[Areas of High Levels of 5.6 GHz Environmental Microwave Radiation Pollution in Huntersville, North Carolina by Stewart D. Simonson & Pellervo Kaskinen – Auburn Ocular Melanoma Page Community Facebook – Blue Light – Brain Tumours – Canadian Consumer Affairs, ISED – Cell Phones – Cell Towers (Beatties Ford Rd., Miranda Rd., Mt. Holly Huntersville Rd.) – Conflicts of Interest (Anders Ahlbom, Eric van Rongen, Ragnar Rylander) – Doctor Marlana Orloff – EMFs – EMR – FAA Safety Guidelines – FCC – Frederick Kam – Health (Eyes, Skin) – Hopewell High School – IARC – ICNIRP – LNG Storage Tank – Lori Haase – Mona Nilsson – OM Ocular Melanoma Cancer Clusters (Huntersville 18 & Auburn University 36: Allison Allred, Ashley McCrary, Juleigh Green, Kenan Colbert, Lori Lee, Vicki Kerecman) – Pat Cotham – Power Lines – Radar Beam Obstructions Reflect & Re-radiate & Hot Spots – RF Group 2B – Sleep (Insomnia) – Steve Durant – Studies – TDWR Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (Airports, Ferry Terminals) – US CPSC Public Notice Docket No. CPSC–2018–0007 (send Comments re IoT) – WHO EMF Project – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices | EU – Netherlands – Sweden – Auburn, Alabama & Charlotte & Huntersville & Lake Norman, North Carolina, USA] & (video)
1) Is this the answer to the ocular melanoma cluster? There are now 18 cases in 2 communities. I wonder if a similar radar device is in the Alabama community that has a similar cluster. This is an extremely important article that anyone living in the area of an airport, ferry terminal, etc. where radar is used should read and demand that the government take precise on-site readings.
[….The reflection of the pulsed microwave radiation off steel and/or aluminum cell towers as well as the cell tower antenna arrays is irradiating the surrounding area of Beatties Ford Rd., Mt. Holly Huntersville Rd and Miranda Rd. with pulsed 5.6 GHz microwave radiation pollution as the beam sweeps the area approx. every 20 seconds. This was verified and documented during our field survey….]
(click on photos to enlarge)

How can this information still be ignored??
1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2017-04-18-cancer-cluster-in-north-carolina-is-it-linked-to-emf/
Auburn Ocular Melanoma Page Community Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pg/Auburn-Ocular-Melanoma-Page-405444223229609/posts/
2) The US Consumer Product Safety Commission [CPSC] is asking for public comments about the safety of the Internet of Things, which will enable the connection of many products and activities via the internet. The deadline for verbal comments is May 2 but written comments can be submitted until June 15. I don’t know if comments from non-US residents will be considered but it wouldn’t hurt to submit comments and consider sending them to the Canadian Consumer Affairs which is, unfortunately, part of ISED (formerly Industry Can.)

The Internet of Things and Consumer
Product Hazards – https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2018-03-27/pdf/2018-06067.pdf
3) Our bodies are tough and can take a lot of abuse during the day if we sleep well at night, allowing them to recover, both emotionally and physically.
Deep Sleep is the Key to Emotional Resilience
“Some of the most important, but frequently overlooked factors that can have a significant impact on sleep are your nighttime exposure to the following:
Electronic screens. Avoid using electronic media for at least an hour or more before bedtime, as the blue light emitted from these devices (including TVs) inhibit melatonin production. Melatonin not only regulates your sleep-waking cycle; it’s also a powerful antioxidant, and low levels have been repeatedly linked to an increased risk of cancer.
The research is quite clear that people who use smartphones and computers, especially in the evening but also during the daytime, are more likely to report insomnia. A study in Y 2018 revealed that people exposed to cellphone radiation for 3 hours before bedtime had more trouble falling asleep and staying in a deep sleep…
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from electric wiring in your bedroom walls also negatively affect sleep by disrupting cellular communication and impairing melatonin secretion. EMFs also harm our mitochondria by producing oxidative damage, and have been linked to neuronal changes that affect memory and the ability to learn.
Fortunately, we can remediate it by turning off the circuit breaker to bedroom before going to sleep.”
4) Mona Nilsson once again has identified and outed someone in a position of power who has conflicts of interest and/or no relevant experience in EMR-related fields. This time it’s the Chair of ICNIRP, the body that greatly influences decisions by WHO and other bodies, even though ICNIRP is filled with industry-affiliated people. Read the comments, too.

Comment from Mona Nilsson in response to Eric van Rongen’s comment on BRHP
“We who work seriously with this issue cannot see any other logic than that your career as expert must be dependent of industry and that your “positions” all along have been to the benefit of industry when doing a “who-benefits” analysis of your statements that ignores or downplays the massive amount of data and research results that clearly and repeatedly show negative health effects..Also when analyzing the industry positions we can clearly see that they appreciate and make use of your “positions”.
You never declare that your “position” is in fact a minority position::over 200 other scientists do not agree, Neither do we who are checking the facts.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet.”
~ Alice Walker