[5G – AI – AVs – BCUC – Bsquare Software – Civil Rights – Clean Energy Act – Consumer Protection Agency – Consumption Measurement – Data for Sale – Drones (3D Airspace Map) – Duke Energy – EHS / ES – Electric Tariff – International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space Experiment on Humanity and the Environment (Animals, Birds, Children, Crime Under International Law, Insects, Plants) – Michael Morton, Del Boomi – Nuremberg Code – Privacy – RFR – Satellites – Sharon Noble Letter to David Eby, John Horgan, Michelle Mungall, Patrick Wruck re BC Hydro Itron Smart Meters & Legality of Active Grid IoT Commercial Uses Without Consent – Smart Cities – Smart Distribution Network – Smart Grid Sensors – Smart Water Meters (Wi-Fi) – Studies – Tracking – UN – WHO – Wireless Devices – Write to MLAs, Media & Ombudsperson | BC – EU – Cary, North Carolina, USA]
1) I circulated this a couple of months ago when I signed on behalf of the Coalition. It is interesting to look at all the organizations that have signed, from all over the world. We are in good company. If you didn’t read this before, I strongly encourage you to read at least the first half of this major document. More than 20,000 organizations, experts, scientists and individuals have signed this appeal as of today and I hope you will add your name. There is a separate page for “citizens” and here is where you can sign up.
(click on photos to enlarge)

INTERNATIONAL APPEAL Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
To the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations
International agreements are being violated
Children and duty of care
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: States shall “undertake to ensure the child such protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-being” (art. 3), “ensure… the survival and development of the child” (art. 6) and “take appropriate measures to combat disease… taking into consideration the dangers and risks of environmental pollution” (art. 24(c)).
The Nuremberg Code (1949) applies to all experiments on humans, thus including the deployment of 5G with new, higher RF radiation exposure that has not been pre-market tested for safety. “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential” (art. 1). Exposure to 5G will be involuntary. “No experiment should be conducted, where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur” (art. 5). The findings of over 10,000 scientific studies and the voices of hundreds of international organizations representing hundreds of thousands of members who have suffered disabling injury and been displaced from their homes by already-existing wireless telecommunications facilities, are “a priori reasons to believe that death or disabling injury will occur”…
We call upon the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations,
(a) To take immediate measures to halt the deployment of 5G on Earth and in space in order to protect all humankind, especially the unborn, infants, children, adolescents and pregnant women, as well as the environment;…”
2) In North Carolina, the ITRON smart meter is being used to connect many appliances within and outside homes using the very type of platform described in articles I shared in updates on Sept. 21, 22 and Oct. 25.

[1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-09-21-itron-admits-the-reasons-for-smeters/
1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-09-22-is-itrons-plan-to-use-smeters-for-other-purposes-legal/
1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-10-25-more-evidence-of-itrons-motives-to-expand-use-of-smeters/]
The smeter is being used in ways not allowed by the Clean Energy Act or the Electric Tariff. We must stop this now. Please write to Attorney General Eby, the Ombudsperson, your MLA, Premier Horgan and your newspaper. All email addresses are on www.stopsmartmetersbc.com under “CONTACT” [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-contact-e-mail-lists/].
Dell Boomi: Bringing smart cities to life
When discussing how technology will improve our lives in the future, people often point to smart cities as an example. Imagine a city where everything is connected, from your appliances to the street lights themselves, and automation is operating behind the scenes to ensure that things run smoothly…
While smart meters have been around since 2005, Cary had the insight to utilise their functionality alongside Boomi’s platform to use them in a way that benefits all of its residents as well as the city itself.
Duke Energy, the utility company for No. Carolina, uses ITRON smeters.


