[2G – 3G – 4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Annie J. Sasco – BC Hydro Customer Crisis Fund – BCOAPO – BCUC (Katharine Carlsen) – Bills in Arrears & Disconnections – Ceferino Maestu – Consumers Energy – Council of Europe Resolution 1815 – Dafna Tachover Testimony – David O. Carpenter – DOE Department of Education – EMF – EMR Microwave Radiation – Fátima Carrasco – Health (Brain Tumours, Chronic Fatigue, EHS / ES, Fibromyalgia, Leukemia, MCS) – Helen Pemberton – Itron Smart Meter Fires – Platform Stop 5G – Sandra Hawkes – Sharon Noble Letter to Patrick Wruck re BC Hydro Customer Crisis Fund & Smart Meter Opt-out Financial Reports – Studies – Telefónica – White Areas / Zones – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices | BC – Australia – EU – Segovia, Spain – Battle Creek, Michigan, USA] & (audios) & (video)
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1) 2 smeter fires in Michigan. ITRON Openway meters, the same ones used in BC, are used in Michigan. Hopefully, someone in Michigan will be able to get a full report, but their Fire Marshals and Inspectors operate very much like those in BC do.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Electric meter fires spark warning from Battle Creek crews
“Fire crews are asking people living in Battle Creek’s Washington Heights neighborhood to be vigilant as authorities try to determine what caused a pair of electric meter fires.”
2) BC Hydro and BCUC have decided to increase bills by $.25 a month to create a crisis fund. To handle this, a bureaucracy is required that will cost $900,000 a year. Really? Should we trust BC Hydro to manage something like this or is this just another money grab?
BC Hydro customers steamed over new crisis fund charge
“A BCUC report says the program will collect $5.3 million per year from BC Hydro’s 1.8 million residential customers. The annual cost of operating the program is estimated at $900,000 with an additional $600,000 to set it up.
A successful crisis fund applicant can be granted a maximum of $600 per year to be put against unpaid hydro bills, renewable every 12 months.”
3) A very informative video of testimony regarding 5G in Michigan.
Dafna Tachover Michigan House Energy Policy Testimony 05/29/18 5G
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTo7imWb5bM (37:49 minutes)
4) It’s always good to know that we are not alone in our effort to educate people about microwave radiation and to change the regulations/guidelines. You can download (open) a newsletter from an Australian group.

And on the weekend, there was a human chain protesting 5G in Segovia, Spain.
Spain : A Human Chain Demands Transparency in the Deployment of 5G in Segovia
5) A document by the US DOE Dept of Education, 2001, re. Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and the accommodations that “contains information on symptoms associated with MCS, potential causes of MCS, and suggestions on ways to accommodate individuals with MCS.” Acknowledgement is made that EMF exacerbates the symptoms and that remediation is required. A lot of the info provided applies to EHS.


From: Sharon Noble
Sent: June 19, 2018
To: ‘Commission Secretary BCUC:EX’ <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>
Subject: Crisis Management Fund
Dear Mr. Wruck,
Like many of BC Hydro’s customers, I first heard of this new fund that will be managed by BC Hydro thanks to the article above. Can you please tell me when notice was provided that such an application had been submitted?
I assume that BC Hydro provided financial information to support the $900,000 that will be needed per year to manage this fund and the crisis payments, and the $600,000 required to set the bureaucracy in place. Would you please provide me with a copy of this financial information?
Given the fact that I have been unable to get a financial report regarding the many millions of dollars in fees gathered and the expenses incurred by the smart meter opt out option, it is worrisome that BC Hydro will collect another significant amount in mandatory fees. Will BC Hydro be required to provide the public with a full accounting of the fees recovered and the payments made?
Thank you for your time and assistance with my request.
Sharon Noble
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
~ Martin Luther King Jr.