1) For those who missed the EMF Summit and want to see more of the interviews, they are available this weekend for free, again. Below, in Letters, is the email I received today.
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) When John Horgan was in the minority, he promised to recognize and acknowledge the right of those who did not want a smeter to not have one. He seems to have forgotten the commitments he made and the help we gave him to get elected. Please – remind him. From the start, Horgan’s primary concern was the costs. Rightly so, he argued that this $billion was unnecessary. What has he done now that he knows this is a never-ending expenditure? Many people have complained to me that he won’t answer emails and his staff at his constituency office is rude and refuses to allow meetings. Is this the John Horgan we knew and elected? I still have received no acknowledgement of my 600+ page Fire Report [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/bcuc-smart-meter-fires-the-failure-to-protect/] – and fires are continuing to occur.
John Horgan on Smart Meters – August 06, 2011 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAHSXKuJgN8
John Horgan – Concerns With Smart Meters – February 14, 2013 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-yG0pZapsM (NDP’s point of view re. smeters)
BC NDP John Horgan Talks Smart Meter opt out with press – May 11, 2013 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL3RMvRuPUI (When we presented him with petitions signed by more than 30,000 people. He tabled the petitions and that is the last we heard of them.)

“US Senator Patrick Colbeck Testifies Against the deployment of 5G because of the reported health effects from wireless technologies in a hearing 2018.”
4) Physicians for Safe Technology ( https://mdsafetech.org/ ) is a relatively new group with doctors (MDs) from around the world joining together to warn governments and the public about the consequences of microwave radiation. Lots of very interesting info that should be shared with doctors and the medical community in general. Wonder if our Public Health officials would accept any such info coming from medical experts. Here is a summary of the problems with 5G.

“Far from being mobile, this technology will depend on thousands of fixed “small cell” antennae throughout cities and residential neighborhoods, about 300 meters (~1000 feet) apart. In order to function, these short wavelength radiofrquencies (6-100 Gigahertz or GHz) will be pulsing at billions of times a second (1GHz=1 Billion cycles /sec) and will be continuously emitting radiation 24 hours a day. In a addition, a newer technology which is used in the military for early warning missile radar systems, PAVE PAWS, is incorporated into these systems called phased arrays, where by more powerful built in “beam steering” arrays scan back and forth from tower to device and from device to tower for easier connection with an individual’s movement, similar to the missile systems.”https://mdsafetech.org/problems/5g/

The 2018 EMF Health Summit is over. (But I have good news below.)
Did you miss any of it?
Maybe you missed day 3’s breakthrough anti-cancer sessions with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and Ty Bollinger.
Maybe you missed day 5’s revelations about how small changes in your diet and ancient oils and herbs can protect your cells from EMFs.
Or maybe you missed the “life hacks” for protecting your EMF-vulnerable children from digital toxins on day 6.
If you missed ANY of this crucial, life-changing information…
Don’t worry.
My team and I recorded every second. And we’re making a rebroadcast available for a very short period of time.
For the next 2 days (until midnight EDT tomorrow) you can catch all the action you missed.
After that you will NOT be able to access this for free.
This is extremely sensitive information, so I can’t make any exceptions.
Click here to watch the rebroadcast … and make sure you have all the tools to protect your family from the silent menace that is EMFs.
Lloyd Burrell
Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world!