2016-08-30 Member questions lack of info on Cancer Agency website

1)      Scientists have warned about the effect of RF on all living things. An Electrical Engineer has noticed “stressed trees” in the vicinity of cell towers.

I noticed a lot of stressed trees in Santa Fe and put this article together on them:


2)      Kids are being introduced to wireless devices at earlier and earlier ages. Parents think this will help their child’s development but the opposite is proving to be true.

Digital Heroin

Although that concerned her, she thought her son might just be exhibiting an active imagination. As his behavior continued to deteriorate, she tried to take the game away but John threw temper tantrums. His outbursts were so severe that she gave in, still rationalizing to herself over and over again that “it’s educational.”


3)      An excellent book is available for free online as an ebook: “Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette – A Historical and Scientific Perspective”, by Robert C. Kane (235 pages). An early major book about this danger.


4)      In Ontario, where they’ve had $$meters for a decade, rates continue to increase to the point where small businesses are suffering greatly, as are individuals. Imagine how bad it will get here when the debts that are owed because of BC Hydro’s unnecessary projects such as the $$meter program and Site C have to be paid for.

 “The way I see it, it (hydro costs) is wiping out the small person. It’s to the point that it’s jeopardizing employment in Ontario,” said Ciglen.

Debbie Cerasia, who also has added her name to Fedeli’s petition, said the rising price of electricity was a major factor in her and her husband’s recent decision to close their long-time bridal shop on Main Street in North Bay.

“I could hire a staff member with what I pay for electricity,” said Cerasia, noting hydro costs have continued to rise despite conservation efforts.


5)      Below, in Letters, a member is questioning the BC Cancer Agency’s website lack of scientific information about the dangers of Wi-Fi in schools. It is bewildering when bureaucrats in the Agency and the Provincial Health Authority, who do not have the credentials or experience, overrule the evidence and warnings provided by experts in the field about exposing children to Wi-Fi in schools.

6)      Another member shared a link about cell towers that have burned and fallen, as well as workers who have been hurt during work.




From: Marcus
To: Bozoian, Ann <Ann.Bozoian@viha.ca>
Sent: August 30, 2016

Subject: Evidence of “Dr” Mary McBride

Hello Ann,

In case someone questions the validity of my email regarding the BC Cancer Agency/ Mary McBride scandal, the CTV story can be searched on the internet.

Attached [links below] are several examples of her allowing the title to be used, despite she has neither an MD nor a PhD.




In one document, she is listed under ‘Grand Rounds’, which is usually reserved for doctors or major researchers.
Documents from the mid 1990s and one from 2010. (very bottom of article)
She is listed with Krewski who withdrew from the Safety Code 6 review for conflicts of interest, and Michael Repacholi who works as a paid consultant for the wireless industry.

It seems unbelievable that a Dr. title is allowed to be abused in such flagrant manner in BC.
The situation is dire, when The BC Cancer Agency is misusing the trust the people.

If possible, please attach this information to my previous email [below].

Best regards,

= = =

From: Marcus (name included with permission)
To: Bozoian, Ann <Ann.Bozoian@viha.ca>
Sent: August 29, 2016

Subject: WiFi e-smog in hospitals

Hello Ann,

I previously emailed you/VIHA in regards to WiFi e-smog pollution exposure to patients in Hospitals.

Please be so kind and forward this to the hospital board and educational bodies, within VIHA.

Best regards,

Re: Hospital WiFi e-smog pollution

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The BC Medical system blindly accepted the dubious assurances of public safety, by the BC Cancer Agencies, Mary McBride’s of no biological harm’ from low level, radiofrequency radiation,  . . . despite her lack of scientific credentials.

According to McBride:  High voltage power lines and cell towers radiation near schools, are perfectly acceptable for, and pose health risk for children.
Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth, as her opinion is not rooted in science.

A 2010 CTV report, exposed this very same Mary McBride, unscrupulously, misrepresenting her professional credentials for more than 14 years!     http://emrabc.ca/?p=1017

When pressed by a journalist, she did acknowledge her lack of PhD or MD credentials, despite being referred to as Dr. McBride for many years.

Remarkably, Ms. McBride did not see fit to correct anyone, whenever she was introduced anywhere, including public television, when introduced as Dr. McBride, even though she did not, nor ever possessed, any Dr. credentials.
The BC Cancer Agency also had her falsely listed on their own website as: “Dr. Mary McBride”, and cancelled a previously arranged television interview with CTV.  The scandal was too embarrassing for the BCCA!

The BC Cancer Agency was made aware of this public deception, but choose to keep her on at the agency, despite of more than a decade of misrepresentation of McBride’s professional credentials.
Today, on BC Government websites, she is listed as ‘distinguished scientist’, even though she falsely used a Dr. title for 14 years.  Has ‘falsehood’ become a distinguished attribute for the BC Cancer Agency?

Remarkably, despite her obvious lack of science credentials, she feels that she possesses greater knowledge of science and medicine than any of the distinguished international experts and specialists in the field of EMF research, as listed below.

Sadly, Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Perry Kendall, is also of the opinion that he has far more insight and knowledge than any of this large group of EMF researchers and medical associations, and chooses to advance the interests of the wireless industry instead of protecting the health of the people of British Columbia that he is supposed to serve.
May I remind you that Dr. Kendall is no expert in this field either?

Rationale for Biologically-based, Exposure Standards for Low Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation – 1800 Low Level Radiation Studies:   http://www.bioinitiative.org/

Cindy Sage, MA Sage Associates Santa Barbara, CA USA Full member, Bioelectromagnetics Society

David O. Carpenter, MD Director, Institute for Health and the Environment University at Albany Rensselaer, New York USA

Prof. Jitendra Behari, PhD Bioelectromagnetics Laboratory School of Environmental Sciences Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, India

Prof. Carlo V. Bellieni, MD Neonatal Intensive Care Unit University of Siena Siena, Italy

Igor Belyaev, Dr. Sc. Cancer Research Institute Slovak Academy of Science Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Carl F. Blackman, PhD Raleigh, North Carolina USA Founder, Former President and Full Member, Bioelectromagnetics Society. Environmental Protection Agency

Martin Blank, PhD Associate Professor (ret.) Dept. of Physiology. College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University, New York USA Former President and Full Member, Bioelectromagnetics Society

Michael Carlberg, MSc Department of Oncology Orebro University Hospital Orebro, Sweden

Zoreh Davanipour, DVM, PhD Friends Research Institute Los Angeles, CA USA

David Gee, Senior Advisor Science, Policy, Emerging Issues, Integrated Environmental Assessment European Environmental Agency Copenhagen, Denmark

Adamantia F. Fragopoulou, PhD Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Greece

Prof. Yury Grigoriev, MD Chairman, Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Moscow, Russia.

Prof. Kjell Hansson Mild, PhD Umeå University, Dept of Radiation Sciences Umeå, Sweden, Former President and Full Member (emeritus), Bioelectromagnetics Society

Prof. Lennart Hardell, MD Department of Oncology Orebro University Hospital Orebro, Sweden

Martha Herbert, MD, PhD Pediatric Neurology TRANSCEND Research Program Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, MA USA

Prof. Paul Héroux, PhD Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health McGill University Faculty of Medicine, and Department of Surgery, InVitroPlus Laboratory Montreal, Quebec Canada

Prof. Michael Kundi, PhD med. Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna Vienna, Austria Full Member, Bioelectromagnetics Society

Prof. Henry Lai, PhD (emeritus) Department of Bioengineering University of Washington Seattle, Washington USA

Prof. Abraham R Liboff, PhD, Professor Emeritus Department of Physics, Oakland University Rochester Hills, Michigan Full Member Emeritus, Bioelectromagnetics Society

Ying Li, PhD McGill University Health Center Department of Surgery, InVitroPlus Laboratory Montreal, Quebec Canada

Prof. Lukas H. Margaritis, PhD Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Greece

Henrietta Nittby, MD, PhD Department of Neurosurgery Lund University Hospital Lund, Sweden

Bertil R. Persson, PhD, MD h.c. Department of Neurosurgery Lund University Hospital Lund, Sweden

Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Landessanitätsdirektion Referat Gesundheit, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin (Environmental medicine) Salzburg, Austria

Dr Iole Pinto, PhD Director, Physical Agents Laboratory Tuscany Health and Safety Service Siena, Italy

Paulraj Rajamani, PhD School of Environmental Sciences Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, India

Prof. Leif Salford, MD, PhD Professor and Chairman Department of Neurosurgery Lund University Hospital Lund, Sweden

Eugene Sobel, PhD Friends Research Institute Los Angeles, CA USA

Amy Thomsen, MPH, MSPAS, PA-C Research Associate Pinole, CA USA

Ladies and Gentleman, may I ask that you to take the time and review this science link I provided.
For non-scientists, I recommend reading the summaries, as the information is monumental in scope.

Please pass this information on to others, that they may have the opportunity to learn from this large group of very concerned EMR researchers.

I would appreciate your response.

Kind regards,

“To install WiFi in schools plus public spaces risks a widespread public health hazard that the medical system is not yet prepared to address.” American Academy of Environmental Medicine


From: X
Sent: August 29, 2016
To: Maurine Karagianis <Maurine.Karagianis.MLA@leg.bc.ca>; oppositionleader@leg.bc.ca
Subject: Fwd: Update 2016-08-28 BCUC is failing to protect the public

Dear Ms Karagianis and Mr Horgan:

This situation is shameful and dangerous. When are you going to do your job and see that BCUC is held accountable and made to do their job. Only in BC liberal-land is not an excuse.

Please help us end this out of control rein of terror that the Liberals and BC Hydro are subjecting us to.

——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject:  Update 2016-08-28 BCUC is failing to protect the public
Date:  28 Aug 2016
From:  Sharon Noble <dsnoble@shaw.ca>
To:  Sharon Noble <dsnoble@shaw.ca>

A special update tonight. I shared the response that BCUC sent me on July 28 in which they basically said that despite all of the many problems re. reporting, tracking, monitoring, etc., they choose to believe that there were no problems and said that there would be no formal report. It was up to me to provide more information to convince them that there is something wrong. Below is my rebuttal, and the covering letter that is being sent to every MLA and every major media outlet. Please help by sharing this with friends, relatives, your MLA, media in your area, and with your responses to BCUC.




Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“An activist is someone who cannot help but fight for something. That person is not usually motivated by a need for power, or money, or fame, but in fact driven slightly mad by some injustice, some cruelty, some unfairness – So much so that he or she is compelled by some moral engine to act to make it better.”
~ Eve Ensler


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation