1) A study from 2012 shows that the spinal cord is an excellent antenna for RF radiation, especially in the FM range, 100 MHz.
The multi-frequency (100–2400 MHz) simulation results show that peak voltage and current response is observed in the FM radio range around 100 MHz, with significant strength to potentially cause changes in the CNS. This work can contribute to the understanding of the mechanism behind EMF energy leakage into the CNS, and the possible contribution of the latter energy leakage towards the weakening of the blood brain barrier (BBB), whose degradation is associated with the progress of many diseases, including Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
2) A “subject matter expert” is being sent to Guam by Landis+Gyr, whose meters are being accused of over-billing by a significant amount.
“Meanwhile, 1st Green has issued a statement to its stakeholders and clients. The company stated that per its calculations, the smart meters are billing as much as 15 percent more than GPA’s tariff.”
3) ComEd, a (if not the) major electrical utility company in Illinois is asking for major increases in rates, even though the cost of energy itself is less. So far, I have not found a utility where smeters have been installed where rates have gone down, as promised, yet BC Hydro and FortisBC keep telling its customers this is a benefit. If there is a cost savings, e.g. no meter reading costs, they are not sharing them with us.
The utility says the coming increases this year and next will be offset at least in part by lower costs for the electricity itself. ComEd expects the average household to save about $3 per month beginning in June by lower prices.
Persistently low energy prices have helped blunt the effect on consumers of ComEd’s rising delivery rates. The cost of delivering power now accounts for 42 percent of total charges; counting the cost of transporting it over high-voltage lines, too, the share is about half.
Before energy prices crashed and smart grid, distribution used to account for more like a third.
4) $$meter resistance begins in New Mexico, where the utility company is repeating the same lies that utility companies around the world (including in BC) have used, e.g. no credible evidence of harm from RF. It seems the meter companies (regardless of brand) have a PR campaign written up with the same talking points, the same misleading info, and the same lies. Comments could be sent to the reporter at: ben@scdailypress.com
5) I just received notice today that many groups in the USA are calling for April 23 to be EMR Action Day. Not a lot of notice to organize events, but if you would like to do something, let me know and I will share info in an update. Please make sure there is a contact email address so people can coordinate.
“Worldwide EMR Action Day aligns with Earth Day to protect the biological integrity of the natural world and all its inhabitants against unnatural Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). With this endeavour, people from around the planet join together to reduce harm from EMR and create a healthier life for all.”
6) Our BC Hydro Opposition Critic at work…. Look at page 12054, line 1550. Disappointing questions and infuriating answers.
[Quote from Bill Bennett:
1.93 million smart meters installed across the province,
12,761 customers have legacy meters, and
661 customers have radio-off meters.
Those numbers are as of February 4, 2016.]
A letter to a member. BC Hydro continues to mislead.
***Sharon Noble’s comments***
From: customer.relations@bchydro.com
To: X
Cc: customer.relations@bchydro.com
Date: April 13, 2016
Subject: FW: Addendum to March 17, 2016 letter re smart meter fire, safety and other meter concerns
Dear X
Thank you for your March 17 and 21 emails. They have been forwarded to me for review and response.
Earlier this year, we notified about 2,300 customers throughout the province that the accuracy seal on their old meter was expiring. Since BC Hydro no longer has a stock of legacy meters, these customers now have the option to default to a radio-off meter with the associated fees or switch to standard smart meter for free. Radio-off meters do not communicate wirelessly.
***Do they receive signals?***
This policy is consistent to what was said when the Meter Choices Program was announced in 2013: customers could keep an old meter “until the meter breaks down, their Measurement Canada seal expires, or they relocate.”
***No, it isn’t consistent with the announcement at the time. The meter choice came later.***
All meters are verified for accuracy by Measurement Canada, a federal consumer protection agency. We are legally obligated to ensure our meters meet all Measurement Canada requirements and before the seal expires, we have to remove the meter. Measurement Canada does not allow any meters with an expired seal to remain in operation and there can be significant penalties (up to $5,000 per meter) for doing so.
***The meters do not expire until Dec. 31 so MC would not fine before then.***
There are no plans to recertify old meters. Modernizing the electricity grid is a critical part of our plan to provide a secure and reliable power system to support the economy, new and emerging industries and communities all over the province. The replacement of obsolete mechanical meters with modern smart meters is a critical part of this transformation.
***Smart meters are not part of the critical infrastructure. They just measure consumption for billing purposes. Why not spend the money on new transformers that keep causing outages or putting lines underground so that they wouldn’t go down during a storm?***
Customers can confirm that they have a radio-off meter by watching the display: radio-off meters cycle through to a screen that shows “RF OPT OUT.”
***But these can be turned on without our knowledge.***
Once a radio-off meter is installed, the monthly legacy meter fee ($32.40) they’ve been paying will end, and the radio-off meter fees will start. These fees include:
· a one-time set-up fee of $22.60, which helps to recover the cost of converting the meter and installing it at the customer’s property;
***Converting the meter? It’s a push of a computer button. And the cost of removing expired meters has been included in rates from day one. This is robbery.***
· a monthly operating fee of $20, which helps to recover the ongoing costs of serving a non-communicating meter and ensuring the smart grid can work as planned around this meter; and
***How is it that other utilities can manage without such high fees?***
· a one-time exit fee of $55 if you move or change to a smart meter.
***Again, this is punitive. To turn the transmitter on it takes nothing more than a push of the computer’s button.***
What is the life span of a smart meter?
We expect our smart meters will last approximately 25 years before they need replacing.
***Based on what? The industry says 5-7 years and that is what is being seen in many places. These meters are nothing more than plastic computers. 25 years!! I’ve got a bridge you might want to buy.***
All electricity meters installed by utilities in Canada have a predetermined expiry period. This period can range from 6 to 12 years (depending on the type of meter) and begins when the meter is first inspected. Meters go beyond their expiry through recertification.
Why were old meters prior to the Meter Choices Program recycled?
The installation of our smart metering system was mandated by The Clean Energy Act (2010). In 2011, we began modernizing B.C.’s electricity system by replacing all meters to new electricity meters known as smart meters.
It wasn’t until the announcement of the Meter Choices Program in July 2013, that there was a reason to keep still valid old meters in stock. The government of B.C. was responding to public concerns by providing options, paid for by those residential customers who do not want a smart meter. Previous to Meter Choices Process, options to have non-communicating meter was not available.
***Perfectly good analogs and even new digitals were destroyed, a waste of our money.***
Are smart meters compatible with existing meter bases?
Our meters are grid equipment, so they are exempt from CSA (Canadian Standards Association) standards which are meant for consumer products. This was the same for analog and digital meters, as well as smart meters.
***They (smeters and digitals) are exempt because they are owned by BC Hydro and a loophole allows it. This doesn’t mean they are safe. To the contrary, experts believe they wouldn’t pass CSA tests. Analogs were not electrical devices like smeters so they didn’t need to be certified. The meter bases were certified to hold an analog and nothing else.***
Meters and meter sockets installed in BC are designed to a common standard that considers the compatibility of the meter to the meter socket and vice versa. Meter sockets are the property of the customer and as part of customer’s responsibility is to ensure the meter socket is in accordance with BC Electrical Code, requiring the meter sockets to [be] CSA certified and compatible to the common standards. More specifically, meter sockets have to be certified to ANSI C12.7, matching the meter’s ANSI C12.10 physical dimensions, as well as other standards related to measurement specifics. These standards do not differentiate between manufacturer, model, or vintage of the meter or meter socket and ensure compatibility between both legacy meter and smart meters, with the meter socket at homes and businesses with BC Hydro’s service territory.
***The home owner could be held holding the bag because the base has something in it that doesn’t belong, hasn’t been certified. And BC Hydro used the base to turn off the power in many cases. CSA could nullify the base’s certification and then what would happen with the insurance? If all of this is true, why are ITRON meters in Texas not fitting properly into the bases, resulting in arcing and fires?***
Fire Investigations
In the event of a fire, first responders take control of the scene. They may ask BC Hydro crews to de-energize the property if it is safe to do so. BC Hydro only proceeds with this work with permission from the incident commander.
***De-energizing should take place at the pole not the meter. That is according to firemen. De-energizing at the meter leaves live wires from the pole to the house.***
Determining the cause and origin of a fire is the responsibility of a fire inspector. Potential evidence may not be removed from a fire scene, so if there is any suspicion that an electrical meter was the cause or origin of a fire, the fire inspector would require that the meter stay in place.
***Meters ARE being removed from the scene of fires. BC Hydro is right, potential evidence is not supposed to be removed and by doing so, BC Hydro is breaking the law. Many fire inspectors have been unable to thoroughly investigate a fire because the meter is gone.***
If the meter is not suspected of being the cause or origin of a fire, then BC Hydro is permitted to remove its meter from a fire scene. BC Hydro examines the meter for safety and accuracy, and if the meter can be reused it is returned to inventory. If the meter it does not pass safety and reliability testing, then it is recycled.
***BC Hydro is not tracking the reason for the failure. I was told the meter is not inspected but, rather, is sent immediately to ITRON for replacement under the warranty.***
More information
If you have any questions about this email, you can call us 1 800 409 8199.
Scott Petrie
BC Hydro Customer Relations
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
~ Albert Einstein