1) Vancouver now has FREE WIFI in more than 600 locations!! This is spreading like cancer.

(click on photos to enlarge)
You can now get FREE WIFI everywhere in Vancouver (whether you want it or not!!)
2) Nova Scotia Power has applied for a smeter program. A Civil Engineer has shared his testimony given on January 19, 2018 in which he argues that the business plan, the costs, the opt-out fees are not accurate. In fact, he believes the smeter program offers insufficient benefits to justify the costs, just as many countries and US states have done – and just as the BC Utilities Commission did in 2008. We never had the opportunity to review a business plan, BC Hydro didn’t have a pilot project, BC Hydro didn’t do its due diligence to confirm the smeter program had benefits or that the smeter was safe.
On page 3, cost of project $133.2 million, 480,000 meters. Cost on a per meter basis $277.50. BC Hydro’s cost $555 per meter.
On page 12+, he argues that the cost savings projected for “Critical Peak Pricing” (Time-Of-Use billing) are unrealistic and should have been tested in a pilot project rather than use California’s experience as an example.
On pages 22-25, he argues that the projected opt-out fee of $9.42 is not justified. Actually, his accounting shows that there is no additional cost for those wanting to keep their analogs.
or https://tinyurl.com/yal59ul7
Dr. Andrew Michrowski also presented the many problems associated with smeters, from increased Dirty Electricity, loss of privacy to microwave radiation.
On page 8, he has provided a listing of some examples of biological effects to have been found at levels far below those allowed by Safety Code 6. Remember that ITRON has admitted that its meters have emissions with maximum power densities of 258 microwatts per square centimeter, as per this document:
or https://tinyurl.com/ya9nvsao
3) Insurers are warning that the risks of having the “smart” infrastructure are significant and companies are not prepared for the ramifications, many of which are major.
The Payoff and Peril of Smart Infrastructure
Although the benefits are substantial, potential risks are severe, and the evidence shows proper planning to meet them is not keeping up with smart infrastructure implementation. Insurance companies are acutely aware that the growing interconnectivity within cities may lead to large loss accumulation. In the case of a large infrastructure failure, for example, insurers could be required to meet claims across many different classes of coverage, including direct damage, business interruption, and third-party liability policies. Or take a cyberattack on the U.S. Northeast electrical grid, which could result in economic losses as high as $243 billion …
The majority of these and other innovation-related risks are uninsured: The insurance gap is as high as 83% in a cloud service disruption scenario and 93% for a mass vulnerability setting. Other risks are yet unknown.
4) A colleague in Maryland followed our lead and began asking about the tracking of smeter fires. She was able to gain the help of one of her State Senators (like our MLAs) who made inquiries. Below is the response from the Fire Marshal’s Office (which is equivalent to our Fire Commissioner). They admit that, like our Fire Commission, no tracking is done. The determination of cause is left to the insurance companies who, as we’ve found, have stayed silent on the risk. The only reason that makes sense for this silence is that they are not losing money. And they would not lose money because after they pay the claim, they sue for recovery from the party they believe to have caused the fire – that would be BC Hydro and/or ITRON. The insurers apparently believe they have no responsibility or ethical reason for warning the public about a defective, dangerous product.

This email was sent to Maryland State Senator Reilly who, it is hoped, is as outraged as we are by this. Isn’t it curious that a Maryland politician will get involved after being given less direct evidence of fires in Maryland than I have given to our Premier and MLAs, while our politicians will not even acknowledge that they received my fire report. Shameful.
From: Norman Clark [mailto:FdClark2@aacounty.org]
Sent: September 27, 2013
To: Reilly, Edward Senator
Subject: Information Request from Senator Edward Reilly
Dear Senator Reilly:
The Fire Marshal Division does keep statistics related to electrical fires on the cases that we investigate, although the number of fires determined to be electrical is very low. Most fires that may be electrical are classified as undetermined because in many cases the definitive determination of an electrical fire requires the assistance of an electrical engineer. We do not keep statistics regarding fires involving electrical meters.
The reporting system in use by the Fire Marshal Division is a national reporting system maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) that does not track this item and to do so would require a change to that system that is beyond the scope of our department. Even if the national reporting system was changed to track electrical meters, it would normally not be possible for the Fire Marshal to make that determination given the technical nature of that task and the expertise required.
The Fire Investigation Unit has a primary mission of determining criminal activity regarding a fire. Once this determination is complete, a non criminal fire becomes a civil issue. Because of the limited resources available, unless the cause is readily apparent, the final determination of cause is left to the civil parties, i.e. the insurance companies.
If I can of additional assistance, please feel free to contact me.
Wesley Clark
Acting Division Chief
Anne Arundel County Fire Department
Fire Marshal Division/Code Enforcement
2660 Riva Road, Suite 290
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
410-222-7884, ext. 3231
e-mail: fdclark2@aacounty.org
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“When there is a doubt, when it comes to our children, there is no doubt.”
~ Haifa’s mayor, Yona Yahav