Because of the significance of the information that I have just found, there is only one item in the update tonight. Remember that the signals sent by $$meters are modulated and pulsed which is typical of signals that carry data. Some researchers have found that these meters have pulses that are stronger than those of other wireless devices. And scientists have warned that the pulses put additional stress on our bodies, harming the cells more than signals that are not pulsing.
Two recent ITRON spec sheets for BC Hydro meters include widely varying data re. number of data signals a day plus the number of signals needed to ensure the stability of the mesh grid. The signals are .5millisecond long. This is very concerning and far different than any information that has been given to the public. Please get this information to everyone you know. What other lies have we been told? I personally do not believe the power density numbers at all.
One sheet appears to be for a newer 4G meter that will be used in specific instances, e.g. where the mesh grid doesn’t work well. 25,000 will be installed. The sheet says the total transmission time on average is 2.65 seconds a day. Doesn’t sound like much but when each signal is only .5 milliseconds log, that means there are 5300 signals a day, or 220.8 each hour or 3.68 each minute of the day, or one every 16 seconds. It is difficult to say that this isn’t equivalent to constant emissions, and scientists have shown that this short, strong pulse is the type that does the greatest harm to our cells.
“Daily Data Reads: A read from a single phase residential cellular meter typically accounts for about 5kB or 40,960 bits per day in data transmission. Considering the worst case throughput for a connection to meter (highest daily usage), a 5kB read requires 71 time slots of transmission at 0.5 msec each. This results in 35.5 msec of actual transmission time necessary to transfer the read. BC Hydro currently plans for up to 3 reads per day (a typical maximum) which results in ~106 msec of transmission time per day for the daily reads.
The measured transmit time for each of the three data reads was 38 msec. This is consistent with what was expected considering that there is overhead data in each read.
Actual measured network maintenance transmit time excluding the three intentional daily data reads totaled nearly 2.5 seconds per day. The 2.5 seconds of transmit time is split up throughout the 24 hours of a day. Some hours may only see a single network status check of 5-12 msec, while other hours see as much as 200 msec of transmit activity.
From a duty cycle viewpoint, the OpenWay CENTRON Cellular 4G LTE typically transmits about 2.65 seconds out of 86,400 seconds in a day. This calculates to a transmit duty cycle of about 0.003%.
But even worse are the majority of meters, the 1.8 million already on homes. The other ITRON sheet says that the average transmission time is 2.99 MINUTES a day!! That is 180 seconds. If each signal is .5 millisecond long that means there are 360,000 signals a day or 4 a second. Some unlucky homeowners, depending where on the mesh grid they are, have meters that emit signals for 115 min. a day!!! Unbelievable. Notice how they try to make this sound so benign. These statistics are the highest I’ve seen. (to calculate: 115min times 60 = 6900 seconds times 1000 = 6,900,000 milliseconds. If each signal is .5 msec long, divide 6,900,000 by .5 = 13, 800,000 signals a day, divided by 86,400 seconds in a day = 160 signals a second.)
The analysis of this representative meter population operating in the field at BC hydro showed that the average duty cycle for the meters was 2.99 minutes. That figure translates into a duty cycle of 0.21 percent. This also means that, on average, OpenWay meters are not transmitting or emitting RF signals for 99.79 percent of a typical 24-hour period. That means that the vast majority of the meters are not transmitting for 23 hours and 56 minutes in a typical day…
As previously mentioned, the mesh network topology relies on meters in certain areas of the network to act as pathways for data from other meters during the journey back to the router and the utility. For this reason, duty cycles will vary to some degree among meters depending on their position in the network and how many other meters’ data they may be transmitting back to the network router.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and acted on.”
~ Ben Franklin
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