[Analogs – Brain Development – Cancer – Cell Phone & DECT Cordless Phone Radiation – Children – CITO – Colin Plant – Conflict of Interest – Connected Home – Costs & Benefits – CSA – Data Privacy – Design Flaws & Fires – Doctor Gro Harlem Brundtland – EHS – Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation – Emilie van Deventer, WHO, Electrical Engineer – EMFs – EMR – Generation Zapped Documentary – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – ICNIRP – IoT – ISED Antenna System Siting Protocol Template – Landowner’s Insurance Liability – Meter Lifespans – Marg Friesen, Environmental Health Association of Manitoba – Michael Repacholi – Nigel Phair, CIS Centre for Internet Safety – Nortel – NSERC – Please Comment on Freedom Mobil/Cypress Land Services Cell Tower – Opt-out Fees – Precautionary Principle – RF – Security – Sharon Hvozdanski – Sharon Noble Letter to Dermod Travis, Integrity BC re BC Hydro Smart Metering Program Costs – Sherry Ridout – Subrogation – Susan Brice – Swedish Radiation Safety Authority – UBCM 2017 Resolution B100 on Microcells / Small Cells & Public Right of Ways – Wireless Devices | Saanich, BC – Winnipeg, Manitoba – Victoria, Australia – Norway – Sweden] & Film & (video)
1) In the Times Colonist, Dermod Travis of Integrity BC wrote about the supposed cuts at BC Hydro that would result in lower rates, etc. BC Hydro has not been honest about the costs incurred in various deals, and I wrote to Mr. Travis about many that he did not include that are specific to smeters. My letter is below and I have copied it to the Times Colonist as well.

(click on photos to enlarge)
Cost-cutting results don’t match the spin.
“It started out innocently enough. One task: How successful were the cuts at B.C. Hydro following former premier Christy Clark’s “hard look” at the Crown corporation in 2011?
Annual reports from some Crown corporations have gone the way of the dodo bird — the numbers now buried in their three-year service plans — so first step: Find the utility’s 2016/17 Financial Information Act return.”
2) Despite protests from residents, Saanich Council has approved a new 30 metres tall cell tower. Does the owner of the land renting to the telecom realize the risk and liability that falls on him? An interesting statement by the ISED person. Please make some comments to this article. The statements re. Health Canada and Safety Code 6 must be refuted because they are not true.

Saanich supports cell tower amidst growing concerns
“Hans Parmar, a spokesperson for ISED, said microcells must undergo prior public consultation before installation.”
https://fcm.ca/home/issues/telecommunications.htm – Rural broadband & Municipal Rights of Way & Antenna Tower Siting
[Cypress Land Services Inc. – http://emrabc.ca/?cat=328]
3) An article from a couple of years ago, but an excellent one, recommended by a member. The former head of WHO speaks about her EHS.
Former WHO Director General Gro Harlem Brundtland: “No doubt there are health effects from mobile phone radiation”
“Probably very few people would imagine that the doctor from the WHO is an electrical engineer without relevant medical or health related expertise. Under van Deventer’s leadership, the WHO continues to peddle the ICNIRP insufficient standards for health protection and denies the clear and increasing evidence of health risks from EMF emitting technologies. It seems that her work is more invaluable than ever before to the industry.”
This link includes another link to an interview with one of the people most guilty of perpetrating the misinformation about the safety of cell phones and other wireless devices – Michael Rapacholi. He has been accused of taking money from the telecom industry (under the table) while he headed the EMF project for the WHO, and hand picking his successor when he resigned – Emilie van Deventer – who has been affiliated with the telecoms for years. Repacholi is asked directly if parents should be concerned about their children using cell phones and he says definitely not. A horribly dangerous man.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDZx7MphDjQ (Repacholi interview – 6 minutes)
4) At the University of Canberra, Australia, the Centre for Internet Safety published a report saying that there have been few benefits realized from smeters and the costs far outweigh them, plus the risk of hacking is high. This report also discusses many smeter-related topics, e.g. compares one-way transmitters and two-way (the first lasts about 15 years, the second about 8), the privacy issues and goes into great detail about data being gathered. It is a very interesting report, a fast read.
Smart Meters: What does a connected house really mean?
http://www.canberra.edu.au/cis/storage/Smart%20Meters_FINAL.pdf (cost/benefits are on pg. 9 & 10)
[Nigel Phair – http://www.canberra.edu.au/expert/index.cfm?event=expert.detail&expertid=9742
& https://theconversation.com/profiles/nigel-phair-4391/articles]
5) A new documentary, “Generation Zapped”, is being shown in Winnipeg later this month. Perhaps some groups should join forces to organize some showings in BC.
“The thing you’re most likely keep close to you at all times may be cause for concern, a local group says.
And that’s why they’re bringing a documentary to Winnipeg that explores the possible health risks of tablets, cell phones, laptops and wireless routers.
The film, Generation Zapped, includes interviews with an oncologist, a pediatric cancer scientist, a pediatric neurologist and brain development researcher.
The movie takes a look at the potential effects of prolonged exposure to radiofrequencies from wireless technology.”
[Generation Zapped will be playing at The Park Theatre on Nov. 29 starting at 7:30 p.m.There will be a discussion to follow at 9 p.m. – https://parktheatervideo.ticketfly.com/event/1573928-generation-zapped-winnipeg/]
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: November 6, 2017
To: dobee@timescolonist.com; bmackenzie@timescolonist.com
Cc: info@integritybc.ca
Subject: BC Hydro incomplete accounting.
Dear Mr. Obee and Mr. MacKenzie,
Please find below an email I sent to Mr. Travis in response to his opinion piece. There are so many issues about which BC Hydro and the former Liberal government have been dishonest with the public. Most are financial in nature, but with regard to the smart meter program there are other, more significant issues that relate to the safety and security of British Columbians.
I ask that you help inform the public about these concerns as well as put pressure on the NDP govt. to do what the Liberals refused to do – have this program reviewed by an independent panel which includes some professional engineers.
Sharon Noble
= = =
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: November 5, 2017
To: info@integritybc.ca
Subject: BC Hydro incomplete accounting.
Dear Mr. Travis,
Re. Cost-cutting results don’t match the spin. http://www.timescolonist.com/opinion/columnists/dermod-travis-cost-cutting-results-don-t-match-the-spin-1.23084320
I appreciated your article in the Times Colonist on Nov. 4. It is high time that BC Hydro financial “miscalculations” were brought to the public’s attention. I would like to add a couple of other results of “cost-cutters” that have been hidden, and, in fact, about which BC Hydro and the Liberals refuse to speak:
1) Smart meters in the initial business case were said to have a 20 year lifespan. Even if this were true it would be half the lifespan of the simple analogs we’ve had for decades. But, being plastic computers, the industry estimates that the average smart meter’s life span will be 5-7 years (https://smartgridawareness.org/2015/10/29/smart-meters-have-life-of-5-to-7-years/). I have asked the former Liberal govt., BC Hydro and the BC Utilities Commission where this discrepancy is accounted for but, so far, have never received a response. From what I’ve been able to learn, there is no contingency fund for this mis-calculation. At some point in the near future, we will be paying for 2-3 smart meters at the same time.
2) Analogs required little maintenance, being simple electro-mechanical meters made of long-lasting metal and glass. Smart meters, being computers, require ongoing upgrading and software replacement. Were these costs taken into consideration in the financial projections?
3) The smart meter program was projected to cost $1 billion, which would include smart meters on 1.8 million homes. Simply calculated, this comes to $555 per meter. Using the same simple methodology assuming the same infrastructure changes are required, BC Hydro’s costs are the highest I’ve found in North America, double and triple the costs in other jurisdictions. (https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/COSTS-ON-A-PER-METER-BASIS.pdf). Why are we paying so much for the same program?
4) The smart meters are combustible, being made largely of plastic. Many engineers have warned that there are design flaws which cause them to be fire hazards. Because they are not consumer products, CSA does not certify them. And because of various loopholes in our provincial regulations, BC Hydro does not have to have them certified by a professional engineer, as other Hydro-owned equipment must be. As a consequence, there have been many failures and fires causing damages (https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/bcuc-smart-meter-fires-the-failure-to-protect/). Hydro has paid directly for some that I have documented but there may be others. In other instances insurance companies have paid the claims but, via the subrogation clause which is standard in all policies, the costs can be recovered from the party found to be responsible for the fire. Victims have been told by their insurers that they will be subrogating against Hydro. Where are all of these costs in their financial accounting? Where are the legal costs if the subrogation has been disputed? I have looked and cannot find them.
5) A major future cost is for improved security. Currently, cybersecurity experts warn that smart meters are the most vulnerable part of the power grid, an easy entry point for hackers. Calls are being made for improved security, which will be expensive. There is no contingency fund for these expenses, which will be significant.
6) Many people do not want to have a combustible device that emits microwave radiation on their homes and have “opted out”. Under the “meter choice” program, a small proportion of those disputing this were allowed to keep their analogs, temporarily. The cost is $32.40 a month, or $64.80 per billing period. This is the highest in North America, and we have never been given complete explanations to support them. In many places, the costs are mere fractions. And for those who are not able to keep their analogs and wish to have the transmitter disabled, the cost is $20 a month or $40 a billing period. Even FortisBC is lower, charging $9 a month for the same service (https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/OPT-OUT-FEES.pdf). I estimate that, over the last 4 years, BC Hydro has been paid more than $20 million in these extortive fees, yet no accounting of fees paid or costs incurred has been made available to the public.
Mr. Travis, these are just a few problems with the smart meter program. All of these issues have been brought to the attention of the NDP, Liberals, BCUC and BC Hydro. The media doesn’t seem interested in advising the public. Have you any suggestions?
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
The only thing green about smart meters is the money going into the corporate pockets.