[2G – 3G – 4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – 1984 by George Orwell – Aecon & CCCC (China Communications Construction Co. Ltd.) – Analogs – Arthur Firstenberg Interviews re The Invisible Rainbow – BioInitiative Reports – Breaching the Peace by Sarah Cox – Cell Phones – Chad Blystone – Children – Christy Clark – Cisco – Data – EHS Microwave Illness – ElectroSmog – Elizabeth May – EMF – EMR – FCC – Health Canada – IARC – IEEE – Insurance Liability – IoT – John Bucher – Karl Hecht – Kathy Read Letter to John Horgan & Michelle Mungall re Site C – Microwave Radiation – Myles Capstick & Niels Kuster, IT’IS Foundation – Net Neutrality – NIEHS – NTP Peer Review – Paul Héroux – Precautionary Principle – RFR Carcinogenic – Rick Adler, GlaxoSmithKline – Right to Know Warning Labels – SB 649 – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – Smart Cities – Smart Meters – Smartphones – Studies – Telecoms – Telus Fibre Optics – Timothy Schoechle – Trojan Horse – Tumours (Adrenal Pheochromocytomas, Brain Gliomas, Heart Cardiomyopathy & Schwannomas) – WHO – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless – Write to BCUC, MLAs, & Media with Official Complaints re FortisBC Power Surge Appliance Damages | Slocan Valley & Surrey, BC – China – Russia – California, USA] & (audios) & Books
1) More information about how the NTP study was conducted and the review process by the Peer Review Panel. This Panel arrived at a significant decision that THERE IS CLEAR EVIDENCE OF CARCINOGENICITY. This should change the way agencies like Health Canada and our Provincial Health Authorities treat microwave radiation. The precautionary principle is called for and we should demand that important steps be taken now, like putting labels on cell phones, and removing Wi-Fi from schools and smeters from homes.

(click on photos to enlarge)
NTP cell phone studies — experts recommend elevated conclusions
“The experts recommended that tumors in tissues surrounding nerves in the hearts of male rats, called malignant schwannomas, be reclassified from some evidence to clear evidence of carcinogenic activity…
NTP researchers also looked for noncancerous health effects in rats and mice. The panel agreed that there were increases in damage to brain tissue in exposed male and female rats, which further supported the classifications of cancerous effects in the brain.”
2) One member advised of activity by Telus in the Surrey area and sent this info. If anyone has more info, please share at: dsnoble@shaw.ca .

Surrey, across the Fraser River from New Westminster
For about 1 1/2 – 2 weeks I observed Telus trucks and the men going underground. I figured it is what you mentioned; fibre optic. This morning, 3 trucks were on my street (only 1 block long), but up on the poles. So I asked the traffic person: “Telefone?” and she said: “internet, fibre optic.” Looking while I cycled to the library, it seems side streets lines are on poles & main roads underground.
3) A member sent info about this power surge in Slocan Valley last December 18, 2017 which caused major damages and FortisBC is denying any liability. Power surge protectors were blown. Does anyone have knowledge of this or contact with some of the victims?

This is happening often and homes with smeters are most vulnerable. In many towns where some still have analogs, there is no damage except in homes with smeters.
Please, if anyone knows someone in the area where this occurred, ask them to contact me at: dsnoble@shaw.ca.
A coordinated effort should be made to gather evidence. People should: lodge complaints (giving specifics of time of event, damages that occurred with bills) and submit to their MLA, their media and to the BCUC:
& https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/contacts-media/
This is evidence that these devices are dangerous and have design flaws that allow things like this to happen. Fortunately, this time, no homes caught fire and no one was hurt. But it could happen next time.
Daybreak South 14 February 2018
(audio Interview @ 31:20-34:26)
4) Arthur Firstenberg who, for many years, has been fighting the telecoms for the right to live free from exposure to EMR, has done several interviews which will be aired over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, these will be archived.

Dear Friends,
I have been interviewed recently on several radio shows about my book, “The Invisible Rainbow” and the dangers of 5G. For those who are able to listen, the following interviews were taped and will air on:
Friday, April 6, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
WGDR-FM, Montpelier, Vermont (Goddard College Radio)
Show host: Tonio Epstein
= = =
Saturday, April 14, 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
KHNR, Honolulu, Hawaii
Show host: David Snow “Doctor Health Show”
= = =
Saturday, April 21, 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
KTRB, San Francisco
Show host: David Snow, “Doctor Health Show”
5) This important article by Dr. Paul Heroux, Prof. of Electromagnetic Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, has been re-printed in the Green Gazette. It’s vital that information like this reach as many as possible, and often it is only through efforts by people in the community that result in the smaller local media carrying it. The major outlets are mute on the subject. I am providing the initial article because it might be easier to read than the one in the Gazette.

The 5G article is out!
http://www.thegreengazette.ca/5g-and-internet-of-things-a-trojan-horse/ or
From: Kathy Read (name given with permission)
Sent: April 3, 2018
To: premier@gov.bc.ca; EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca
Subject: Important information on Site C
Mr Horgan. I am sending you a link to an article that I feel should interest you greatly. This article is about a book written by Sarah Cox that is to be published in May. The book is about the history of the idea of the Site C dam. I can hardly wait to get a copy of this book as it is going to go into all the dirt and rejections of the project and how government is ruining the lives of very hard working British Columbians.
Don’t be a fool and fall for the Legacy of Clark.

Don’t allow the CCCC, a state owned Chinese company who has the worst reputation for doing shoddy and dangerously poor work get their hands on this project. Reports have come from all over the world that this company will do anything to cut corners and workmanship is not good.
Read this article. Elizabeth May says that to work with this Chinese Government owned company will be bad news for YOU, John, and your government and [put] the people of this province in a dangerous position.
Kathy Read
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
~ Martin Luther King Jr.