- How long have we been seeing lies from BC Hydro passed on from ITRON about these $$meters? And it’s still happening. Please see below a long stream of emails started by a member who was expressing concern about the fire hazards posed by the lithium batteries. It’s time that we began a letter writing campaign to these people, copying the media. May I suggest that you consider copying the people I copied below, plus your MLA, and plus people like Mike Smyth msmyth@theprovince.com, Rob Shaw rshaw@vancouversun.com, Ian Jessop jessop@bellmedia.cam Contact info of other media people can be found at www.stopsmartmetersbc.com under “contacts”. We’ve been polite and quiet too long. This type of response is reprehensible but worse is the fact that people at Hydro and BC Safety Authority merely passed it on without considering what it said. It’s time we remembered that the power of the people is stronger than the people in power.
- A new report discusses how a mesh grid of Smart Meters, like that in BC, is especially vulnerable to being shut down by a virus because the Smart Meters communicate with each other as well as with the utility company. The virus could spread… like a virus.
- A member found this important document which is a draft from FCC in which admission is made that fixed broadband (wired) internet access has advantages over wifi and needs to be expanded.
“According to this media article, FCC recently released a fact sheet and will release a new broadband report on or after January 28, 2016.
[heading (italics is their emphasis): Americans need fixed and mobile Internet]
This year’s report doesn’t have any changes as big as last year’s, but it previews a change to be made in future years. The report concludes that “advanced telecommunications capability requires access to both fixed and mobile broadband.” That means consumers should have access to both home broadband and cellular Internet service, not just one or the other, or the FCC will determine that they do not have access to broadband.
The mentioned FCC fact sheet: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2678482-2016-BPR-Fact-Sheet.html [Chairman’s Draft]
Link to the full article: http://arstechnica.com/business/2016/01/us-fails-its-annual-broadband-deployment-test-at-fcc/
US fails its annual broadband deployment test at FCC”
- New hope for the safe incandescent lightbulbs as MIT has figured out a way to make them more efficient.
Metadata being used by police in the US to identify “dangerous” persons. Sounds like invasion of privacy being justified to prevent violence.
- What a surprise – BC Hydro ‘misled’ BCUC and the public about how money and how much money has been spent on various projects. There seems to be no punishment, no way to ensure that Hydro and the govt will stop deceiving us. An apology, just an apology.
- Another news article about Ontario’s Hydro One’s admission of a boondoggle of a Smart Meter program.
Please read from the bottom up.
From: Dennis and Sharon Noble [mailto:dsnoble@shaw.ca]
Sent: January 13, 2016 6:01 PM
To: Christy Clark (premier@gov.bc.ca) <premier@gov.bc.ca>; ‘info@bcombudsperson.ca‘ <info@bcombudsperson.ca>; ‘oppositionleader@leg.bc.ca‘ <oppositionleader@leg.bc.ca>; ‘patrick.wruck@bcuc.com‘ <patrick.wruck@bcuc.com>; ‘bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca‘ <bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca>; ‘Commission Secretary BCUC:EX’ <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>; ‘Ulrich.Janisch@safetyauthority.ca‘ <Ulrich.Janisch@safetyauthority.ca>; ‘adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca‘ <adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca>; ‘greg.reimer@bchydro.com‘ <greg.reimer@bchydro.com>; ‘jessica.mcdonald@bchydro.com‘ <jessica.mcdonald@bchydro.com>
Premier Clark, Mr. Bennett, and Others,
How much longer with BC Hydro, Fortis BC and ITRON continue to lie to you and to the people in BC whose lives and property are being put at risk?
Over many months, now years, I have provided evidence gathered about fires and meter failures that have occurred in BC, legal testimony about ITRON meters having failed and burned , and industry statements about the design flaws that cause these devices to be fire hazards, yet I have never received a response from anyone. In July 2015 I sent photos of melted and burned meters, and several fire reports to the BCUC where, I am told, the staff is still reviewing information – 6 months so far and nothing.
These meters are defective. We have every right to demand a recall and a full refund of the money spent on the meters, their installations, and for the damages caused. Don’t any of you care? Is the corporate hold on this program so tight that our laws can be ignored?
If this blatant lie by ITRON to BC Hydro and the BC Safety Authority doesn’t demand a response, what will?
It is possible that because you all have been made fully aware of this issue multiple times that, should someone die, you could be held personally liable for harmful negligence. You will not be able to say you didn’t know.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
818 Bexhill Place
Victoria, BC V9C 3V5
From: Dennis and Sharon Noble [mailto:dsnoble@shaw.ca]
Sent: January 13, 2016 5:32 PM
To: ‘mb12@telus.net‘ <mb12@telus.net>; ‘nikki.lheureux@safetyauthority.ca‘ <nikki.lheureux@safetyauthority.ca>
Cc: Lori Giesbrecht <mbl2@telus.net>; Bill Bennett (mem.minister@gov.bc.ca) <mem.minister@gov.bc.ca>; ‘John.Horgan.MLA@leg.bc.ca‘ <John.Horgan.MLA@leg.bc.ca>; ‘adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca‘ <adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca>
Dear Ms. Heureux,
Ms. Giesbrecht forwarded your responses to me and I must admit that I am totally bewildered that neither of you understood what ITRON was saying. While they say they do not use Lithium metal or lithium ion batteries, they are admitting that they are using a combustible, explosive lithium metal battery in the smart meters that are being put on our homes. http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg4/cg432/docs/msds/MSDS_IceBatteries.pdf
Further, if you had simply googled Wikipedia, you would have found that ITRON is deliberately misleading everyone with this statement:
Lithium battery
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about disposable primary lithium batteries. For rechargeable lithium batteries, see lithium-ion battery
[excerpts – more information under entry in Wikipedia]
Another type of lithium cell having a large energy density is the lithium-thionyl chloride cell. Lithium-thionyl chloride batteries are generally not sold to the consumer market, and find more use in commercial/industrial applications, or are installed into devices where the consumer does not replace them. The cell contains a liquid mixture of thionyl chloride (SOCl2) and lithium tetrachloroaluminate (LiAlCl4), which act as the cathode and electrolyte, respectively. A porous carbon material serves as a cathode current collector which receives electrons from the external circuit. Lithium-thionyl chloride batteries are well suited to extremely low-current applications where long life is necessary, such as wireless alarm systems.
Li-SOCl2 | Thionyl chloride | Lithium tetrachloroaluminate in thionyl chloride | 3.5 V | 3.65 V | 500–700 | 1200 |
Liquid cathode. For low temperature applications. Can operate down to −55 °C, where it retains over 50% of its rated capacity. Negligible amount of gas generated in nominal use, limited amount under abuse. Has relatively high internal impedance and limited short-circuit current. High energy density, about 500 Wh/kg. Toxic. Electrolyte reacts with water. Low-current cells used for portable electronics and memory backup. High-current cells used in military applications. In long storage, forms passivation layer on anode, which may lead to temporary voltage delay when put into service. High cost and safety concerns limit use in civilian applications. Can explode when shorted. Underwriters Laboratories require trained technician for replacement of these batteries. Hazardous waste, Class 9 Hazmat shipment.[5] | ||||||
Thionyl chloride with bromine chloride | Lithium tetrachloroaluminate in thionyl chloride | 3.7–3.8 V | 3.9 V | 350 | 770 | |
Rapid-discharge problems
Lithium batteries can provide extremely high currents and can discharge very rapidly when short-circuited. Although this is useful in applications where high currents are required, a too-rapid discharge of a lithium battery can result in overheating of the battery, rupture, and even explosion. Lithium-thionyl chloride batteries are particularly susceptible to this type of discharge. Consumer batteries usually incorporate overcurrent or thermal protection or vents to prevent explosion.
ITRON consistently has lied BC Hydro, FortisBC and the public in British Columbia regarding their smart meters about their safety. These meters are fire hazards and should not be on our homes.
It’s time that the BC Safety Authority, BC Hydro, Bill Bennett, and the liberal government acknowledged this.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
—– Original Message —–
From: Lori Giesbrecht
To: Nikki LHeureux
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 12:27 PM
Here we go…
your response from them is below and the truth is under it!
Buddy, countless BC Hydro supplied Itron smart meters are sitting on the south and west sides of many homes…
MY meter is on the West side of MY house.
During the spring and throughout the (Like July 2915 in Port Alberni) summer… the sun cooks everything and anything…
ESPECIALLY smart meters…
So, yeah… I can wait because I’m not going anywhere and I have all the time in the world.
I’m waiting to see what BC Hydro and the BC safety authority have to say about this…
🙂 Thanks so much
Lori G
Hi Brad,
The battery question has previously came up and please see below for Itron’s response. “Lithium battery” is a very general term to describe battery that contains Lithium and there are at least 3 different kinds.
Itron does not use a Lithium Metal or Lithium ION battery in the OW CENTRON meters. We utilize a Lithium Thionyl Chloride battery in our metering products. It is a non-rechargeable battery and has the following electrical characteristics:
**DANGER** INTERNAL CONTENTS ARE EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS. LEAKING FLUID IS CORROSIVE AND DANGEROUS UPON INHALATION. BATTERY MAY BE EXPLOSIVE AT HIGHER TEMPERATURES. Do not expose to temperatures above the maximum rated temperature as specified by the manufacturer due to leak hazard. If cell or battery leaks or vents Primary Routes of Entry: Inhalation. Carcinogenicity: Not listed by NTP, IARC, or regulated by OSHA. Health Hazards: Acute – Vapors are very irritating to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. Inhalation of thionyl chloride or sulfuryl chloride vapors may result in pulmonary edema. Chronic – Overexposure can cause symptoms of non-fibrotic lung injury. Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Eye and mucous membrane irritation. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Asthma, other respiratory disorders, skin allergies, and eczema
—– Original Message —–
From: Nikki LHeureux
To: ‘mbl2@telus.net‘
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 9:39 AM
Subject: FW: Lithium batteries are burning and exploding!
Good Morning,
Your question regarding the safety of Lithium batteries was forwarded to BC Hydro.
Please see their response below.
Thank you.
Nikki LHeureux | Administrative Support
104 – 9525 201 St, Langley BC V1M 4A5
tel: 778.396.2446 | toll free: 1.866.566.7233
www.safetyauthority.ca | Safe technical systems. Everywhere.
Subject: RE: B.C. Health Officer is also not protecting British Columbians!
Hi Brad,
The battery question has previously came up and please see below for Itron’s response. “Lithium battery” is a very general term to describe battery that contains Lithium and there are at least 3 different kinds.
Itron does not use a Lithium Metal or Lithium ION battery in the OW CENTRON meters. We utilize a Lithium Thionyl Chloride battery in our metering products. It is a non-rechargeable battery and has the following electrical characteristics:
The Tadiran P/N is TL-4902/PTI
Newsletter prepared by Sharon noble
Power of the People is stronger than the People in Power