- There are some insurers in the USA who are offering insurance that seems to cover the powerline going to the $$meter. Could this be to cover the liability in the event of a smeter fire??
- Attached is a press release from the group heading the battle against the LOON Project. Please share widely. This is getting no publicity and, just like the $$meters, etc., this will be done before anyone knows about it.
- Katie Singer, author of “Electronic Silent Spring”, is sharing some comics as a Christmas gift. This one is especially good and would be a good one to send to politicians as a New Year card.
- Update on the US Navy’s plan for RF warfare over the Olympic Peninsula and lower BC. Please forward this to your MPs—ask them why the federal government has said nothing about this dangerous infringement on our territory and homes. Also, please consider signing and sharing the petition if you haven’t already.
- Hacking is being made so easy and inevitable for devices connected to the internet which $$meters and, by extension, our homes are or will be.
- Sears is selling anti-RF shielding clothing, including maternity clothing. Obviously there is a market for this – so people are becoming educated on the risk.
- Predictions (and financial investments) that in 20 years, every physical thing will have an RF chip! And if “they” have their way, we will, too.
To: Commission Secretary BCUC:EX <commission.secretary@bcuc.com>
Cc: BC Hydro, Regulatory Group <bchydroregulatorygroup@bchydro.com>
Subject: The $700 reconnection charge for customers with legacy meters
Ms. Erica Hamilton
Commission Secretary
British Columbia Utilities Commission
Sixth Floor – 900 Howe Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2N3
Dear Ms. Hamilton:
RE: British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC or Commission) British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro)
2015 Rate Design Application (2015 RDA)
The $700 reconnection charge for customers with legacy meters is clearly a punitive charge open to discrimination and abuse. The BCUC’s duty is to ensure all customers are treated equally, fairly, and without discrimination.
The Utilities Commission Act says, “a rate must not be unduly discriminatory”
My concerns are whether there are any guidelines and rules put in place to ensure BC Hydro does not abuse their authority and discriminately decide to charge the punitive $700 without any justification. Who decides whether the reconnection charge is $35, $280 or $700? What recourse does the customer have if this $700 charge is used purely as a form of punishment?
BC Hydro has lost their way and forgotten this Crown Corporation is owned by the citizens of BC, who have paid their employees decent wages for good service and fair practices.
This $700 reconnection charge has been presented by BC Hydro to punish customers who have exercised their right to protect their homes and family from potential fire and health hazards from the installation of wireless Smart Meters. This charge should not be approved.
Newsletter prepared by Sharon Noble
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ~ George Orwell