2015-11-05 NBC News and Dr. Oz — news about cell phone danger.

  • I will be taking a break until Nov. 18. After tonight you will not receive updates directly, but one of our members will be sharing information and putting it on our website, stopsmartmetersbc.com, under “newsletters”.

If you need answers right away the following members are available:

Re. class action registrations:  coordinator3@stopsmartmetersbc.com

Re. general questions re. Hydro or wifi:  stopsmartmetersbc@shaw.ca

Re. general questions re. Fortis and cell towers:  hansk@telus.net

Re. class action lawsuit and Dec. hearing:  una@citizensforsafetechnology.org

Re: updates: lrfloyd@shaw.ca

  • Sent from a member re the history of Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS)

This Pdf has been copied and attached as a document – formatted to fit on 4 pages – – prints to two doubled sided.  Trying to make it easier for concerned people to educate others with minimum energy and time.
This is an excellent summary to hand out to people who are unaware of the history or the health hazards.  Inform people so that they can protect themselves and especially their children.



  • TMobile is giving customers a free cell tower in their homes!!



  • On NBC news a segment and 4 min. video, pediatricians warn about children having cell phones. The FCC lied when it said that the US standards are among the most conservative in the world. They are among the least protective in the world, being higher by multiples than those of many countries, including China, Russia, and even India. Until a few months ago Canada’s guidelines were the same, and in many respects they still are.


On Nov. 4 Dr. Oz had a major segment on cell phones. Note, the FCC is no longer saying cell phones are safe – they say they are “essentially” safe.  There are some ads at the beginning – well worth waiting for the program. It’s the first portion of the program. He does make some mis-statements. E.g. Heating water is not the primary risk associated with non-ionizing radiation, the type emitted by wireless devices. But still, this is educating the broader public – up to 70% of his “watchers” have concerns about their cell phones.


From the CTIA The Wireless Industry’s report, there are more wireless phones in the US than there are people, including infants.  Everyone is being exposed, if not by a personal phone, then by someone else’s.



  • The industry is encouraging utility companies to mislead, bribe, and “gamify” re. the $$meters and their benefits to get them on homes. There seems to be no intention to confront the real concerns the millions of us across North America who are resisting this “new technology”: health, security, safety and costs.




From: Jerry Flynn

Date: 11/4/2015

To: ‘Island Tides news’

Subject: The Health of All British Columbians is at risk because BC’s Provincial Health Officer follows “Corporate-Driven Fraudulent Science”!

Electro-Hyper Sensitivity (“EHS”) – is caused by radiation from today’s wireless devices.

Both BC’s Provincial Health Officer (PHO) and Health Canada refuse to admit there is such a thing even – though it was first diagnosed by German scientists in 1932!
In the 1950s clinics were established in Moscow and Leningrad, and in several Eastern European cities to study and treat thousands of people who worked in radio and TV stations, at radar stations,

in industrial plants etc. who suffered from the new disease called Radio Wave Sickness (today’s EHS)!    Wireless products didn’t appear in North America until the late 1980s.

In 1998, the California Dept. of Health Services did a survey which indicated that 120,000 California residents were so disabled by electromagnetic pollution that they were unable to work!


Teams of scientists in 14 countries have concluded that the health of as much as three quarters of the population on Earth is affected by wireless technology!

(Haugsdal 1998,
Hocking 1998,
Cao 2000,
Oftedahl 2000,
Chia 2000,
Sandström 2001,
Santini 2002,
Navarro 2003,
Santini 2003,
Zwamborn 2003,
Wilén 2003,
Oberfeld 2004,
Bortkiewicz 2004,
Al-Khlaiwi 2004,
Salama 2004,
Meo 2005,
Preece 2005,
Waldmann-Selsam 2005,
Szykjowska 2005,
Balikci 2005,
Balik 2005,
Hutter 2006,
Abdel-Rassoul 2007).
British Columbians should demand that our PHO, Dr. Perry Kendall divorce himself from Health Canada/Industry and begin protecting the public against this invisible, pernicious form of radiation!

The term “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” persists today because no health authority in any Western country admits that electromagnetic radiation has any effect on the health of any normal person.
EHS, therefore, refers to those people who have happened to find out that electromagnetic fields are the cause of their poor health, and who in addition are affected so seriously that they are disabled.



James G. (“Jerry”) Flynn


From: X
Sent: November 5, 2015 10:34 AM
To: ‘Commission Secretary BCUC:EX’ <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>; bchydroregulatorygroup@bchydro.com

Subject: RE: BC Hydro 2015 Rate Design Application

Dear Laura,

I received your e-mail regarding the Smart Meter Legacy fees not being within the scope of the current Rate Design Application. As per #7 in your document:

  1. Issues related to the Meter Choices Program are not within scope of this 2015 Rate Design Application. The interveners specified in section 7.1 of the attached Reasons must provide, by November 6, 2015, additional clarification on issues that they intend to pursue that are within the scope of this proceeding, otherwise their intervention status will be rescinded.

I would appreciate knowing why and how this decision was made.  I would also like to know who made this decision and what recourse is available to the thousands of people (stakeholders) who have complained to B.C. Hydro regarding this “extortion tax”!

We have never seen a financial report about the amount of money Hydro has collected from these legacy fees nor have we been shown how it was used.  B.C. Hydro is a crown corporation and therefore we the public of B.C. are its employers.  The sooner this fact is accepted and the sooner the BC Utilities Commission remembers who they are supposed to be serving the sooner justice will be done.

I would also like to express my dismay at the process and its forms that require a law degree to understand.  Perhaps when one is involved with the general public one should make the process for interactions less intimidating…but then again I imagine that’s the ‘modus operandi’.

I apologize that you are receiving the brunt of my disgust.  I am truly tired of the run around and bullying tactics that have been permitted throughout this whole Smart Meter program.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.




Newsletter prepared by Sharon Noble

MLK Jr Things that matter

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation