2016-03-01 In the EU energy savings are far below those promised. Benefits don’t justify the costs.

  • A city council in Michigan is supporting opt out with no financial penalties. The opt out should include keeping a safe, dependable analog!



  • In Germany and other parts of the EU the smeter programs are not proceeding as planned, and promised savings are far below those projected. Costs will not be recovered through savings, yet the companies continue to work to expand to be able to obtain access to data.

“The integration will allow the analytics application to utilize various big data options for administering smart meter gateways and meter data processing for external market participants on the German market….

Without sufficient functionality and consumer engagement, smart meters may fail to deliver promised savings in energy use. In the latest EC benchmarking report, Finland found the average savings to be 1-2%, while Sweden gave a range of 1-3% — numbers that are below the original energy savings from smart meters forecast.”



  • The $$mart grid continues to expand around the world and we still don’t know why.

Cape Verde with money from the World Bank   http://tinyurl.com/hcrlz4a

India where many people still do not have electricity    http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/indiranagar-to-be-the-first-to-get-smart-grid/article8290915.ece

Dubai where “$$mart” power plants are being built   http://gulfnews.com/business/sectors/energy/dewa-launches-smart-power-plant-1.1679946

  • I am receiving many emails each day from people who are being intimidated by phone calls from Hydro people. When are the MLAs going to step forward to do their jobs of helping us? The liberals have to follow the party line but what about the NDP and the Green parties. These things are dangerous, invasive fire hazards that should be recalled. If the NDP is so concerned about the costs of this program, why aren’t they demanding a recall with a full refund from ITRON. ITRON knew that these things were dangerous before Hydro signed the contract. If Hydro had done its due diligence they could have found that meters had burned elsewhere. Why are the NDP so timid about this? Please, visit your MLA and make him/her explain to you why they refuse to do their jobs. Elections are coming next year. Do they want your vote??



From: X
Sent: February 29, 2016 8:57 AM
To: Smart Meters <SmartMeters@bchydro.com>
Cc: Dennis and Sharon Noble <dsnoble@shaw.ca>; John Horgan, BC NDP <john.horgan@bcndp.org>; Adrian Dix <adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca>; rob.fleming.mla <rob.fleming.mla@leg.bc.ca>; premier@gov.bc.ca
Subject: BC Hydro Meter Choices Program

To: Darin Sanders
Senior Manager
Customer Service Operations
BC Hydro
cc: Sharon Noble,  John Horgan, Adrian Dix, Rob Fleming,  Christy Clark

Dear Mr. Sanders,

In answer to your letter dated February 16, 2016, we are deeply concerned of BC Hydro’s recent information about the requirements of meter exchanges.

Firstly, we are displeased of being addressed by our first names by someone we do not know, have never met, and is not a friend; nor do we consider it appropriate legal business practice sending out letters in this manner, and ‘written’ by someone who just gives a first name, even if it is a form letter. The same type of address is given when we phone at the office. My wife spoke with a “Jeremy” at BC Hydro twice last week and was called “Y” each time.


We are very concerned about the smart meter campaign and the way that BC Hydro customers are being bullied into accepting any form of a smart meter.


We have always had an analog meter ever since we moved to our house in the early 1990s. Last year, BC Hydro replaced our analog meter with a new analog meter, so we do not accept your statement that the seal on our meter will soon expire. Of course you would have noticed this had you and your staff actually opened our account information.

You say that you have no analog meters left and want to replace with either a smart meter or a meter with a transmitter. We cannot accept either of these options, but will be accepting of another analog meter. We have been paying the “legacy” fee for several years now, and it must be obvious to all, that we do not want anything different. Why would we pay this extra money under duress unless that was the only acceptable meter for us.

We want to reiterate that we want to continue having an analog meter in our house. Should it really need to be exchanged, we demand and expect to be given another analog meter. We made the choice to keep using an analog meter in our house at the beginning of the smart meter campaign and we have been paying the additional fee ever since to do so therefore we are entitled to keep having an analog meter in our house.

We have a number of concerns/requests that we would like to discuss with you prior to any meter exchange.

1) For the reasons we outline below, we will only accept an analog meter on our house, not a digital one.

  1. a) Through the Meter Choices Program we chose to keep, and have been paying for, an analog meter. We feel it is BC Hydro’s responsibility to allow us the right to continue to have that option.
  2. b) We are concerned about the safety of the digital meters, specifically the increased risk of fire potentially due to moisture effects on the lithium metal battery.
  3. c) Privacy – we are opposed to BC Hydro or any other entity having access to our energy consumption information. We feel this violates our Canadian Charter of Rights.

2) We request an appointment with an installer to have the exchange done as we require the power in our home to be turned off at the breaker inside the house prior to the meter being exchanged. It is not okay to remove and reinsert another meter into a loaded socket.

3) We would like the meter exchange to be done by a fully qualified BC Hydro employee (with identification), and NOT a Corix employee please.


Smart meters with their lithium battery are a ticking time bomb. BC Hydro is promoting smart meters and transmitter-off (?) smart meters when it is a known fact they have caused many fires in BC, Saskatchewan, Ontario, the United States and elsewhere. Proper independent investigation into these fires needs to be carried out. Our lives and our homes matter!

Unfortunately, the Liberal Government, via BC Hydro, has continued to bully those of us who wish to be kept free from excessive radiation in our own homes. Every outlet, every wire, every appliance in a home with a smart meter transmits radiation to each and every area of that home, radiating every individual in the ‘privacy’ of their own dwelling. Our homes, which were once our haven, are now being invaded and proselytized by those whose goal is money. Conscience has disappeared. Greed and self-advancement have taken over — at our peril!

We respectfully request a phone call giving us a mutually convenient day and time if and when the analogue meter is to be exchanged for same.

Thank you,



From:  X X
Sent: March 1, 2016 3:56 PM
BC Hydro                                By Registered Mail
PO Box 8910
Vancouver, BC                          Attn  Daren Sanders
V6B 4X3


Delta, March 1, 2016

Re:   Analog meter exchange

Dear Daren,

This is to acknowledge the receipt of you letter of Feb 23, 2016, in which you inform me that “soon” the analog electrical meter will be removed and exchanged with either a “smart meter” or a “radio-off” meter.

In exercising my choice I want to be present when the exchange takes place.

It is totally unacceptable to stay at home Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 8pm to wait until “soon” takes place. I require written notification with a minimum 3 days advance notice. I will hire an electrician to be on site when the exchange takes place. The electrician will be paid by me for his service.

In order to provide access to the meter base I must be present and remove all “obstacles” for a clear path for the installer.

Before any installation can take place all power must be disconnected. Should the installation occur without disconnection it will constitute an acceptance to replace all damaged electrical items with new – not prorated or used – equipment.

Due to insurance regulations any new equipment installed on the premises must have a CSA approval. Likewise all installation personnel must have a valid British Columbia Electrical ticket. It is imperative that this can be verified before any exchange can take place. Please ensure that this requirement can be met and can be attached to the insurance policy .

Health concerns dictate that only an analog meter can be installed at my premises. My wife suffers from severe heart problems (heart valve replacement plus electric heart pacemaker) and could not tolerate any interference with the equipment supplied by BC Hydro other than an analog meter. Alone the thought would give her mental stress and anxiety.

If an analog meter is not available “immediately” you can reserve one; I can wait until that time

I checked the seal on the analog meter presently installed and cannot find an expiration date. The seal shows only the Hydro logo. Since you made the statement that the meter will expire “soon”, please provide the information when the present meter was installed and how you monitor such a meter’s lifespan. Maybe “our” meter is good for many more years

If you have any questions or want a certificate from the heart specialist please reply to this letter. For better communication please provide a valid email address rather than using the cumbersome Canada Postal Service




Newsletter prepared by Sharon Noble

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
~ George Orwell

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation