[Children – Dave Byng – Doctor Perry Kendall – Mayor Frank Jackson – Microcells / Small Cells Siting Municipalities Lawsuit re Public Right of Ways – Mike Bernier, Minister of Education – Oona McOuat – Ralph Sultan – RF – Small Claims Court – Telus – Tyee Articles on BC Hydro – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wired Internet | Salt Spring Island & West Vancouver, BC – San Francisco, California & Maryland & Ohio, USA]
1) San Francisco is looking at providing fiber optic (wired) internet available throughout the city. Safety, security and speed are major advantages of fiber optic internet (without Wi-Fi as the last step).

(click on photos to enlarge)
Panel to study wiring San Francisco with high-speed Internet
2) On Dec. 13, 2016, Maryland’s Health Dept. released a report advising reducing children’s exposure to Wi-Fi in schools. The article and report are available at: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/children/ A letter has been written to the Superintendent of Dept. of Education asking why nothing has been done to reduce the exposure.
There are many excellent references at the end of the letter with information that I believe Dr. Perry Kendall, every parent, teacher, principal and school board member should have. If you care to write to the BC officials, the BC Minister of Education is Hon. Mike Bernier <educ.minister@gov.bc.ca>. His Deputy Minister is Dave Byng <DM.Education@gov.bc.ca>
3) As of June 1, small claims can be brought before the Small Claims Court through online access. I know that many have concerns with BC Hydro that could result in a Small Claims Court complaint. Now it will be easier: Associated costs as of Nov. 2016 are at http://www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/261_93_05#ScheduleA but these might change if all work is done online.
“Now, the tribunal will also preside over claims involving contracts, debts, personal injury, personal property and consumer issues under $5,000.”
4) In Ohio, approximately 80 cities and towns are challenging a bill allowing the siting of micro/small cells in their communities without municipal input. Just as is happening in BC, they are being told that the industry has the right to put these things outside homes without any notification, consultation or choice. This should not be allowed in BC either. Telus is doing this for profit, using the municipal right of way to expose us to high levels of RF in our homes.
Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson addresses lawsuit against wireless equipment bill
“The bill, which goes into effect on Tuesday, attempts to prevent Cleveland and the other municipalities from regulating commercially installed wireless equipment in public places. The bill would allow commercial wireless companies to potentially place wireless cell equipment on sidewalks, streets, traffic signals, or street signs…
The bill is strongly opposed by Jackson because it is a concern to local government rights, constitution authority, and control of city property, according to a press release from the mayor’s office. Filers of the lawsuit said they feel the bill affects the public right of way. The municipalities would have limited ability to regulate the placement of the wireless equipment.”
5) From a member who said he had sent this with the first 2 links to all of his friends and family to consider during this campaign period. One of these articles is from 6 years ago and I’ve added another 2 (and nothing has changed!!).
“All B.C. Residents should read these articles before the upcoming May 9, 2017 Provincial election. It’s time that this Liberal Government is kicked out of power along with Mr. Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines and Greg Reimer, CEO of B.C. Hydro.
Please take the time to read these articles and please forward a copy of this email to all of your friends and family members and ask them to do the same. If we all do our little part, we can put a stop to this ridiculous spending, fleecing of the public and the taking away of our rights and freedoms as British Columbians. We are supposed to be living in a Democracy not a Dictatorship!”
– https://www.leg.bc.ca/learn-about-us/members/40th-Parliament/Sultan-Ralph
From: X
Sent: March 19, 2017
To: ralph sultan mla <ralph.sultan.mla@leg.bc.ca>
Subject: Please consider
Hi, Ralph;
First best wishes in the upcoming election.
I want to raise an issue we have discussed in general before. NOW we have a new item being spread all over West Van: Telus micro cells. (In just one area as an example, at present they are located in twos every second block on Argyle from 13th west.)
I am forwarding information from Salt Spring Island that suggests we need to slow this roll out down, and give homeowners the right to refuse having these just outside their windows. Incidentally they admit to radiating to a distance of over 1 km. That means they all hit our home on Lawson! I will send you information as to present locations separately.
As I might have mentioned I am electro hyper sensitive, the various EMFs send my blood pressure to the sky! I passed out at my doctor’s office last time, because the radiation was too high from these very microcells a block away (Argyle & 15th).
It seems others are concerned as well. Some BC communities have taken proactive stands, which West Vancouver should do as well. Here is information from Salt Spring Island. I SUGGEST THE WHOLE PROVINCE NEEDS TO ACT TO SLOW DOWN THIS INSANITY!
Best wishes
Contact Oona McOuat <oonasong@yahoo.com>
Small Cells & The Right To Choose
SALT SPRING, March 16 – Microcells, or small cells, are being installed on utility poles in neighbourhoods across BC. At noon on Thursday, March 23, I will make a 5 minute presentation: “Small Cells and a Wireless World – the Right to Choose” [http://oonamcouat.com/wp-content/uploads/Small_Cells_and_a_Wireless_World.pdf] at the Salt Spring Local Island Trust meeting. The meeting will be held at Hart Bradley Hall at 103 Bonnet Ave on Salt Spring Island. I invite you to attend.
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Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 ‐‐ The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use.”
World Health Organization