2016-05-14 Pressure for “dumb” appliances is starting

1) The hard sell for “smart” appliances has started. Who could refuse to be able to communicate with your family via the fridge? No use to talk.


2) Lawsuits against companies gathering personal data, e.g. biometrics, are becoming more common. I bet it won’t be long before smeter and utility companies are facing similar actions. We just have to show that they can gather, and are gathering, data not needed for billing purposes.


3) In the update of May 12, I shared info about a current Bill before the Legislature of California which is considering the efforts of the phone companies to stop providing landline service. There is a growing effort to force everyone to use cell phones across the USA and I would expect we will see that happen here. This could be a battle we face soon.

“More than 10,000 people who would otherwise be saved die every year when calling 911 from a cellphone because emergency dispatchers can’t get a quick and accurate location on them, the Federal Communications Commission calculated, when it proposed new 911 location rules last year for wireless phones.”


4) An official complaint has been made to the BCUC re BC Hydro spending on certain projects, and apparent attempt to mislead the Commission as well as the public.


I have read the official application but it would appear that there would be standard procedures that would allow for intervener status and request as an interested person to receive information.


Perhaps it’s time for us to lodge an official complaint about the misleading information that BC Hydro has provided regarding the smeter program and what seem to be hidden costs/contingency funds.

5) 90% of Germany’s power is coming from renewables, much to the chagrin of the “standard” utility companies.



From: X
Sent: May 12, 2016
To: Jane.Philpott@parl.gc.ca
Cc: Sharon Noble

Subject: Safety Code 6

Dear Honourable Minister Jane Philpott,

I commend your efforts and that of your government to begin to address some of the most egregious legislation of the previous administration.  One area which has not yet come up, to my knowledge, is that of the terrible inadequacy of Safety Code 6.  I know that despite pressure from the telecom industry, Industry Canada has now given the municipal governments of our country some say in the siting of cell towers.  This movement is despite the lobbying of the same industries to prevent any such consultation, expressly wishing to forbid the health concerns surrounding this issue.  But Safety Code 6 remains, as antiquated as the belief that the world is flat.

Throughout the last decade, independent researchers worldwide have been publishing peer reviewed scientific papers regarding the dangers of Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) at both Safety Code 6 levels and much lower.  In Canada, Magda Havas of Trent University has presented many studies going back to the 1940’s which indicate the invisible threat of EMR.  Canada ranks among the most lax in dealing with this threat.  Our levels are laughable.  And now, with increasing rapidity, schools are installing Wi-Fi, regardless of research indicating the need for great caution because of the probable effects of EMR on developing brains.

EMR has been labelled the new tobacco.  The fear is that, like tobacco, the manifestation of the danger will not be revealed immediately, though enough death from cancers in the brain should have already raised the alarm.  Fighting EMR may be one of the more difficult challenges that we face, especially with the vast wealth of the telecommunications industry funding the source of the problem.  We possibly have come too far to eliminate wireless devices, but there may be a better way to transmit signals and protect the most vulnerable people of our citizenry.

Thank you for your attention and consideration of my concerns.

Yours truly,

[- http://www.parl.gc.ca/Parliamentarians/en/members/Jane-Philpott%2888835%29]


From: XX
To: Jerry Flynn ; Gord.Johns@parl.gc.ca ; Bill.Casey@parl.gc.ca ; Len.Webber@parl.gc.ca ; Don.Davies@parl.gc.ca ; Ramaz.Ayoub@parl.gc.ca ; Colin.Carrie@parl.gc.ca ; Doug.Eyolfson@parl.gc.ca ; Rachel.Harder@parl.gc.ca ; Darshan.Kang@parl.gc.ca ; John.Oliver@parl.gc.ca ; Sonia.Sidhu@parl.gc.ca ; justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca ; Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca ; Jane.Philpott@parl.gc.ca ; Luc.Theriault@parl.gc.ca ; David.Anderson@parl.gc.ca ; Rheal.Fortin@parl.gc.ca ; Murray.Rankin@parl.gc.ca ; Harjit.Sajjan@parl.gc.ca ; James.Bezan@parl.gc.ca ; Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca ; Michel.Boudrias@parl.gc.ca ; Ralph.Goodale@parl.gc.ca ; Erin.OToole@parl.gc.ca ; David.Christopherson@parl.gc.ca ; randy.boissonnault@parl.gc.ca ; mike.lake@parl.gc.ca ; Prime Minister/Premier Ministre ; hon.jane.philpott@canada.ca ; MP Elizabeth May
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016

Subject: Re: The RCMP Must be Directed to Conduct a Criminal Investigation into Health Canada

I, too, would like to call for a criminal investigation into Health Canada. They are called “Health Canada” but I think their name should be changed to “Sickness Canada”. Given that they are burying mountains of global evidence that says Wi-Fi is unsafe and are causing sickness and probably many deaths as a result, they need to be held accountable for their actions.

A criminal investigation would reveal a very ugly cancer growing within this organization. As Canadians, we have a right to be protected. Health Canada are not doing their job.

Thank you.


[- http://c4st.org/HCmythbuster]


Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

Image - Dont Give Up


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation