[A Cure in Sight – Auburn Ocular Melanoma Page Community Facebook – BC Public Health Act – BCCDC – Bias – Brain Cancer – Canadian Environmental Protection Act – Children – CMS Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools – Dave Stetzer – DE Dirty Electricity VFDs – Doctor Michael Brennan – ElectriCities – EMFs – Environment – Highway 73 & Hopewell High School – Janis Hoffman Letter to Adrian Dix, Bonnie Henry, Mike Farnworth, Rob Fleming, Theresa Tam, Tom Kosatsky re Wi-Fi in Schools & the Precautionary Principle – John Aneralla – Kenny & Sue Colbert – Lee Sullivan – Leukemia – Marlana Orloff – OM Ocular Melanoma Cancer Clusters (Huntersville 18 & Auburn University 36: Allison Allred, Ashley McCrary, Juleigh Green, Kenan Colbert, Lori Lee, Vicki Kerecman) – Ontario Health Protection & Promotion Act – Piedmont LNG Plant – Rob Kidwell – Sam Milham – Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center – Tom Kelly – Trevor Hancock | BC – Ontario – Auburn, Alabama & Kona, Hawaii & Maryland & Huntersville & Lake Norman, North Carolina & Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA] & (videos)
1) From Janis Hoffmann, a long-time Coalition member, strong advocate against smeters, and grandmother fighting to protect her grandchildren and to allow them to attend school with their friends. Please see her letter to Dr. Kendall’s replacement, Dr. Bonnie Henry, and consider writing to Dr. Henry, asking for her to take the Precautionary Principle seriously, which is required as a public health official and a doctor.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“Parents, grandparents and teachers please send a couple of lines to the BC Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, supporting our request to take immediate action and protect our children. I have attached our letter in two formats for posting.
BC Provincial Health Officer <bonnie.henry@gov.bc.ca>
cc: hlth.minister@gov.bc.ca, mike.farnworth.mla@leg.bc.ca, EDUC.Correspondence@gov.bc.ca, educ.minister@gov.bc.ca, info@healthyschoolsbc.ca, tom.kosatsky@bccdc.ca, drtheresa.tam@canada.com
Please see this article in the Times Colonist, April 22/18, from Dr. Trevor Hancock who is at the Public Health School, Univ. of Victoria. He believes that the public health officers are duty bound to follow the Precautionary Principle and that they are doing so.
….Note that public-health officers are expected to form an opinion, and there does not have to be definitive proof, just “reasonable belief” or “reasonable and probable grounds” to act to protect the health of the public.
This is, in effect, a codification of the precautionary principle, which was defined as follows in the 1992 Rio Declaration of the Earth Summit: “Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.”
This principle is in a number of international treaties to which Canada is a signatory, and is one of the guiding principles in the 1999 Canadian Environmental Protection Act, which the government has the duty to administer — although how well it is implemented is debatable.
I can think of very few cases in a 40-year career in public health where the hazard to health turns out to be less than expected; it almost always is worse. Which is why public health must be biased in favour of protecting the health of the public, and be guided by the precautionary principle….
2) Could this be the reason for Vancouver becoming a Living Lab for 5G and other wireless expansions?
Justin Trudeau announces new Amazon Vancouver headquarters to bring 3,000 jobs
This is expected to bring an additional 3,000 high tech jobs to the city in fields including e-commerce technology, cloud computing, and machine learning.
3) An update on an article from a few months ago about a community suffering many cases of a rare ocular melanoma [1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2017-04-18-cancer-cluster-in-north-carolina-is-it-linked-to-emf/]. More cases have been reported and now a similar cancer cluster has been reported in Alabama.
Expert discusses findings from Huntersville cancer cluster research
Dozens diagnosed with rare eye cancer in North Carolina, Alabama has doctors stumped by Shelby Lin Erdman – AJC – May 01, 2018: https://www.ajc.com/news/national/dozens-diagnosed-with-rare-eye-cancer-north-carolina-alabama-has-doctors-stumped/XLndm5KbkWq3jQlCPessML/
(….So far 18 people in Huntersville and as many as 36 who attended Auburn University have been diagnosed with the disease, according to CBS News. The cancer is generally diagnosed in just 6 of every 1 million people….)
Rare eye cancer discovered in former Auburn University students by Ariel Scotti – NY Daily News – April 30, 2018: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/rare-eye-cancer-discovered-aubern-university-students-article-1.3963713
Auburn Ocular Melanoma Page Community Facebook:
– https://www.facebook.com/pg/Auburn-Ocular-Melanoma-Page-405444223229609/posts/
– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/cancer-clusters/
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“There’s a moment when you have to choose whether to be silent or to stand up.” — Malala …