2016-04-16 Ontarians are seeing another rate increase — they conserved too much.

1)   The first “Wi-Fi” conference is being held in Washington, DC, next week. There will be no discussion of health effects or scientific studies allowed. Protesters are planning on having a web-conference at the same time. It really is too bad that organized protest couldn’t have been organized to picket outside. This would help raise awareness where the web-conference may reach only those already involved and aware.

If anyone hears of any similar conference in BC, please let me know asap. With enough advance notice, we could hold a protest.

Here are some of the presenters at the Wi-Fi conference. Notice the Federal Communications Commissioner.  A very cozy relationship between the companies and the regulator, it appears. The FCC in the USA is comparable to Industry Canada.

2)   There are so many articles about the “data management” and asset growth that goes along with increases in “telemetry” or telecommunications, for example $$meters, that it is clear that obtaining data is the goal. This article from a member. Please note that Navigant has been a supporter of Smeters and was one of the hired hands brought in by FortisBC, along with Exponent with whom Navigant regularly works, to convince the BCUC that $$meters were safe and have all sorts of benefits.


3)    Californians use less energy than just about all others in the USA, and credit is given largely to the high rates being charged.  Watch for BC Hydro to use this justification for increasing rates here.

“The report finds that California uses a lot of energy because it has the largest population and the largest economy of any state in the nation, ranking near the top in commercial, residential, industrial, and transportation energy consumption and expenditures. But at the same time, per capita energy consumption remains low in California. This is due to a legacy of innovative public policies that encourage energy efficiency, along with energy rates that are higher than the national average, according to the report.”


4)    $$meters sure haven’t helped to bring rates down in Ontario, where another rate increase takes effect May 1.  People didn’t use enough electricity during the winter (so much for conservation) and Ontario is selling excess electricity to the USA at a loss – that’s the explanation. The same is or will be happening here in BC – we already have surplus energy and people are reducing consumption like crazy, yet Site C is moving forward.

“A balmy winter created a shortfall for the province’s electrical utilities, something the Ontario Energy Board will bridge with a rate hike on May 1 — a response to our collective conservation effort that’s likely to happen again, critics say….

Both McKitrick and Yauch said that the province generates more electricity than it needs, the cost of which then gets downloaded to ratepayers. Roughly 80 per cent of wind power generated in Ontario gets to sold to the U.S. right now — and for a “massive loss”, the University of Guelph professor said.”


And look at the time of use rates as of Nov 1., 2015 when the last rate increase went into effect:

5)    In the UK, people are being warned about phoney installers coming to doors unannounced, wanting to change meters. Sounds like Corix and Hydro in BC – some show no ID, and there is no advance warning. How do people know who to trust? Yet if you refuse to allow an unidentified stranger to mess with your electrical meter, you could face a Failed Installation Fee or even having your power turned off.


Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation