[AMI Smart Meters – BC Hydro – Children – Doctor Lennart Hardell – Jim Cooperman – Letters to Editors – Nina Tepedino – PG&E Analog Opt-out – Reykjavik Appeal – Senator Patrick Colbeck – Wi-Fi / Wireless in Schools | BC – Sweden – Sebastopol, California & Michigan, USA] & (video)
1) Below, in Letters, is one from someone who is encouraging his friends and acquaintances to demand that the incompetently managed, heavy-handed BC Hydro be brought forward as an election issue. His major concern is Site C, which is a horror story, and he has offered a letter that others can use as a template.
Please consider writing your letter about BC Hydro – consider including or revising it to include smeters and BC Hydro’s lies, harassment, incompetence, endless costs and the fact that our lives and property are being put at risk – and no one, no politician seems to care.
(click on photos to enlarge)
2) A good summary of one of the presentations at the Michigan hearing, the one by state Senator Colbeck. Wish we had some politicians like him.
“The Very REAL PROBLEMS And CONCERNS Regarding AMI Smart Meters”
(AMI smeters are like ours, they both receive and transmit signals)
3) Before the Reykjavik Conference last month, Dr. Lennart Hardell of Sweden asked for medical doctors, academics and representatives of NGO organizations concerned with Wi-Fi in schools to sign an appeal. The final appeal is now available. Dr. Hardell asks to share the appeal with concerned parents, teachers, school board members, and with friends.
Reykjavik Appeal on wireless technology in schools
A letter in a California newspaper from a fellow smeter-resister.
Hi All,
Yes – BC Hydro is not really a BC forest issue directly, but indirectly, if voters become more aware of this issue and get angry about their electricity rates, then they could send the BC Liberals packing, which in turn could result in better environmental policies including improved forest management. Polling shows that the issues that impact people’s finances are the ones that motivate them the most.
I have written this letter-to-the-editor by distilling all the info out there into a concise, 341 word letter that I hope others will use or paraphrase for their local papers – including all of you.
So please consider putting your name to this and sending it into your local paper – go ahead and revise it as you see fit. Also, please forward it on to others who might want to use it.
Thanks, Jim
= = =
BC Hydro mismanagement should be the key election issue
The mismanagement of BC Hydro should be considered a massive scandal and the defining issue of the upcoming provincial election. Since the BC Liberals took office, they turned the corporation from a cash cow into a nearly bankrupt utility that is now in debt to the tune of some $22-billion. Consequently, hydro rates for British Columbians have increased by 34 percent (adjusted for inflation) since 2001 and will need to increase much more to cover the increasing debt.
This huge debt is a result of the excessive costs of the unnecessary Independent Power Projects (IPPs) and the dividends that BC Hydro is forced to provide to general revenue, even during years when there are no profits. BC Hydro has signed up to 40-year long IPP contracts worth $54-billion to purchase power not needed for three times more than the cost on the open market. Most of this power is produced during the spring and early summer; thus there are episodes when water is spilled over BC Hydro dams to allow IPPs to service the demand.
The BC government’s worst decision was to build the Site C dam, which plans to flood 31,000 acres of prime agricultural land, destroy key wildlife habitat, violate the rights of First Nations, produce expensive power we do not need and cost upwards of $9-billion or likely billions more given ongoing problems with soil stability and usual cost overruns. The BC Utilities Commission was established to vet decisions like Site C, but this was disallowed because the Commission would likely not have supported the dam.
Given the high costs, lack of demand and many negative impacts, why is the BC Liberal government so determined to build the Site C dam? Perhaps it is a payback to the construction companies who have been donating to the BC Liberal Party and as a result will reap millions of dollars in profits. Hopefully, British Columbians will focus on BC Hydro mismanagement and their escalating electricity rates when they vote on May 9th.
Jim Cooperman, (name given with permission)
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice — it is conformity.
~ Rollo May
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