2017-07-01 Happy Canada Day!

[Benefits – Bills – Costs – Opposition Testimonies by Child, Citizens, Doctor Ann Lee, Josh Hart, Nina Beety, Paul McGavin, Sam Liccardo re Ben Hueso & Bill Quirk SB 649 Microcells / Small Cells Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Santander UK | BC – UK – California, USA] & (videos)

1)    (7) YouTubes with testimony in California on June 28, 2017 in opposition to SB 649 – the Bill that would allow microcells on poles outside homes without choice, notification or regulation.

Here are seven YouTube videos of testimony given in opposition of California Senate Bill SB 649 given at Assembly Local Government Committee on  June 28, 2017:

The full Assembly Local Government Committee on  Jun 28, 2017 hearing can be viewed online here:  http://www.calchannel.com/video-on-demand/  — Scroll down the page to find the video from the  “Assembly Local Government Committee” on  Jun 28, 2017.




2)    In the UK, the utilities rates have increased much more than inflation and, as a percentage, far greater than salaries. Most likely, the same is true in BC. With unbridled authority to spend on unnecessary programs like smeters and Site C, the government has lined the corporate pockets of their friends with our money. Hopefully, the new government will re-look at these expensive programs that have no end to the expenses and give no benefits.  The NDP must be made to see that it is better to cancel a program (have smeters recalled as being defective) than to throw good money after bad for years to come.

(click on photos to enlarge)

Forget austerity, here’s who is to blame for your empty pockets

Research this week by Santander blows the whistle on the ever-growing portion of our monthly pay that goes on largely unavoidable household bills. It looked at bills for gas, electricity, water, TV, phone and so on – and found they have escalated in price far, far ahead of average wage rises. Since 2006, average pay packets in Britain have gone up by 19% in pounds and pence terms (in other words, not adjusting for inflation). Meanwhile, the average gas bill has gone up 73%, electricity 72%, and water 41%. 



Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Your silence gives consent”
~ Plato

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation