[3G – 4G – 5G – AT&T – BC Hydro – BCUC & Smart Meter Fires: The Failure to Protect by Sharon Noble – Ceet Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications – Cell Phones – Children – Claire Trevena – ComEd – Duke Energy – Health – IoT – Itron – Jayant Baliga – John Horgan – Kate Kheel – Kerry Hinton – Kris De Decker – Lawsuits – Michelle Mungall – Opt Outs – PG&E (Whistleblower Pat Wrigley) – Robert Ayre – Rodney S. Tucker – Sabine El Gemayel Interview re Generation Zapped – Safety – SaskPower – Smart Meters (Appliance Damages, EHS, Explosions, Failures, Measurement Errors, Privacy, Security, Recalls, Replacements) – Studies – Telus – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless Energy Consumption (Not Green) | Port Hardy, BC – Africa – Asia – USA] & Documentary & (videos)
1) Here is a 15 minute interview with the person who made “Generation Zapped” which is now available through a variety of sources. Hopefully, it will go viral – because it can help alert so many people to the dangers we are working to stop. If you are thinking of having a public meeting about 5G, this would make for a perfect documentary to show.
(video 15:04) New film on wireless tech: Safe for our kids? by Josh del Sol – YouTube – July 13, 2018:
‘Generation Zapped’ – a must-see investigative documentary on wireless, health and our children
“This is an inspiring, provocative and excellent film. It will give you the first-hand science. It will explain the bias and cover-up. And it will show you what you can do to protect your family. Every parent, educator and legislator needs to see it, and take some simple steps accordingly to protect the lives with which we are entrusted.”
2) Kate Kheel has forwarded this info about wireless technology using much more energy than wired does. If 3G uses 15 times more energy than wired, and 4G uses 23 times more, I wonder much more energy 5G will use. Wireless devices are not green in any sense. From the smeters that have to be replaced every 5-7 years with plastic and lithium batteries that must be recycled, to cell phones that use minerals that are mined by children in Africa and end up in piles of garbage in Asia, nothing is green. When BC Hydro, Telus, AT&T or any company says this, they must be corrected.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2009/06/embodied-energy-of-digital-technology.html
Wireless consumes far more energy than wired technologies. To support this statement, some people cite the article, Energy Consumption in Wired and Wireless Access Networks that states that wireless uses 10 times more energy than wired technologies. But this number is conservative.
I prefer to use Kris De Decker’s article, Why We Need a Speed Limit for the Internet which states:
“A wired connection (DSL, cable, fibre) is the most energy efficient method to access the network. Wireless access through WiFi increases the energy use, but only slightly. However, if wireless access is made through a cellular network tower, energy use soars. Wireless traffic through 3G uses 15 times more energy than WiFi [and by extension slightly more than this when compared to using a wired connection at the premises], while 4G consumes 23 times more [again, by extension slightly more than this when compared to using a wired connection at the premises].“

Bottom line: As stated in The Power of Wireless Cloud, “Wireless access networks are clearly the biggest and most inefficient consumer of energy in the cloud environment.”
However you choose to support the fact that wireless consumes far more energy than wired, legislators, who are being led to believe that wireless is a “green” technology, need to hear this.
For more on energy consumption, please see:
3) As we all know, smeters burn, damage homes, make appliances malfunction, etc. This topic is derided by utilities and utility commissions because they don’t want to have to replace the smeters. The meter makers have been aware of these problems for a long time – long before BC Hydro signed the contract – yet no politician or commissioner has been willing to take ITRON to task for installing a known hazard on our homes.

Here is a recent article with some of the photos taken from our site (without acknowledgement). My fire report is still out there [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/bcuc-smart-meter-fires-the-failure-to-protect/], with no response from Horgan, Mungall, Trevena, BC Hydro, the Greens, the BCUC. They all hope we will go away….

News Reports Confirm That Utility “Smart” Meters Lead to Appliances Behaving Badly, Fires, and Explosions
“There have been problems reported by consumers all over the world about digital and wireless utility “Smart” Meters. Some complaints are because meters have caused appliances to malfunction and break.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet.”
~ Alice Walker