From: Sharon Noble
Sent:November 19, 2018
To: Commission Secretary BCUC:EX <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>
Cc: Michelle Mungall <EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca>; Premier John Horgan <premier@gov.bc.ca>; ‘Minister, AG AG:EX’ <AG.Minister@gov.bc.ca>
Subject: Illegal use of the smart meters.
Dear Mr. Wruck,
Can you please tell me if the ITRON smart meter is to be used for purposes other than for billing, which is the only use stipulated by the Clean Energy Act and the Electric Tariff, would BC Hydro have to apply to the BC Utilities Commission for approval, since the meters belong to BC Hydro?
The information I sent below was specific in its detail but I did not have an example of ITRON having put its intention into practice. Now I have an article about how ITRON has used the smart meters to establish a platform for multiple uses in Cary, No. Carolina.
Dell Boomi: Bringing smart cities to life
When discussing how technology will improve our lives in the future, people often point to smart cities as an example. Imagine a city where everything is connected, from your appliances to the street lights themselves, and automation is operating behind the scenes to ensure that things run smoothly…
While smart meters have been around since 2005, Cary had the insight to utilise their functionality alongside Boomi’s platform to use them in a way that benefits all of its residents as well as the city itself.
Duke Energy, the utility company for No. Carolina, uses ITRON smeters.
This is not a matter of privacy so the Office of Information and Privacy is not relevant. I will write to the Consumer Protection Agency, but I am sure they will consider this a matter for your office since you have the authority to ensure that BC Hydro is acting in an ethical and legal manner. The BCUC was prevented from interfering with the smart meter program. Use of BC Hydro’s meters for purposes as ITRON plans is far beyond the scope of the smart meter program.
I sincerely hope you will consider this matter of significance to the Commission. I look forward to receiving your response.
= = =
From: Complaints BCUC:EX [mailto:Complaints@bcuc.com]
Sent:November 2, 2018
To: Sharon Noble
Cc: Commission Secretary BCUC:EX <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>
Subject: RE: Illegal use of the smart meters.
Dear Ms. Noble,
Thank you for your follow up email to the BC Utilities Commission about your concerns about ITRON meters.
Please note that ITRON is a private company and does not fall under the BCUC’s jurisdiction.
If you consider that these meters are being used for illegal activities, you may consider contacting Consumer Protection BC. If you have concerns about possible privacy breaches, you may wish to contact the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC). The OIPC provides independent oversight and enforcement of BC’s access and privacy laws, including the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. You can contact the OIPC at 250-387-5629, or visit their website at www.oipc.bc.ca.
Thank you again for contacting the BCUC.
Kind regards,
= = =
From: Sharon Noble
Sent:October 29, 2018
To: Commission Secretary BCUC:EX
Cc: Morton, David BCUC:EX; Minister, EMPR EMPR:EX; OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX
Subject: Illegal use of the smart meters.
Dear Mr. Wruck,
In the information I provided initially, ITRON says that it has always intended to use the smart meter for purposes other than for billing. Now, in an industry article, there is an explanation about how this will be done. ITRON has a strategy to build a new platform for multiple applications, using the meters, “smart” grid and network.

IT Science: Making Millions of Energy Devices Smarter with IoT
Describe the strategy that went into finding the solution: To successfully create a new system designed for millions of intelligent IoT devices that would ultimately become part of the Active Grid, Itron and Bsquare outlined four requirements the application distribution and management solution had to meet. It needed to:
· reside on meters without impacting core metering functionality;
· be extremely compact in order to be delivered over potentially bandwidth constrained network connections;
· integrate seamlessly into Itron’s existing OpenWay Riva IoT platform; and
· be able to scale to millions of grid edge devices.
Ultimately, Itron and Bsquare wanted the platform to create new business model opportunities for utility and smart city customers.
Key components of the solution: Itron OpenWay Riva, a standards-compliant, IPv6 multi-application network.
Bsquare DataV Software, a complete IoT solution.
Describe how the deployment went, how long it took, and if it came off as planned: Together, Itron and Bsquare debuted the industry’s first grid edge app store known as the OpenWay Riva App Community.
This breach can be done remotely, without our knowledge or permission. In fact, the current meters might be compromised – who would know? BC Hydro certainly wouldn’t tell its customers.
Now that you know what ITRON intends to do and how they will do it, you must take action. This is not a matter of the Clean Energy Act’s instructions. This is a matter of illegal use of the meters used by an agency over which the BCUC has oversight.
IF the BCUC ignores this, then what purpose does the Commission have?
I look forward to receiving a response at your earliest convenience.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.”
~ Albert Einstein