[4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells versus FTTP Costs – Agnès Buzyn – Andy Shadrack Electricity Cost Change – ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental & Occupational Health & Safety) – AT&T – BC Hydro Smart Metering Program – Brad Bennett – Breaching the Peace by Sarah Cox – Cancer – Cell Phones (CDMA, GSM) – Charter Communications (Tom Rutledge) – Corruption – Children – Christy Clark – Cisco – Clean Energy Act – Comcast – Copper Landlines – Cybersecurity Attacks – Data Breach Investigations Report Webinar (Chris Camacho, Jeff Duran, Michael Coden, Rick Holland) – David Suzuki – Doctor Annie Sasco – EHS Disability – EMFs – Environment – FCC Spectrum Frontiers – First Nations – French National Frequencies Agency – Google Fiber – Gordon Campbell – Grand Chief Stewart Phillip – GSM Association – Heritage Conservation Act – HetNet Heterogeneous Network – IARC – IoT – IP Video – John Bucher – John Horgan – Justin Trudeau – Kate Kheel – LNG – Lorna Louise Letter of Comment – LTE – Marc Arazi, Alerte Phonegate – Marc Eliesen – Media – MIMO – Muskrat Falls (Nalcor) – Nicolas Hulot – Nielsen’s Law – NTP Peer Review – Qualcomm – Ransomware – RF – Rural Wireline Broadband – Secrecy & Spin – Site C Dam – Stephen Harper – T-Mobile – Tumours (Brain Glioblastomas, Heart) – Vantage Point – Verizon – WHO – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices – Write to BCUC re Tier Pricing (FortisBC 2017 Cost of Service Analysis & Rate Design) | Kaslo & Victoria, BC – Newfoundland – EU – France – Durham, North Carolina, USA] & Book
1) Press release that was sent to French media regarding the peer review of the NTP study.

(click on photos to enlarge)
Link confirmed between mobile phone radiation and appearance of cancers
2) From Kate Kheel in the USA:

The following article deliciously and (in my opinion) exquisitely details why 5G is not at all a viable substitute for fiber.
“As the 5G wireless network is more expensive for the initial capex (capital expenditure) as well as opex (operating expenses) and provides 1 percent of the broadband speed and capacity available on an FTTP network, it is unlikely to be a good investment if used only for fixed broadband services. There may be some select scenarios for which it makes economic sense, but one would expect those scenarios to be limited.”
“But to deliver the high speeds and high capacity that many hope for, 5G requires a deep fiber network very similar to FTTP. When one puts fiber so deep into a network, why stop at the small cell rather than at the premises a few hundred feet away?
Fiber to the premises allows much higher speeds and availability without the same kinds of capacity limitations.”
3) A new book [https://www.ubcpress.ca/breaching-the-peace], written to show the sordid history of Site C, through 3 Premiers who have broken promises and deceived the voters. Horgan can still reclaim some of his reputation if he cancels this horrid deal. And remember that the smeters were treated in the very same manner.
In 2008, BCUC rejected an application for the program based on the benefits not justifying the costs and the technology being too new to be trustworthy. So, like Site C, the Liberals wrote the Clean Energy Act and mandated these 2 very expensive ‘Un-green” projects, prevented all oversight by the BCUC, and gave a green light to BC Hydro to run rampant over our rights and the environment. Perhaps the author will consider another book about the smeters.

The three decades of sordid political shenanigans behind the Site C dam
“Journalist Sarah Cox, an environmental reporter based in the BC legislature in Victoria, is one such person. She has written a searing new book about the scandalous Site C Dam in British Columbia, “Breaching the Peace.” Published by On Point Press, a trade imprint of UBC Press, it hits shelves in May, and the author will be travelling the country on a book-tour.
Cox’s work is so much more than a rough draft of history. It is a heart-wrenching, detailed chronicle of yet another sorry environmental and human disaster in a province as cursed by its politicians as it is blessed by Nature. It tells the story of the failure of due process and the triumph of misinformation. And the first-time author presents a documented indictment of a political system that that looks like it was designed by Donald Trump – without a chief-of-staff.”
4) In case any of you are interested in learning more about data breaches and cybersecurity, there is going to be a free webinar on April 10 put on by Verizon.

5) Andy Shadrack, who sent in info about the FortisBC application for a flat fee structure for its electricity customers, is very concerned that FortisBC already charges higher rates than BC Hydro does. If the flat rate is approved, the rates will increase even more, which will become onerous for many on fixed and lower incomes. Below, please see another email asking for people who are FortisBC customers to help put pressure on the BCUC to refuse this application. If you do, and do not wish to make the information public, you can request that personal info. be redacted before it is put on the BCUC website.

From: Andy Shadrack (name given permission)
Sent: April 3, 2018 10:10 AM
To: Sharon Noble
Subject: Fwd: BCUC Application Update: 1598939 FortisBC Inc. 2017 Cost of Service Analysis & Rate Design
Tuesday April 3
Sharon, the Louise letter from a low income senior in Kaslo was emailed in at 6:17 AM this morning and posted by 9:15 AM.
I think the Commission is starting to feel the heat from FBC customers who are writing the provincial politicians as directly as they are BCUC:
<shane.simpson.mla@leg.bc.ca> MLA Nelson-Creston Michelle Mungall <michelle.mungall.mla@leg.bc.ca>, <david.eby.mla@leg.bc.ca>, <selina.robinson.mla@leg.bc.ca>, <jinny.sims.mla@leg.bc.ca>, <carole.james.mla@leg.bc.ca>, <andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca>, <andrew.wilkinson.mla@leg.bc.ca>, <john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca>, Chief Administrative Officer CAO <cao@kaslo.ca>
Please encourage people to state:
– How long they have been FortisBC customers.
– Their Annual income if they are comfortable sharing their Annual cost of electricity.
– What they feel about a 16.7% increase in the Basic Charge over 5 years, when increases under 58.1(6) are supposed to be kept to 2% per annum, before any annual incremental rate changes are added in.
– What they feel about the Tier 1 rate (under 800 kWh per month and 1,600 per two month billing period) also rising by 16.3%, before we add in any incremental energy rate changes between 2019 and 2023.

I attach [see above – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/FortisBC-Cost-Change-Of-Electrical-Service-For-Kaslo-Low-Income-Household-2006-2023-2017-CoSAaRD.pdf], as an example, the kind of Basic Charge increase my spouse and I are facing (I am on GIS and she is on a CPP disability pension), 58.4% between 2017 and 2023.
I cannot emphasize enough the need for low income people to speak up, as no one else will (if they do not) for them.
= = =

From: <web.administrator@bcuc.com>
Subject: BCUC Application Update: 1598939 FortisBC Inc. 2017 Cost of Service Analysis & Rate Design
Date: 3 Apr 2018
The following document has been posted on the BCUC web: www.bcuc.com
Application: FortisBC Inc. 2017 Cost of Service Analysis & Rate Design
Document: E-11
Document URL: http://www.bcuc.com/Documents/Proceedings/2018/DOC_51201_E-11_Louise_Letter-of-Comment_Redacted.pdf
Document Type: Hearing Document
Please note that you can remove your name from this application distributed list at any time from the Change Your Profile link on our web site.
If you have any other problems or questions, please contact web.administrator@bcuc.com
Thank You,
BCUC Web Administrator
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived
~ Nicolo Machiavelli