[5G Ethics – AI – André Fauteux – Anderson Cooper (60 Minutes) – Anthony Bean (The Telos Project, Working with Video Gamers and Games in Therapy – A Clinician’s Guide) – Behaviour – BPA Bonneville Power Authority – Brain Hacking – Cancer (Brain Tumours, Breast, Leukemia) – Cell Phone Addiction by Silicon Valley Programmers – Children – Conflict Minerals – Digital Addiction / Heroin (Dopamine, Oxytocin) – Distracted Parenting – Doctor Jack P. Shonkoff – EMF – Energy Consumption – Fibre Optics – Gaming Disorder (Anxiety, Depression) – George Carlo – Henry Lai – Hilarie Cash (reSTART) – ICD – Injuries – IoT – Jessa Reed – Kate Kheel – Kathy Hirsh-Pasek – Language Development – Magda Havas Letter to Globe and Mail re BC Hydro Substation Under School – Media – Mental Health Insurance – Power Lines – Roberta Michnick Golinkoff – Safety – Screen Time – Sleep – Smartphones – Studies – Technoference – Vladimir Poznyak – Weapons – WHO – Wireless Devices | Vancouver, BC – Portland, Oregon & Fort Worth, Texas, USA] & Books & (videos) & Website
1) The Dangers of Distracted Parenting
(click on photos to enlarge)

“When it comes to children’s development, parents should worry less about kids’ screen time — and more about their own.”
2) This from George Carlo via a friend in Quebec, Andre Fauteux:
“This is a very big deal. ‘Gaming Disorder’ is now included in the International Classification of Diseases — the ICD — as of today when the 11th edition was published. This means that the World Health Organization has recognized the condition as a verifiable diagnosis. Health insurance will now have to consider coverage of some forms of treatment. But, this reaches right to the heart of 5G and it opens the avenue for discussion of dangers among kids.

Some media have asked for my view. This is a quote that I have been providing in case you want to use it:
“That the World Health Organization has now recognized Gaming Disorder as an ICD diagnosis is an important step forward for management of this condition, especially as it portends future insurance coverage for bona fide treatments. However, more importantly, it is a wake-up call for parents, teachers, coaches, health care providers and all of those responsible for the wellbeing of our young people. This is an insidious problem that is growing day by day — in our homes, schools, places of business, centers of recreation and even in our arenas. It’s sneaking up on us all. Prevention is achievable. It’s time.” …
Henry (Lai) was years ahead of everyone else on this — catching up to him now. I don’t know the full database but for it to be included in the ICD, there has to be overwhelming causation science. No doubt the mechanism includes both psychological adhesion, habituation and physical releases of ‘feel goods’ such as dopamine and oxytocin.
Check this out: http://missourieducationwatchdog.com/60-minutes-why-cant-we-put-down-our-smartphones-brain-hacking/
[1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2017-04-10-cbss-60-minutes-deliberate-addiction-to-phones-etc/]
It’s another of the insidious ‘boiling frog principle’ tech challenges to our society….. It was a lot easier when the biggest problem we had to worry about was kids smoking a little bit of weed at the high school dance……. Times have changed…..”
3) Kate Kheel, a colleague in the USA, has just expanded her website with some excellent information. I especially recommend reading the section on fiber optic cable:

“The “Ethics” section on the website, www.whatis5g.info, is now complete. It includes many resources addressing the environmental and social injustices of 5g and the IoT, as well as other ethical issues pertaining to AI, autonomous weapons, cyborgification (merging humans and technology) etc. https://whatis5g.info/ethics/
There are now a total of 9 sections on the website devoted to the “downsides” of 5g and the IoT:
Health, privacy, cybersecurity, environment, energy consumption, effects on brains and humanity, e-waste, conflict minerals, and ethics — something to “tick-off” nearly everyone.
In addition there is a section on the website dedicated to the many benefits of fiber over wireless; a “Take Action” page with resources for taking action as well as news about actions taken related to 5g. And finally, there are blog posts on various topics related to the downsides of 5g/IoT.
Guest blog posts are most welcome. If interested, please contact <rethinking5g@whatis5g.info>.

From: Magda Havas <mailto:mhavas@trentu.ca>
Sent: June 20, 2018
To: letters@globeandmail.com
Subject: BC Hydro revives contentious underground substation plan for downtown Vancouver
Who will accept responsibility for the substation? Where does the buck stop?
If this project goes ahead and a school is built next to an underground substation in Vancouver, who will take responsibility for the adverse health effects that are likely to develop among the students and staff at the school? How can parents accept money for a new school at the cost of the health of their children? This proposal makes no sense for a society that values human health. It makes sense only for a society that values money above health and feigns ignorance of the science.
We have known for decades that children who live near power lines have a greater risk of developing leukaemia and that workers exposed to power frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) have an increased risk of developing various cancers including leukaemia, breast cancer and brain tumours. If you don’t believe me then I suggest you read the Bonneville Power Authority (BPA) book that was published in 1989 entitled: Electrical and Biological Effects of Transmission Lines: A Review. It is available free online at: https://la-dwh.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/
Chapter 3 summarizes human cancer studies with EMF exposure and Chapter 2 summarizes non-cancer health effects including mental and reproductive health. Of the more than 300 studies reviewed, approximately 50% report harmful effects and only 5% report beneficial effects. A weight-of-evidence analysis (harmful vs. beneficial) clearly favours harm! (See table below)
This is research conducted by the Power Authority in Portland Oregon and not by activists! How can BC Hydro ignore this research? And who, among those who allow this project to be approved, are willing to take fiduciary responsibility for the consequences?
Dr. Magda Havas, BSc, PhD
Trent School of the Environment,
Trent University,
1600 West Bank Drive,
Peterborough, ON, K9J 7B8 CANADA
Website: www.magdahavas.com
Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/magdahavas
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Cell phones will probably increase many neurological diseases and brain tumors over the next 10 to 20 years.”
~ Dr. Neil Cherry – Professor of Environmental Health Lincoln University, New Zealand