2016-05-19 Please share my fire report

1)    I hope that each of you will forward the report I sent you in the last update to your MLA, to John Horgan (oppositionleader@leg.bc.ca), Adrian Dix (adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca), media as well as to the Provincial Ombudsperson (via complaint form at https://www.bcombudsperson.ca/contact ), the Attorney General (JAG.Minister@gov.bc.ca). Contact info for MLAs and other agencies is available at www.stopsmartmetersbc.com under “Contact”.

It is essential that these people receive hundreds of emails – they will pay attention only when they are demanded by pressure to do so. If they don’t hear from us, they will not be aware how important this is to so many of us. In your letters, please demand that these be recalled because they are defective and are putting our lives, the lives of our families, and our homes at risk.

The covering letter and report are available at:  https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/special-report-re-bcuc-fire-report-by-sharon-noble/  which will make it easier to share.

2)    Finally – a  – $7000 per meter vs. BC Hydro’s — $7000 per meter vs. $555!   Pure corruption is common in these programs.


(read the summary at:
http://haltmasmartmeters.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/AGO-06132016-LISTENING-SESSION_FLYER-BACKUP-LINKS-F.pdf )

3)    Dr. Marshall advises that exposure to RF can affect drugs that are taken by people with chronic diseases.

“…  we are not just dealing with an “addiction to devices” but are also dealing with a physiological addiction caused by the partial suppression of the human immune system by the EM waves. As you know, immunosuppressive drugs (like NSAIDs and Cortisol and Prednisone) are often prescribed to people suffering from chronic disease. 45% of the US population are taking drugs for a chronic disease condition. The effects of microwave radiation are additive to any drugs we are taking. Some people are likely to become reliant on this additive suppression, and will feel physical pain or discomfort when removed to an RF-quiet environment. We have observed some immune-disease patients whose symptoms became so severe that they could only take a day or two “in the country” before having to return to their ‘devices’ again.

There have been mouse studies showing this, but it is also one of the primary things we found during our own studies with humans. The phenomenon of “Immunopathology” is well-described, and we have been studying it with drug-immunostimulation for a decade. It occurs when activation of the immune system causes symptoms to temporarily worsen.

Here is one study I cited in our upcoming paper:

Prof. Trevor G Marshall, PhD
Director, Autoimmunity Research Foundation, Thousand Oaks, California
Fellow, European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine (Brussels)
Patron, Unabhangige Gesellschaft zur Erforschung von Autoimmunerkrankungen (Germany)
International Expert Council, Community of Practice: Preventative Medicine (Moscow)

4)    A YouTube showing how easy it is to enter “secure” areas of the power grid and hack it. With the “Internet of Things”, the entire grid is very vulnerable.


5)    Keep an eye out from BC Hydro sneaking and switching meters via a live exchange. No announcement that it is being done so people can turn off appliances and computers – there will be damages. No notice that it is going to be done or that it was done. Most recent occurrence was in North Nanaimo.

6)    Any E-plus BC Hydro customers will be interested in the current application, and the argument by E-plus customers, at the link. BC Hydro is trying to unilaterally withdraw a rate agreement that has been in place for 30 years. These people are without any business ethics.


7)    Non-smeter. Lithium battery in child’s shoe – fire.



From: X
Sent: May 17, 2016
To: School board trustees

Subject: The danger of Wifi in our schools

I have written a few times to the school board members about the dangers of Wifi in our schools. Children can suffer from headaches, nausea, behavioural changes, exhaustion and cancer from exposure to Electro Magnetic and Radio Frequency Radiation. All of these have be classified as a 2B carcinogen by the World Health Organization. These are right up there with DDT and other dangerous chemicals. The carcinogens can cause cancer in children and the rate of childhood cancers has jumped greatly in the last several years.

“Currently, one in every 330 children in the United States develops cancer before the age of nineteen. The incidence of cancer among children is increasing. Each school day, enough children are diagnosed with childhood cancer to empty two classrooms!”
(According to www.ChildCancer.org)

In the US there has been a 24% increase in childhood cancer.

In the UK cancer in children is up 29%. Leukaemia and Brain cancers are the highest number of cases.

The Mayor in Haifa, Israel has stood up to all and banned wifi from all schools and kindergartens. I feel it is time that our officials start to stand up and protect the children that are put in the “care” of schools and government programs.





http://www.safeschool.ca/. This site will tell you just about everything you need to know.



From: XX
Sent: May 15, 2016
To: Philpott.j@parl.gc.ca
Subject: Fwd: Update 2016-05-14 Pressure for “dumb” appliances is starting

Dear Minister;

I would like to write in support of the letter below, which you have received with full name of the writer (withheld here for privacy reasons).

I became electro hyper sensitive about ten years ago, and this chronic condition becomes worse every year, so that now I can’t go downtown in Vancouver, or remain inside some shopping centers for any length of time.

I am probably the proverbial canary in the coal mine, however the estimate is that at present 5% of people in industrialized nations are EHS. This is anticipated by scientists and doctors doing research in this field to rise to 20% in the next decade or two.

You might be interested in the work done by Dr. Klinghardt in Seattle — your assistant can research this for you. More information is obtainable at citizensforsafetechnology.org.

We need to lower our permissible emissions to standards like those in Austria, city of Salzburg, for example. It is embarrassing that Russia, and China both have less damaging regulations than the English speaking countries! Let’s get on with it!


= = =

From: Y
Sent: May 12, 2016
To: Jane.Philpott@parl.gc.ca
Cc: Sharon Noble
Subject: Safety Code 6

Dear Honourable Minister Jane Philpott,

I commend your efforts and that of your government to begin to address some of the most egregious legislation of the previous administration.  One area which has not yet come up, to my knowledge, is that of the terrible inadequacy of Safety Code 6.  I know that despite pressure from the telecom industry, Industry Canada has now given the municipal governments of our country some say in the siting of cell towers.  This movement is despite the lobbying of the same industries to prevent any such consultation, expressly wishing to forbid the health concerns surrounding this issue.  But Safety Code 6 remains, as antiquated as the belief that the world is flat.


[- http://c4st.org/safety-code-6]

Throughout the last decade, independent researchers worldwide have been publishing peer reviewed scientific papers regarding the dangers of Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) at both Safety Code 6 levels and much lower.  In Canada, Magda Havas of Trent University has presented many studies going back to the 1940’s which indicate the invisible threat of EMR.  Canada ranks among the most lax in dealing with this threat.  Our levels are laughable.  And now, with increasing rapidity, schools are installing wifi, regardless of research indicating the need for great caution because of the probable effects of EMR on developing brains.

EMR has been labelled the new tobacco.  The fear is that, like tobacco, the manifestation of the danger will not be revealed immediately, though enough death from cancers in the brain should have already raised the alarm.  Fighting EMR may be one of the more difficult challenges that we face, especially with the vast wealth of the telecommunications industry funding the source of the problem.

We possibly have come too far to eliminate wireless devices, but there may be a better way to transmit signals and protect the most vulnerable people of our citizenry.

Thank you for your attention and consideration of my concerns.

Yours truly,



Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

Power of the People is stronger than the People in Power

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation