2016-03-07 Brain cancer most common cancer in adolescents

  • Monsanto and other food producing companies do not want to provide info about  food containing GMOs on a label we can read. We deserve to know what we are eating. Now these companies are “offering” to put the info on codes that can be scanned by “smart” phones.  What is it that they don’t want all of us to know?



  • Industry is becoming more open about its ability and intent to use $$meters to obtain personal data, and the government is eager for access. Several very interesting links at the bottom which were referenced.

… actionable insights from their ever-growing pool of customer data.”

“Opower puts utilities in the driver’s seat, giving them the power to glean insights to improve their Demand Side Management, marketing, customer care, and other programs.  Opower has been finding increasingly sophisticated ways to put our massive data engine to work for utilities.”

“Opower’s platform and advanced business intelligence capabilities combine energy usage data with location, weather, and parcel data; utility account information; and third-party demographics.  The platform also incorporates Opower’s advanced analytics including load archetypes, giving program managers unprecedented visibility into their customers.”



  • A student in a Maryland school presents her concerns about wifi in classrooms before the board of trustees. This was done last month. I will see if I can find out what response she got.



  • Concerns about smart meters include spying, fires, loss of privacy, and endangering health.



  • In Canada it seems there is no registry tracking cancers as is being done elsewhere. The Parliamentary Committees (2010 & 2015)  recommended that detailed tracking be done. If “they” don’t look, they can’t find.

Brain tumours are now the leading cancer in American adolescents, and incidence is rising in young adults according to the largest, most comprehensive analysis of these age groups to date.

Canada is undoubtedly similar. “The astounding increases reported in this study, especially in young people, mirror what I am seeing in my clinic,” responded Dr. Jacob Easaw, from the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary. “Canada is in the process of establishing a comparable brain tumour registry, so these analyses will not be available here for 15 or 20 years. I am increasingly convinced that mobile phones are a major cause, and urgent action is needed.”





From: X
Sent: March 7, 2016 6:18 PM
To: Smart Meters <SmartMeters@bchydro.com>
Cc:  director@stopsmartmetersbc.com; coordinator3@stopsmartmetersbc.com; daren.sanders@bchydro.com; oppositionleader@leg.bc.ca; Bond.MLA, Shirley <Shirley.Bond.MLA@leg.bc.ca>
Subject: Re: BC Hydro Meter Choices Program

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your letter.

I have three comments at this time.

What is the expiry date on my meter?

  1. You haven’t addressed the question of when my meter expires. Please provide the date. You must have this information as you sent me a letter telling me the meter is about to expire. Please answer this question. If necessary, I may formally request this information about my account under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. However, I hope that an informal request will suffice.

Why the change in policy between March 1 and March 6?

  1. In your March 1 communication to me, you requested I contact you to advise if an appointment was required. I advised in my email that I would exercise this option. Your email now states that you “can’t accommodate appointment requests.” Please explain this discrepancy.


In this regard I would like to add that my presence (or the presence of an my agent) is required to ensure access to the meter on my premises. To state that your technician may arrive unannounced and then charge a “failed installation fee” is completely unacceptable.

Please correct your records.

  1. My phone number is XXX-XXX  (This is to correct an error in your email.)

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.



Newsletter prepared by  Sharon Noble
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
Albert Einstein

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation