[Aecon – Air Gap Technology – Airplane Mode – Analogs – BC Hydro – Bills – Bluetooth – Brain Cancer – Cell Phones – Children – CityWest – Connect to Innovate – Council of the Haida Nation – EHS – EMFs – Environment – Grant Bierlmeier, FortisBC – Health – High Starting Current Motor Appliances – Infertility – Interference – iPads – iPhones – Jinny Sims – Joe Lavoie, Gwaii Communications – LNG Fracking – Michelle Mungall – Microwave Radiation – Navdeep Bains, ISED – Oona McOuat Letter re Connected Coast & Wired Fibre Optics – Chief Harvey McLeod, Peter Hilton & Teri Clayton, Upper Nicola Band – Plugable Micro USB Ethernet Adaptors – Pyranometer – Security – Shaw – Site C Costs – Smart Meter False Readings (Higher Consumption) caused by Rogowski Coil (higher) & Hall Sensors (lower) & EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility – Solar Farm – Ted Twietmeyer – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wired – Wireless Education | Haida Gwaii, BC – Canada – China] & Website
1) Air Gap Technology: Hardwiring Android and Windows Tablets

Hardwiring your Android or Windows devices to bypass wireless technology
“After much research, we discovered the Plugable Micro USB B RJ45 ethernet adaptor. This adaptor allows the connection of a normally wireless Windows tablet (version 8.1 and 10 supported) plus many Android tablets and smartphones, to a secure network Ethernet cable.”
2) Federal and BC governments are investing in fiber optic cable to homes in Haida Gwaii allowing, as Oona McOuat said in her letter published in Prince Rupert’s paper and shared in last night’s update, for better, safer internet access for businesses, homes and schools. This eliminates wireless access for those who are connected. Wish the same was being offered in larger communities.

Hundreds more Haida Gwaii homes to get high-speed internet
Gwaii Communications wins $4.9-million grant from Canada, B.C., Gwaii Trust to expand local services
“Like a landline phone service, individual homes will connect to the network using fibre-optic lines hung on telephone poles. Those “last-mile” hook-ups will connect to the underground fibre-optic mainline that the GwaiiTel Society extended from Old Massett to Skidegate in 2016 (It is through GwaiiTel that the Gwaii Trust Society will contribute $500,000 to the project, as a stand-alone grant).
As well as internet, new customers will be able to sign up for digital TV and phone services through the same connection.
The project will connect most but not all homes on the islands — a step that could cost another $4 to $5 million. Half of Tlell will be left out for now, as well as some hard-to-reach houses in larger villages, such as Queen Charlotte. Every home that can connect to the fibre-optic system will need to switch from a wireless to a wired connection…
Also, as Minister Navdeep Bains pointed out while announcing the project in the Haida Heritage Centre, it means every Haida Gwaii library, school, hospital, and health centre will be connected.”
3) A member found this older article that explains how a smeter works, compared to an analog, and why the consumption increases.

“None of the smart meter manufacturers have disclosed exactly how their computerized electronics actually calculate electricity use for billing consumers, but the higher sampling rate of their sensors allows the smart meters to include data from short starting load peaks that an analog meter could not sense. Also, the smart meters allow the utilities to bill the consumers for the power used by the meters to function (electronics and transmitters).”
Why Smart Meters Produce Higher Bills
4) The battle to stop the destructive, unnecessary Site C continued at a symposium held yesterday.
Speakers to discuss Site C project – and how to stop it
Finding parallels between massive northern hydro project and the Arrow Lakes flooding
And BC Hydro has finalized the contract with the Chinese firm, Aecon, at a price 27% higher than budgeted. And the NDP believe that continuing with this project is the best idea!!
5) Upper Nicola Band considering the largest solar farm in BC, and perhaps in Western Canada. Surplus power would be sold to FortisBC.

Upper Nicola Band to decide on massive solar farm
In an upcoming referendum, members of the Upper Nicola Band will decide on whether or not to move forward with a $30-million solar power project proposed for 200 acres of reserve land.
If the project was to be completed, the solar power plant would be the largest installation in Western Canada, said Peter Hilton, a senior executive with the Upper Nicola Band.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We can´t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”
~ A. Einstein