1) 10,000 wifis hacked. A purrfect example of how easy it is and will be to get into unprotected devices like the zigbee chips in our appliances and $$meters.
2) Saskatoon utility is starting to install Elster smart meters, saying they are “safe”. The people are being misled. Elster smart meters have been involved in fires, just like every type has been. The benefits do not justify the costs or the risks.
3) After committing to strengthening BC Utilities Commission and allowing them to do their jobs which is to protect the public through oversight, now the government, wants to rush through 2 more huge projects that just can’t wait. More money from our pockets to subsidize industry with no oversight, no due diligence, and probably little regulation, just like the smart meter program and Site C.
“This summer, however, the energy ministry launched a consultation with stakeholders about allowing the two power lines – the North Montney Power Supply and the Peace Region Electricity Supply – to go ahead without obtaining a “certificate of public convenience and necessity” from the BCUC.”
4) Yet another study showing a relationship between male infertility and use of cell phones.
In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that a few small changes in cell phone usage, such as avoidance of talking while it is being charged, reducing the total time of conversations and keeping the device away from the groin may be highly beneficial for men seeking fertility. From a practical point of view, men who seek fertility are advised to turn off their devices while charging or, if not possible, to keep the device at least 50 cm from the groin during daily activities and while sleeping. Users are advised to carry the device a distance from the groin, for example in the shirt pocket, and to talk using earphones or to use a speaker whenever possible. A large scale study is needed to assess these and other possible effects of cell phone usage on sperm quality.”
Attached are more studies gathered by a fellow smart meter resister and someone concerned with microwave radiation, Marg Friesen from Manitoba. Please consider sharing this list with your physicians.
Friesen – Wireless radiation Male Reproduction related Studies 1 October 2015
5) A member saw a lawn sign that said “I’m for CBC” and suggested we could use the same idea re. the smart meter program. Because the smart meter program is provincial, it would be more relevant to the federal election to have a sign saying something like “Reform Health Canada”, or “Revise Cell tower policy”. Something that is under federal jurisdiction. It’s a great idea to get something that might get a candidate’s eye as he or she is walking the streets asking for votes.
Re. smart meters, signs or bumper stickers would be good to let people know there are still people fighting this. If anyone is interested in a bumper sticker, a graphic designer who is in the Coalition designed a good one. If anyone is interested I can see if she can provide in a format that can be taken to Staples, for example, to be printed off.
6) From a member. Non smart meter item, but worthy of discussion at debates during this election period. The federal and provincial governments are ruining our land and destroying our heritage. What will be left for our children and grandchildren besides debt?
http://northerninsights.blogspot.ca/ The link to Laila Yuile at the bottom of the article is worth a look.
7) Comment from a member to something another said a couple of updates ago. It is true that much of our electrical infrastructure is inadequate and obsolete. If the money had been spent on putting lines underground, for example, or updating lines and transformers, the result would have been a significant improvement in service and a long-term investment, instead of reduction in service and long term costs.
“I had a short chat with the meter reader yesterday and he told me there are about 40 analogs in my area, a lot of the smart meters are not working and B C H has to upgrade the power lines in some areas, more $$$$$.” ; THIS IS WHERE THE MONEY SHOULD BE SPENT IN THE FIRST PLACE. UPGRADING THE INFRASTRUCTURE. SAME WITH TELUS, IN RURAL AREAS WE HAVE 1920’S PHONE LINE TECHNOLOGY FEEDING TO OUR HOMES. IF THIS WAS UPGRADED WE WOULDN’T NEED THESE STUPID METERS.
From: X
Sent: October 3, 2015 7:30 AM
To: greg.reimer@bchydro.com
Cc: premier <premier@gov.bc.ca>; john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca; Dennis and Sharon Noble <dsnoble@shaw.ca>
Subject: Smart Meters Not Necessary to Modernize the Electric Grid Says a Major U.S. Utility | Smart Grid Awareness
Dear Mr. Reimer,
Further to my registered letter to you many years ago in which I discussed the insanity of proceeding further with the BC Hydro Smart Meter Program, particularly the never ending cost escalation with no real benefit to the consumer, you may be interested in reading the following link:
BC Hydro has now wasted billions of dollars of taxpayer’s money on a program doomed to failure from the start. As the public becomes more aware of the misrepresentations and outright lies put forth by advocates of the AMI program, the lack of ethics and moral standards of your organization will become evident.
Lying to the citizens of BC is one thing, but putting our health and safety at risk can never be condoned. As your IT department has no doubt informed you, the wireless meshed grid will become one of the most expensive (and insecure) follies embarked upon.
I, and many thousands of others in this province, expect the upcoming Class Action lawsuit will be successful and look forward to a full refund of the extortionate “Legacy Meter” fees and associated charges paid to date.
2 letters from a member:
Just sent this to Adrian Dix and 2 other NDP leaders:
“People around the globe are fed up” And in BC when it comes to today’s cheap plastic combustible lithium battery containing radiation emitting BC Hydro supplied Itron smart meters being forced on us and shoved into our home’s analog meter bases, the wave of resisters is getting stronger by the DAY!
The anger and resentment is building fast in British Columbia!!
BC Hydro is bullying and cutting power to the homes of their customers who don’t want one of these dangerous and deadly devices forced onto their private properties and installed on their homes!
MY questions is: when will someone start listening and stop BC Hydro and FortisBC from violating our Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms and our Democratic rights??
When will this madness stop?
Do you really want to wait to find out what happens when some basic utility company pushes their paying customers too far while everybody in power will see what’s REALLY going on and assist those customers being bullied and violated by these huge companies??
This is ALL thanks to the BC Liberal Government, The BC Energy minister Bill Bennett, BC Hydro and FortisBC… and perhaps our Ombusdsperson!!
Here is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s growing and festering inside the hearts of thousands of BC Hydro and FortisBC customers:
Proud member of The coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC and Citizens for Safe Technology organizations.
Letter I sent yesterday… regarding this bullying people who don’t want a smart meter on their property and installed on their homes:
Attention Adrian Dix, John Horgan, Spencer Chandra Herbert, BC NDP and Bill Bennett:
An updated “study” was supposedly done recently by Len Garis about the safety of smart meters.
On page 3 of this report Len Garis repeats what he’s said in earlier reports that there have been fewer fires related to “electrical distribution equipment” which would be related to smart meters.
Since smart meters have been installed, there have been OVER 100 such fires each year!
There have been 108 in 2015 ALONE so far!
The Director to Stop Smart Meters in BC has MANY reports with the electrical distribution equipment given as the cause – and BC Hydro continues to refuse to provide any details of the equipment and continue to hide behind the Freedom of Information Act.
How many MORE BC Hydro Itron smart meter fires must we have before BC Hydro and this government acknowledge that BC Hydro’s Itron smart meters ARE defective?
Furthermore, Len Garis AGAIN uses the Fire Commissioner’s “statistics” on the number of smart meter associated fires REPORTED and concludes that because the number is lower then pre-smart meter times, BC Hydro’s Itron smart meters are fine.
NEVER and not ONCE in any of the 3 reports he has done discloses that fewer reports are being filed.
From the reports requested by The Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC, 40-50% have not been available and were produced only after the Coalition specifically requested them!
To this day, at the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC, we are still waiting for some fire reports from 2-3 years ago!
This report is bogus and deliberately misleading!
If electrical distribution equipment fires = smart meter fires as Len Garis admits, then smart meters ARE causing more fires.
In 2010 (pre smart meters) there were 128. Post-meter years there were 134, 130, 138 and so far in 2015 there have been 108.
Remember these are REPORTED fires and many are NOT being reported.
Yesterday in the Penticton area, FortisBC customers are so fed up with being bullied by Fortis and being threatened their home’s power WILL be cut off if they don’t allow one of these dangerous and deadly BC Hydro supplied Itron smart meters to be brought onto their private properties and installed on their private homes!! Many of these folks met with a reporter with whom they gave their evidence of their unforgivable and inexcusable treatment!
My mission will not waver, I will never give in and I will never give up because BC Hydro supplied Itron smart meters are dangerous, deadly and they are NOT CSA or UL certified.
For the last 3.5 years, NO ONE in this province has answered these and the countless other questions about the safety of these pieces of junk.
Me and countless other smart meter resisters along with the rest of this province deserve the truth as I for one have spent the last 3 years waiting for accountability, honesty and REAL answers regarding these dangerous and deadly pieces of junk!!!
So, Mr Dix… Mr Bill Bennett… Mr Horgan and Mr Spencer Chandra Herbert, how much longer do we, the people who fund BC Hydro
you know us? We’re the BC tax payers… how long do we have to wait for answers and accountability???
I’m XX
I’m not going away
And I am a proud member of The Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in British Columbia and Citizens for Safe Technology organizations.
Newsletter prepared by Sharon Noble
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
Albert Einstein