[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers – AAEM – Alasdair Philips – Benita & Marcus Schluschen Letters to VIHA / Island Health (EHS / ES, PCQO, Wi-Fi in Hospitals & Dentist Offices) – Cancer – Children – CSE Communications Security Establishment (Scott Jones, White Labs) – Denis Henshaw – Doctor Anthony B. Miller – Elizabeth May – EMF Wise – Environment – Eric Li – FBI – Five Eyes – FortisBC Bills (Complaint to BCUC, Late Fees) – Frank de Vocht (COMARE) – GBM Glioblastoma Brain Tumours (Cell Phones, Ears) – Health – Jake Enwright – John McKay – Justin Trudeau – Marco Rubio – Mark Warner – Matthew Dubé – NSA – Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying (Manon Dion) – Peter Kent – Precautionary Principle – Randall Garrison – RF – Scott Bradley – Studies – Telus – Wingspread Conference – Write to MPs re Ban Huawei Microcells (Espionage, Safety, Security Risk) | BC – Canada – Australia – Beijing, China – EU – New Zealand – UK – USA] & Websites
1) A study in the UK finds a significant increase, especially in the 20-30 year old age range, in glioblastomas ( the most aggressive type of brain cancer, the one many studies link directly to cell phones). This is something that has been documented in other countries. As many experts point out, what is common in all of these places during this time frame is increased cell phone usage.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Location, Location, LocationAggressive Brain Tumors Tell a Story
GBM Rise Only in Frontal and Temporal Lobes
“A U.K. epidemiologist has confirmed that glioblastoma (GBM), the most aggressive type of brain tumor, is on the rise in England. In a new paper, Frank de Vocht of the University of Bristol reports that he sees a significant and consistent increase in GBM in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain over the last 20-30 years.”
[2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-07-09-incidence-of-deadly-brain-cancer-in-uk-doubled-1995-2015/
4) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-05-03-rate-of-malignant-brain-tumors-glioblastomas-doubles-in-uk/
1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-03-25-aggressive-brain-tumors-increasing-dramatically-in-uk/]
2) Huawei executives are putting pressure on MPs to try to persuade the government from seriously considering the security concerns raised by US intelligence agencies and US senators. Has anyone written to their MP about this and received any response? My MP, Randall Garrison (NDP), never acknowledged my letter, but Elizabeth May did. Please write your MP, if you haven’t or do so again if you did without a response. We should be lobbying as much as the Huawei people are. Perhaps this calls for a visit to their constituency offices when they are there.

Huawei lobbies MPs to thwart U.S. 5G boycott effort
“Key executives at Huawei Canada have been lobbying members of Parliament from all parties in an effort to convince them that the Chinese telecom giant does not pose a national security threat to Canada, according to the federal lobbying registry.
Under Chinese law, companies must “support, co-operate with and collaborate in national intelligence work” as requested by Beijing, and security experts in Canada and the United States warn that equipment produced by firms such as Huawei could be compromised on behalf of China’s ruling party.”
[If link doesn’t work, search the title above – by Robert Fife Steven Chase – A1 Front Page – October 26, 2018]
3) Someone in the area where FortisBC provides electricity believes that FortisBC has been charging thousands of residential customers late fees when all bills were paid in full on time. One alert senior inquired about an erroneous late fee and reports:

“…In this thread, Fortis admits that their system automatically charges late fees when payments are not late – but it’s ok, because they have reversed them. My issue is that if I had not studied, inquired and complained I would have assumed my account was overdue and paid the late fees (a whopping $2.92 x the number of Fortis customers??!?).”
In response to a formal complaint lodged with BCUC, FortisBC responded:
“FortisBC is investigating the issue and the preliminary investigation is indicating that on occasion the adjustment was missed due to clerical error. An in-depth investigation is currently occurring in order to identify any other impacted accounts.
FortisBC intends to refund any incorrectly charged late payment charges, with interest, as soon as the accounts have been identified.
FortisBC is reviewing the manual billing process and will be making any necessary system/process changes to prevent this from happening moving forward.”
Customers should check their prior and current bills carefully. Why would a system automatically charge a late fee?

From: From: Benita and Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
Sent: October 24, 2018
To: Patient Care Quality Office (PCQO)
Subject: no contact from VIHA
Hello Laura,
So far, no one from VIHA has called us, as we were promised twice on the telephone.
We hope VIHA is taking the time to educate themselves on the latest EMF research, as we provided in previous emails. We sincerely hope that VIHA will contact the eminent Dr. Anthony Miller, after reading his letter that we also provided a few days ago, titled: Adverse Effects of Radiofrequency Fields.
We will not repeat his impressive credentials as described in his letter, but will remind that Prof. Anthony Miller served on countless committees assessing the carcinogenicity of various exposures, including working groups of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
Dr. Anthony B. Miller:
Telephone: (416) 487 5825
Emails: ab.miller@utoronto.ca and ab.miller@sympathico.ca
This site provides a condensed summary of EMF research and should be helpful for VIHA to increase their knowledge regarding the biological effects of EMF.
Health Effects of Wireless Radiation
The following sections discuss the scientific and epidemiological studies on wireless radiation.”
- Infertility
- Cancer
- Sleep Disruption/Insomnia
- Calcium Efflux
- Arrhythmia and other Cardiac Problems
- Neurological Problems
Please consider the Precautionary Principle as was defined in the 1998 Wingspread Conference statement: “When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.”
The outdated belief that non-ionizing radiation (WiFi, cell towers, etc.) is safe has been rebuked internationally, to the point that the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) stated: “The peer reviewed, scientific literature demonstrates the correlation between RF exposure and neurological, cardiac, and pulmonary disease as well as reproductive and developmental disorders, immune dysfunction, cancer and other health conditions. The evidence is irrefutable!”
“While the debate ensues about the dangers of RF, it is the doctors who must deal with the after effects. Until we can determine why some get sick and others do not, and some are debilitated for indeterminate amounts of time, we implore you to not take the risk, particularly with the health of so many children with whose safety you have been entrusted. Avoidance will always be the best policy. It should be reflected by minimizing RF exposures in public spaces.”
We hope that the Patient Care Quality Office will call us, as we were promised.
Kind regards,
Benita and Marcus Schluschen
P.S. Please add this information to our previous emails.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.”
~ Albert Einstein