjoy today, 5G will deliver dramatically faster speeds, higher bandwidth, lower latency and more reliable connections. That, in turn, will enable a whole new digital reality, including smart cities of the future, self-driving cars, sophisticated robots, highly coordinated drones, and scores of innovations we have yet to imagine.”
2) A member has told me that someone in an MLA’s office said that they are receiving huge numbers of emails and letters about the smeters, and being forced to have one despite all of the problems. Please keep writing. Please, even if you get smetered, because if we keep up the pressure, maybe one day, perhaps when they need our votes for the next election, they will do something. The costs will eventually become obvious and this should get their attention.

If you write to the Attorney General about ITRON’s plans to use the smeters illegally, please copy your MLA, Premier Horgan and Energy Minister Mungall [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-contact-e-mail-lists/].
3) Apparently, the USA is putting pressure on other countries to boycott Huawei products, perhaps even bribing them to stop dealing with this company that is partnering with Telus to put microcell transmitters, made by Huawei, in front of all of our homes.

US pressuring allies to veto Huawei – report
“Apparently among the US concerns are that telecoms traffic through its military bases in allied countries may be compromised if any of the network uses gear from Chinese companies. Despite protestations to the contrary the US seems to be convinced that such gear can be used by the Chinese state for nefarious purposes.”
4) In Seattle, the housing authority is being paid to allow cell transmitters to be installed on roofs of its apartment buildings. The measured level of radiation is well within the levels allowed by both Health Canada and the FCC — but are dangerously high. Many independent studies report many serious diseases suffered by people living near these transmitters. Hospitals in BC do the same thing. People who are the most vulnerable are being exposed involuntarily. Telus’s microcells outside homes will cause the same health problems!!

Seattle resident concerned about cell towers on SHA apartment buildings
“The current federal standards for radiation exposure said every one of these buildings is safe for residents…

Of the Seattle Housing Authority’s 65 buildings, 22 of the apartment buildings have leases for cellphone towers generating one million dollars a year in revenue.
“A for-profit company is paying the government rent to radiate its population, its citizens… it’s just like they’re being completely ignorant and irresponsible,” building biologist Sonia Hoglander said.

Hoglander was hired by Susan to check for radiation levels after the towers were built. Hoglander said the levels of high frequency radiation found in Susan’s bedroom were alarming.”
[2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2017-12-15-cbs-news-reported-on-californias-cell-phone-warnings/
4) & 5) & Letters – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2017-06-27-firefighters-in-california-exempted-from-having-microcells-at-fire-stations/

– https://www.activistpost.com/2017/12/5g-federal-bills.html
Letters – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2017-02-09-tweeter-needed/]
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Even if all the experts agree, they may well be mistaken.
~ Bertrand Russell