2016-06-05 American Cancer Society recognizes significance of NTP report.

1)    The American Cancer Society, like the Canadian branch, has long denied any “credible studies” showing relationship between RF and cancers.  But finally, the ACS has acknowledged that the recent study is significant.  Please consider sending this press release to the BC Cancer Society, Perry Kendall, and the media.

– http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/contact


– http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Media-List-B.pdf


“For years, the understanding of the potential risk of radiation from cell phones has been hampered by a lack of good science. This report from the National Toxicology Program (NTP) is good science. 

“The NTP report linking radiofrequency radiation (RFR) to two types of cancer marks a paradigm shift in our understanding of radiation and cancer risk. The findings are unexpected; we wouldn’t reasonably expect non-ionizing radiation to cause these tumors. This is a striking example of why serious study is so important in evaluating cancer risk. It’s interesting to note that early studies on the link between lung cancer and smoking had similar resistance, since theoretical arguments at the time suggested that there could not be a link.

“The new report covers only partial findings from the study, but importantly one of the two cancers linked to cell phone radiation was malignant gliomas in the brain. The association with gliomas and acoustic neuromas had been suspected from human epidemiology studies. The second cancer, called a schwannoma, is an extremely rare tumor in humans and animals, reducing the possibility that this is a chance finding. And importantly, the study found a ‘dose/response’ effect: the higher the dose, the larger the effect, a key sign that this association may be real.”


2)    Dr. Joel Moskowitz prepared a Spin vs Facts sheet in which industry statements to deflect the significance of the NTP report are refuted.  Important because there will be people who quote the New York Times article in which most of these “spin” statements appeared.


3)    In Quebec, Sentinal Itron smeters are being replaced because they can burst or be ejected from buildings. These smeters are used for small businesses in Quebec but I don’t know if they are used here. I will try to find out.




4)    In Seattle, a customer is being sued by the $$meter company for asking the city for information and specs for the meters, to determine how secure the meters are. These companies do not want any of us to know how these $$meters work, or even if they do.



5)    Below are letters from and to a member asking for the fire report that BCUC has promised to release for months. I sent information regarding fires to the BCUC nearly a year ago, with details. In late February, they sent me a draft to review and I responded with many pages of comments and documentation supplementary and clarifying/correcting their draft. It seems possible that the negative information regarding the fires, the lack of tracking, and the systemic failure of the system designed to protect us will never see the light of day. I hope that many of you will write to the BCUC and remind them that they have the responsibility under the BC Utilities Commission Act to protect us.  What are they doing? Where is the report?



Subject: RE: Fire Report
Date: 27 May 2016
From: Commission Secretary BCUC:EX <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>
To: X

Hello Mr. X

We are in receipt of your request for access to records under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. You have specifically requested access to the following record:

“The BCUC Fire Report related to smart meters”

This matter is currently before the Commission; no determination has been made and no final report has been issued. We will keep your request for access to the record on file and will provide an update to you once a final determination on this matter has been made by the Commission.

Please contact our office if you have any questions.


Laura Sharpe
Manager, Information Services Division
British Columbia Utilities Commission
Phone: 604.660.4700 | Fax: 604.660.1102 | Toll Free: 1.800.663.13851.800.663.1385 FREE

= = =

From: X
Sent: May 19, 2016
To: Commission Secretary BCUC:EX <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>
Subject: Fire Report

A fire report related to smart meters was to be released by the end of April this year.  I have been unable to find a copy – please send a copy as per the attached FOI request.




Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong”
~ Voltaire


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation