2016-07-04 Warnings about EMFs in another mainstream magazine.

1)    An article from a very mainstream magazine (Sunset) July edition, “sustainable living” pg. 46, has a section about reducing EMFs, even removing the $$meter and replacing it with an analog!!  So important that info like this is in such a magazine. See the page below in Letters.  Please share.

2)    A really good YouTube with Dr. Magda Havas that she did a few years ago explaining the RF from normal household devices. Good to share with those new to this issue.  Less than 60 minutes long.


3)    A member found more info about studies linking cell phone use to eye cancer.  I wish we could connect with the people in Huntsville about the eye cancer cluster. I did leave a message with links on their facebook but could find no other contact. Please let me know if you do because I would love to share info with them that they might not have considered.

“The mechanism by which the radiation might cause cancer is uncertain but it is known that the watery contents of the eye assists the absorption of radiation. Other research showed that cells called melanocytes found in the uveal layer started growing and dividing more rapidly when exposed to microwave radiation.”


4)    Dr. Johansson shared info about an upcoming online conference re. brain health, dementia, etc. It is free. July 25-Aug 1.  Please register for it in case I forget to remind you about it.


5)    Also from Dr. J, a new article.

Please, find enclosed below (scroll down) a new article by me published in LivingNow, July 2016, pp. 25-27, with the title “Are we really coping with the increasing amounts of airborne radiation?”

Reference: Johansson O, “Are we really coping with the increasing amounts of airborne radiation?”, LivingNow, July 2016, pp. 25-27:



Sunset Magazine July 2016


To: “J Trudeau” <justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca>, “Christy Clark” <premier@gov.bc.ca>, “Bill Bennett” <bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca>, “Terry Lake” <terry.lake.mla@leg.bc.ca>, “BCUC” <Commission.secretary@bcuc.com>
Cc: “Ralph Goodale” <Ralph.goodale@parl.gc.ca>, “Elizabeth May” <Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca>, “Jane Philpott” <Jane.Philpott@parl.gc.ca>, “Nycole Turmel” <nycole.turmel@parl.gc.ca>, “Adrian Dix MLA” <adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca>, “Sue Hammell MLA” <sue.hammell.mla@leg.bc.ca>, “Gary Holman” <gary.holman.mla@leg.bc.ca>, “John Horgan MLA” <john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca>, “Maurine Karagianis MLA” <maurine.karagianis.mla@leg.bc.ca>, “Lana Popham MLA” <lana.popham.mla@leg.bc.ca>, “Andrew Weaver” <leader@greenparty.bc.ca>, “Perry Kendall” <perry.kendall@gov.bc.ca>, “Dr. Richard Stanwick” <wendy.boyd@viha.ca>, “Ann Thomas” <ann.thomas@viha.ca>, “Peter Luckham, Chair” <pluckham@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “Peter Grove SSI Local Trustee” <pgrove@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “George Grams SSI Local Trustee” <ggrams@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “David Howe” <directorsgi@crd.bc.ca>, “Wayne McIntyre” <directorssi@crd.bc.ca>
Sent: July 3, 2016

Subject: [EHS – Health – Wireless] An Increasing Health Problem in British Columbia and Canada

As the wireless industry and utility companies continue to rampantly fill our environment with invisible microwave electromagnetic radiation, people continue to become ill.  Where can they live to not be sick?  How can they work?  Where can they socialize?

For your information, below are links to a detailed letter and a short article written by a woman trying to “live” in Vancouver, BC.  She is now searching for a safe place to live and, hopefully, work.  This is just one example.

When will our governments and public health officials do something about this growing health issue?  It’s not going away, it’s just becoming worse.

Do you have the statistics about how many British Columbians and Canadians are suffering from EHS (electrohypersensitivity) right now?  I personally know 8 different families throughout BC who are suffering from this debilitating disease.  And some of them are children who cannot attend school because of industrial strength Wi-Fi routers.  As well, anyone with EHS cannot go into a hospital without getting sick(er) because of all the wireless being used, let alone visitors/patients/employees using their cell phones.  And forget going into any public buildings (public libraries, court houses, etc.) or using a BC ferry.

Someone needs to do something about this!  A whole new group of provincial/federal Canadian refugees has been created.



No Safe Place – shattered lives, healthcare set to crash – you can’t fix this fast enough – A letter to Mayor Gregor Robertson by Olga Sheean – June 15, 2016:
– http://olgasheean.com/no-safe-place/
On the run …from the silent, invisible foe by Olga Sheean – June 08, 2016:



Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

Brain Tumours

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation