2015-10-14 Deadline for intervener registration in Hydro application extended

  • Attached is an amended timetable from BCUC regarding the BC Hydro Application for Rate Design. Thanks to efforts of members, they have extended the deadlines but only by 5 days: Oct 19 to register as an intervener;    Oct. 26 for written submissions by interveners.  Given the length and complexity of the application, this is not enough time. We need to ask for more. Why the rush if we the public truly are supposed to be able to participate fully?



  • Companies are making new and improved components of $$meters, including the plastic cover and the load switch. This is an acknowledgement that the earlier ones like ITRON, had design flaws that needed to be corrected.



  • For more than 55 years it has been know that the parabolic antennas (the type used by cell companies on towers, buildings, near schools, homes and hospitals) are dangerous. Why is this being allowed by Health Canada? The US National Telecommunications and Information Admin. in 1990 put out warnings that have been ignored with impunity.

“Aperture antennas have been known to be a potential source of harmful radiation to humans for at least 30 years because of their ability to strongly focus RF power.  Most operate in the VHF-to-SHF (>200 MHz) range where the human body is at quasi-resonance with this class of non-ionizing radiation. The most common aperture antennas employ a parabolic reflector.”  Page 12




  • A 19 min. youtube by Olle Johansson, which would be very good to share with people unfamiliar with the problems associated with RF/EMR and wireless devices.


(Editor’s note –  do a web search to see many more entries regarding Olle Johansson.   Search  professor olle johansson)


  • Below, in letters, please see the response to my request for a financial report on the smart meter program. Here we are 5 years into the program and 2 years since the highest legacy fees in North America were assessed, and a response for a copy of a status report has to be “prepared” !!


  • Non-smeter specific, but applicable to wireless technology in general.   The telecom/computer industry is guilty of using children and people in slave-like conditions to make their billions.



  • Person on craigslist is taking Hydro to small claims court for a high bill. More people should be taking action on an individual basis.

Needed Legal advice in small claims, against BC Hydro (Vancouver)

For a small claims court matter in Vancouver.
Review my documents before court (as suing BC Hydro)
Maybe attend court with me to ask questions of me, when I am on the stand.
It is for a $860 hydro bill, so not a lot of money, if anyone wants to do pro bono work, it would be appreciated



From: X

Sent: October 13, 2015 9:29 PM
To: jean.crowder@parl.gc.ca
Cc: brad.bishop@bchydro.com; complaints@bcuc.com; john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca; director@stopsmartmetersBC.COM
Subject: Smart Meter Formal Complaint

I recently received a threatening letter from BC Hydro stating they would possibly be disconnecting power to my residence if I did not grant access within 10 days to my meter.

My husband and I bought our current property last year, which was raw land that we built on. On our former property we had refused a smart meter despite threats and harassment, and had been part of the “Legacy” program, paying the extra monthly fee to keep our old analogue meter.

Last year while building our current home, I spent months going back and forth with BC Hydro requesting a non smart meter. I was told NO, because there were no other options available. They told me they didn’t have any other meters left besides smart meters. Finally, a non smart meter was installed in the form of a digital meter which we were happy about.

Now, a year later, upon receipt of this letter, I called BC Hydro to inquire about it. I was told that they need to switch our meter to a smart meter as we are not eligible in this area to be part of the Legacy program. They also said that they had not billed us for a Legacy meter for this past year as an oversight and would therefore now have to give us a smart meter. I explained that their billing error was not my fault, and that I was refusing the smart meter and opting to keep the one we have. I was told that was not an option but that they could install a smart meter with the radioactive part turned off. Again I refused. They said they had no record of me ever refusing a smart meter other than at my old address. I explained that I had in fact gotten this digital meter last year after a lot of work, time, letters and phone calls. The person I was speaking with said they had no idea how I managed to get that meter but I couldn’t keep it. When I politely explained I would be declining the smart meter, I was told they would be disconnecting my power and hung up on.

I find this use of intimidation, threats, lying and bullying to be completely unacceptable. We have faithfully paid our bills on time and in full for the service provided, and this is the way we are treated as customers?

How can BC Hydro unilaterally shut off power that is needed for pumping drinking water (we are on a well), heating, cooking, medical devices etc.? They are doing this as punishment and to intimidate because as a monopoly, they can. I demand that this be halted immediately. We have been threatened, lied to, harassed and bullied by BC Hydro since the smart meter program began. 

People are worried for good reason about having these smart meters forced upon them and the brutal behavior of BC Hydro toward their customers is intolerable and needs to STOP!

In Disgust,



A long stream of emails, please read from the bottom up.

(Completed form submission to the auditor general:)

Dear Auditor General Bellringer,

 It is my understanding that BC Hydro is supposed to report on the financials results of new programs being implemented on an annual basis, if not quarterly.

You will see below at the bottom of this stream of emails a request I submitted to BC Hydro for a copy of the most recent financial report on the Smart Meter Program. I asked if the financial report would include the results of the legacy fees and the costs associated with the “opt out” portion of that program.

 The response I received was that my request was forwarded on Sept. 29, 2015 to the Smart Meter Department for a response. On Oct. 13, more than 2 weeks after my initial response, after receiving no response from the Smart Meter Department I asked for a follow up. Today, Oct. 14,   I was told that a response is being prepared.

 Apparently no financial report has been prepared and submitted to the proper authorities (presumably the BC Utilities Commission).  I find this concerning. The smart meter program was implemented without oversight through the Clean Energy Act 2010. No oversight is allowed re. safety, security, health effects, but I would have thought costs would be reviewed.

In addition, the legacy fees that are charged each person who has refused to accept a smart meter are the highest by far of any opt out fee charged in North America. These fees are causing major hardships for many, and are difficult to explain. What services are being provided that were not already included in rates we pay? Why are 50,000 people having smart meters read manually, receiving the same services as those with analogs, without any additional fees?  I, for one, would like to see how much money has been taken in since Dec. 2013 in legacy fees and what additional services are required to service our accounts that justify such fees.

 May I please ask for your office to obtain all the financial reports that should have been provided since the implementation of the smart meter program? I would like to know if the program is on budget, if the legacy fees are actually justified, and how much, in the future, the public will be paying for upgrades, shorter meter lifespans, and security systems.


Sharon Noble


From: Dennis and Sharon Noble [mailto:dsnoble@shaw.ca]
Sent: October 14, 2015 1:47 PM
To: Opposition Leader John Horgan (oppositionleader@leg.bc.ca) <oppositionleader@leg.bc.ca>; ‘adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca’ <adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca>
Cc: ‘Ian Jessop’ <Ian.Jessop@bellmedia.ca>
Subject: Financial report re. smart meter program

Dear John and Adrian,

Please see the stream of emails below pertaining to the financial report I request more than 2 weeks ago pertaining to the smart meter program and the legacy fees. It appears as if BC Hydro is not providing financial updates about this program as required by the BCUC. Why else would the smart meter department have to “prepare an response” when all I am asking for is a link to the report?

I believe that the public should know how much money has been taken in via the highest legacy fees in North America and how they are justified as well as a regular accounting for the expenditure of at least $1 billion on an unnecessary program.

Are you in possession of any related financial report? If you are, would you please share with me? If you are not, why aren’t you?


Sharon Noble



From: Macdonald, Scott [mailto:Scott.MacDonald@bchydro.com]
Sent: October 14, 2015 11:13 AM
To: Dennis and Sharon Noble <dsnoble@shaw.ca>
Subject: RE: Financial report

Ms. Noble, I am informed that the SMI group is working on their response to your inquiry.  Thank you.


From: Dennis and Sharon Noble [mailto:dsnoble@shaw.ca]
Sent: 2015, October 13 8:04 PM
To: Macdonald, Scott
Cc: Betsayda, Julie
Subject: Financial report

Dear Mr. MacDonald,

I have received no response from the SMI group indicating that the financial report with the accounting of the legacy fees exists. Could you please follow up? I would appreciate receiving confirmation that such information exists and will be provided to me.

Thank you.

Sharon Noble


From: Macdonald, Scott [mailto:Scott.MacDonald@bchydro.com]
Sent: September 29, 2015 11:44 AM
To: Dennis and Sharon Noble <dsnoble@shaw.ca>
Cc: Betsayda, Julie <Julie.Betsayda@bchydro.com>
Subject: RE: Financial report

Ms. Noble, I have forwarded your request to the SMI group. They will keep me informed about progress, or lack thereof, re your inquiry.



From: Dennis and Sharon Noble [mailto:dsnoble@shaw.ca]
Sent: 2015, September 29 10:10 AM
To: Macdonald, Scott
Subject: Financial report

Dear Mr. MacDonald,

Could you please send me a copy of or a link to the most recent financial report on the Smart Meter Program? If this doesn’t include an accounting of the legacy fees, both the amount obtained and the cost of the additional services provided to those with legacy meters, could you please provide this report as well?

Thank you.


Sharon Noble


Newsletter prepared by Sharon Noble

“The good thing about science, is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”  

– Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson

 Sent from my wired laptop with all wifi functions disabled.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation