2016-06-25 USA FCC head promotes technology without bounds or policy

1)    A sales pitch for Time-of-Use billing which will be brought in across California in the next couple of years. Imagine sitting in Palm Springs in 50C without air conditioning or the bill with higher daytime rates if you choose to keep comfortable. In this article they say the thermostat would be reduced by “only a couple of degrees.”  But if they have control, it could be more, and the price during the peak hours is high!



2)    BC Hydro has to have some ulterior motive for forcing people to have these fire hazards on their homes when they will never work. Are they just ensuring that their ability to hold us hostage is never questioned by anyone?


“My father reports that they (Hydro) are still sending meter readers to his area in the Chilcotin (west of Williams Lake about 100 km.) even though they have a smart meter on their home. (Yes I did try to explain why they shouldn’t get one, but you know what family can be like sometimes…) In addition, some adjustment had to be made to the meter and the guy they sent had to come all the way from Vancouver to do it. Start adding up those costs… “

3)    Tom Wheeler, head of the FCC in the USA (comparable to Industry Canada), who has had a long history of working for and with the telecom industry, gave one of the scariest speeches ever, basically saying that technology was to be allowed  to develop and be used without regulation, without concerns for any ramifications. Technology at all costs, even the health of future generations.  This approach and the use of 5G will apply to non-licensed frequencies as well as licensed, which means things like Wi-Fi and $$meters and other devices we haven’t heard of, could use these untested, unsupervised signals.


“Yes, 5G will connect the Internet of Everything. If something can be connected, it will be connected in a 5G world. But with predictions of hundreds of billions of microchip-enable products from pill bottles to plant waterers, you can be sure of only one thing: the biggest IoT has yet to be imagined….

Rule number one is that the technology should drive the policy rather than the policy drive the technology.

We will be repeating the proven formula that made the United States the world leader in 4G. It’s a simple formula: Lead the world in spectrum availability, encourage and protect innovation-driving competition, and stay out of the way of technological development.

Unlike some countries, we do not believe we should spend the next couple of years studying what 5G should be, how it should operate, and how to allocate spectrum, based on those assumptions. Like the examples I gave earlier, the future has a way of inventing itself. Turning innovators loose is far preferable to expecting committees and regulators to define the future. We won’t wait for the standards to be first developed in the sometimes arduous standards-setting process or in a government-led activity. Instead, we will make ample spectrum available and an urban environment tend to bounce around buildings and other obstacles making it difficult to connect to a moving point. But it also means that the spectrum can be reused over and over again…

Our plan proposes making a massive 14 gigahertz unlicensed band. Consider that – 14,000 megahertz of unlicensed spectrum, with the same flexible-use rules that has allowed unlicensed to become a breeding ground for innovation.”



Referring to the letter by Dave Morrison in the update 2016-06-22 and the PTA letter found at:



From: Deborah Kopald  (name given with permission)
Sent: June 23, 2016
To: alorenz@pta.org
Subject: Re:: Fwd: Letter from National PTA re: Upcoming Convention

Dear Ms. Lorenz,

I was forwarded your email regarding cancellation of a presentation at the National PTA conference and wanted to weigh in.

You may not like the messengers, but the message is critical and must be aired before every PTA in the country if we are to remain a society that is committed to protecting children, telling the truth about scientific facts, accepting the consequences of these facts, acting responsibly in the face of these facts, and ultimately modelling how to think critically for the children that the PTA’s serve.

I want to call your attention to the attached slide which was presented by Dr. Lennart Hardell, the world’s expert on the health effects of wireless devices, at my conference in NYC in 2013.  Note he says that an iPad does not belong in human environments if one’s concern is health; they are emitting spikes of radiation 100,000 times higher than is safe.  (Safe is defined at levels below which statistically significant members of the population experience severe overt effects.)

Dr. Lennart Hardell Slide

Hardell’s work was the basis for the WHO’s 2B carcinogenicity classification of wireless radiation as well as for a European Court’s determination that cell and cordless phones are causing brain tumors.

Note too: “An Open Letter to Phillips Exeter Academy About Wi-Fi” which I penned in 2014:

….as well as “Critique of the National Association of Independent Schools Statement” by the Campaign for Radiation Free Schools:

….and a briefing given by Frank Clegg, the former head of Microsoft Canada at the Massachusetts State House last year:
(Clegg has been vigorously advocating for the removal of Wi-Fi from schools and was joined by Dr. Devra L. Davis, MD PhD, Dr. Radhey Shyam Sharma, a senior radiation expert at the Indian government, Catherine Steiner-Adair and Janet Newton).

I have also appended below my letter to the editor which ran in my local paper, The News of the Highlands, last week as it sums up the problem at hand fairly succinctly:

= = =

Dear Editor: Last week’s News reported that the school technology chief is now Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology.  During her tenure, the school installed a cart system in which portable Wi-Fi transmitters were turned on only when laptops were used and subsequently “upgraded” to permanent access points and Chromebooks that flood the schools with radiation commensurate with or in excess of levels close to cell towers, contraindicated by a mid-90’s California Public Utilities Commission recommendation.

In April, Israel’s third largest city and high-tech center, Haifa, disconnected Wi-Fi in K-12.  In March, a bill was introduced in Argentina’s Congress that would ban Wi-Fi in major public places, including schools.  In February, the Vienna Medical Association recommended using hard-wiring instead of Wi-Fi and restricting cell phone use.

In May, the National Toxicology Program released initial data from its $25 million cell phone study confirming that 1/15 rats irradiated 9 hours a day for 28 days developed cancer or pre-cancer, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences held a seminar on electrohypersensitivity.  20 teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) have developed electrohypersensitivity from the industrial strength Wi-Fi on the premises and now require accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act so they can continue to teach, having been injured by the school.  The Onteora School District’s (Ulster County, NY) PTA wrote the school board asking that Wi-Fi be removed.

It is a conflict of interest for the person in charge of technology to be in charge of curriculum; both the school board and the parents, perhaps unwittingly, have allowed the technology tail to wag the education dog.

Have any of the stakeholders asked the $64,000 question: what is the so-called educational benefit of this technology?

The West Point Economics Department published a study, “The Impact of Computer Usage on Academic Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Trial at the United States Military Academy”, in May in MIT’s School Effectiveness and Inequality Initiative that showed significantly reduced test performance by students who used laptops and tablets.

West Point’s is only the latest study confirming the technology reduces students’ ability to retain information and learn.  Absent action by the school board and parents to cease spending taxpayer dollars on the Assistant Superintendent’s $130K salary and technology that microwaves the student body (and teachers) with a program that interferes with learning, I refer students to Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall”.   -Deborah Kopald

= = =

You indicate that the notion that the government standards are not protective and that “wireless systems should be banned from schools and other locations where children are exposed to them, are not consistent with National PTA’s mission, position statements, resolutions or policies.”

I hope you will consider the evidence and reconsider the National PTA’s policy for the benefit of the charges you are ultimately concerned with, the children.

Here are other links to other conferences that have addressed the ongoing  public health crisis from wireless technologies as well as the medical and legal problems created by the radiation from Wi-Fi in schools specifically:

2010 San Francisco, CA Commonwealth Club Forum: The Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (Dr. Olle Johannson, Starling W. Childs, M.S., Dr. Magda Havas, Elizabeth Kelley, MA, Dr. Martin Blank, Dr. Joel Moskowitz, L. Lloyd Morgan, Camilla Rees, MBA, Sissel Halmoy, Dr. Sam Milham, Gabriel North Seymour, Esq.):

2012 Washington, D.C. Building Biology Conference: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Buildings  (Dr. Devra L. Davis, Dr. Lisa Nagy, Dr. Timothy Schoechle, James S. Turner, Esq., Duncan Campbell, Esq.):
http://hbelc.org/keynote-crees (Keynote)

2013 New York, NY Corporate Interference with Science and Health Conference (wireless speakers: Dr. David O. Carpenter, Dr. Lennart Hardell, Dr. Magda Havas, Representative  Andrea Boland, Deborah E. Kopald, MBA and Whitney North Seymour, Jr. Esq.):

2013 New York, NY Open Center Forum: How to Protect Ourselves and Growing Children from Electromagnetic Fields (Dr. Stephen Sinatra, Larry Gust, BBEC, Dr. Martin Blank, Camilla Rees, MBA):
http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/open-center-nov-15/http://vimeo.com/81745337 (Event Audiohttp://vimeo.com/81534630 (Guest slides with voiceover)

2013 Stonington, CT EMF Effects on Children, Fetuses and Fertility: (Dr. David O. Carpenter, Frank Clegg, former head of Microsoft Canada, Dr. Devra L. Davis, MDPhD, Dr. Martin Blank, PhD, Hugh Taylor, MD, Camilla Rees, MBA):

2014 San Francisco, CA Commonwealth Club Forum: The High Road to a True Smart Grid: (Dr. Timothy Schoechle, Duncan Campbell, Esq., Camilla Rees, MBA, James S. Turner, Esq., Dr. Karl Maret, MD, Eng.):

2014 New York, NY Baby Safe News Conference sponsored by Grassroots Environmental Education and Environmental Health Trust: (Dr. Devra L. Davis, MDPhD,  Dr. Hugh L. Taylor, Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein):

2014 Toronto, Ontario Canada Symposium on Health Issues Associated with the Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Radiation, Held for Canadian Medical Doctors and Health Care Practitioners, Presented by C4ST and Women’s College Hospital, Toronto: (Dr. Devra L. Davis, MDPhD,  Frank Clegg, Former Head of Microsoft Canada, Dr. Hugh Taylor, Dr. Anthony Miller, Dr. Magda Havas, PhD):

2015 Ottawa, Ontario Canadian Parliamentary Hearings on Safety Code 6:


2015 San Francisco, CA Commonwealth Club of California: Expert Forum on Wireless Risks: “Cell Phones and Wireless Technologies: Should Safety Guidelines be Strengthened to Protect Adults, Children and Vulnerable Populations – and Should Parents, Teachers & Schools Restrict Technology Overuse Among Children?” (Dr. Devra Davis, PhD, MPH, Dr. Karl Maret, MD, Dr. Victoria Dunckley, MD, Dr. Martin Pall, PhD,  Dr. Beatrice Golomb, MD, Dr. Suleyman Kaplan, PhD, Dr. Mary Redmayne, PhD, Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, MD, Dr. Nesrin Seyhan, PhD, Dr. Joel Moskowitz, L. Lloyd Morgan, Eng., Camilla Rees, MBA ):

2015 Mountain View, CA  Santa Clara County Medical Alliance Foundation: Wireless Technology and Public Health: Health and Environmental Hazards in a Wireless World (Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Dr. Victoria Dunckley, MD, Dr. Martin Pall, PhD,  Dr. Beatrice Golomb, MD, Dr. Tori Jelter, Dr. Suruchi Chandra,  Peter Sullivan, MA, Katie Singer, Loretta Lynch, Esq.):

Sincerely yours,
Deborah Kopald


Kopald DE. Legal and Public Health Problems of the Wireless Age.  Consumer Law and Policy Blog, September 8, 2014. http://pubcit.typepad.com/clpblog/2014/09/legal-and-public-health-problems-of-the-wireless-age.html

Kopald DE.  The Conference on Corporate Interference with Science and Health: Fracking, Food and Wireless, genesis, rationale and results.   Rev Environ Health 2013; 28(4): 145–158.

———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Amy Lorenz <alorenz@pta.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 20, 2016
Subject: Letter from National PTA re: Upcoming Convention
To: wirelesswatch@yahoo.com, kmottus@gmail.com

Dear Mr. Morrison and Mr. Mottus:

Please find attached a letter from National PTA’s Executive Director, Nathan Monell.

The letter and check were sent today via FedEx.


Amy N. Lorenz
National PTA | Deputy Executive Director



Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
~ George Orwell


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation