[4G LTE – 5G America – 5G Millimeter Wave Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Siting Legislation – Animals – AT&T – BCE Inc. – Brain Tumours – Cancer – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Class 2B – Communications Research Centre – Copper Wire Landlines – CTIA – Data – DNA – Doctor Anthony B. Miller – EMFs – Environment – EPA – Ericsson – FDA – Fibre Optic Backhaul – George Carlo – Health – Heart – Huawei – IARC – Intel – IoT Sensors – ISED – Joel Moskowitz – Kiersten Enemark – KT Corp – LED Lighting – Lemay-Yates Associates Inc. – Letter to Maple Ridge City Council (Corisa Bell, Gordy Robson, Kiersten Duncan, Robert Masse) & Dan Ruimy, Helena Swinkels, Lisa Beare re Shaw Free WiFi – Lisa Arangua – Martin Röösli – Media – Michael Brunjes – Michael Jerrett – Michael Patrick Murray v. Motorola, Inc. Lawsuit – Navdeep Bains – Nokia – NTP – OpenSignal – Qualcomm – RF Microwave Radiation – Rogers Centre – Ronald N. Kostoff Letter to Montgomery County Council, Maryland – Safety – Samsung – Sanjay Sagar – Self-driving Cars – Shaw – Sidewalk Labs – Sleep – Smart Cities – Smartphones – Studies – Telus – Tony Kuo – Verizon – WHO – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices | Maple Ridge, BC – Ottawa & Toronto, Ontario – Canada – Australia – Belgium – China – Ethiopia – Finland – Reykjavik, Iceland – Japan – Nepal – Netherlands – Glasgow, Scotland – South Africa – South Korea – Barcelona, Spain – Switzerland – UK – Los Angeles, California & Maryland, USA]
1) These articles are from a member who is wondering if there is a worldwide plan that we don’t know about.
a) BBC reporter writes not only about the connected cities planned for the future but the information that is already being collected by those who are connected.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Tomorrow’s cities – nightmare vision of the future?
b) Sat. Feb. 17, 2018 the Globe and Mail ran an article on pages B17 and 19 called “Wireless Wave: The information superhighway is about to get a whole lot faster“ by Christine Dobby
2) In a 6 nation study of RF levels, the USA was the highest – 70 times higher than estimated levels 40 years ago, and cell towers (transmitters) were the primary source of microwave radiation. Imagine the increase once all the microcells are active.
Cell Phone Towers are Largest Contributor to Environmental Radiofrequency Radiation
“Wireless devices and infrastructure emit RF-EMF. However, little is known about how this affects environmental exposures around the world. In the present study, RF-EMF measurements were taken in locations in Australia, Ethiopia, Nepal, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States by means of portable measurement devices. The devices considered exposure from cell phone towers, TV and FM radio broadcast antennas, cell phone handsets and Wi-Fi.
According to Dr. Martin Röösli, Associate Professor at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and senior author of the paper, “The study demonstrates that total RF-EMF exposure levels in the environment vary widely between different areas. Cell phone tower radiation is the dominant contributor in most outdoor areas.”…
Today’s outdoor RF-EMF levels in Los Angeles are about 70 times greater than what the EPA estimated forty years ago.”
3) A Wall Street Journal article that supposedly provides the answers to the question “Do Cell Phones Really Cause Brain Cancer?” But a lot of info is incomplete or questionable. For example, look at the timeline. It’s as if there have been only a few studies. What about the 23,000 going back for decades? Americans talk on cell phones “only” 12 hours a month? That seems very low and must average in people like me who never use the thing. Rates of brain cancer are flat? Who’s tracking?
I suggest we all write to: Ryan.knutson@wsj.com and give him more information and ask that he write a follow-up.

4) Please see below. Persistence may pay off with a City Council agreeing to consider the health effects of free Wi-Fi. One member has been working hard on this.

From: Ron (name given with permission)
Sent: March 8, 2018
To: Gordy Robson <grobson@mapleridge.ca>; Dan Ruimy <dan.ruimy.c1@parl.gc.ca>; helena.swinkels@fraserhealth.ca; Lisa.Beare.MLA@leg.bc.ca; Kiersten Duncan <kduncan@mapleridge.ca>
Cc: Robert Masse <rmasse@mapleridge.ca>; Corisa Bell <cbell@mapleridge.ca>;
Subject: Montgomery City Council re small cell towers
[see Letters – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-03-04-exploding-e-cigarettes-get-more-media-attention-than-exploding-burning-smeters/]
Hello Councillor Robson: (and cc’d to others)
Here’s my suggestion.
I do think Shaw Communications should hold a meeting where they will answer any and all health-related questions re putting ‘free WiFi’ in public venues in Maple Ridge. But the reality is there is no way they would do that, for obvious reasons.
Holding a debate or a public meeting on the issue may be the accepted way of doing things on matters such as this, but in this case I don’t think it is reasonable or advisable. This works when the issue is simple and understood by all parties, and where a democratic decision in favor of the majority is a realistic objective. But in the case of ‘wireless’ it is not.
This is not a socially acceptable statement, but it is the truth. The public has been ‘kept in the dark’ about the potential health effects of wireless, and is largely unaware of the potential long-term impacts. Thus they cannot competently participate in a discussion or meeting.
Also, while you are right that it is largely a federal issue, it’s unfair (I never thought I’d say this!) to make MP Ruimy the lightning rod on this issue. I expect chairing a meeting on the subject is among the last of his wish-list items.
In my opinion we are at a stage where ‘awareness’ by community leaders of the potential health impacts of exponentially escalating wireless emissions is the highest priority. Without a grasp of what we are dealing with, of its magnitude and potential long-term impacts, no reasonable direction can be set. An understanding of this is not something that I or anyone in Maple Ridge has the credentials to supply.
A couple of years ago I suggested that council allow Dr. Anthony Miller of Toronto to skype in and provide an informational session on the topic. I’d like to repeat that suggestion. I checked with him yesterday and he’s still willing to do this. He is very knowledgeable of the latest research and was involved with WHO/IARC after the 2011 decision to classify wireless as a Class 2B ‘possible’ carcinogen. He knows all the players in this field and what’s at stake.
If MP Ruimy is willing, could we coordinate a skype session at City Hall at a time that MP Ruimy is in town and available, and hopefully when MLA Beare and our local Health Officer Dr. Helena Swinkels is also available? Would all council members attend a skype session and allow Dr. Miller to provide a deeper understanding of this topic that affects all citizens?
This would be a no-pressure respectful educational session without any heavy responsibilities for anyone. No voices will be raised or chairs thrown. It is a rare opportunity to have someone of Dr. Miller’s credentials contribute to our understanding on this topic. I think understanding is the first step, right action of whatever nature may flow from there.
Let me know your thoughts.
Thank you.
Dr. Anthony B. Miller – Occupational Cancer
Anthony B. Miller. Chair, OCRC Scientific Advisory Committee. Dr. Anthony Miller is currently Professor Emeritus at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University … |
= = =
From: Gordy Robson <grobson@mapleridge.ca>
Sent: Saturday, March 3, 2018
To: Kiersten.Enemark@sjrb.ca; Dan Ruimy <dan.ruimy.c1@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: Robert Masse <rmasse@mapleridge.ca>; Corisa Bell <cbell@mapleridge.ca>;
Subject: Fwd: Montgomery City Council re small cell towers
Ok Kiersten . I will listen to shaw’s proposal
I will meet with you at 2 pm Thursday at the greenhouse. I will invite Bob and Corisa to join us if they are able
You guys should be able to converse with Ron and his friends and come to something we can believe in.
I don’t like trying to decide between radiating our kids and progress.
The least we should do in my opinion is to have our MP facilitate a conversation on the subject.
I will copy Dan and ask him for leadership on this federal issue.
Sent from my iPad
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We can´t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”
~ A. Einstein