2015-06-01 Major lawsuit win against tobacco. Next cell phone!!


  • The Ontario Ombudsman’s report criticizing HydroOne did not address the smart meter program which may be the crux of the billing issues and the thousands of complaints. Why? Is pressure to keep this program, no matter how bad and dangerous it is, that great?



  • A landmark decision re. smoking today, that will be the case with wireless devices, I am convinced. Too bad some of the execs are going to jail for knowingly making and selling (especially advertising to the young) a product known to be harmful.

“By choosing not to inform either the public health authorities or the public directly of what they knew, the companies chose profits over the health of their customers,” Riordan wrote.

“Whatever else can be said about that choice, it is clear that it represent a fault of the most egregious nature and one that must be considered in the context of punitive damages.”



  • Katharina Gustavs, a building biologist, prepared a powerpoint for a presentation before Saanich City Council a few days ago. She has graciously offered to share it. There is a lot of excellent info here, especially about microcell transmitters that are going up everywhere.



  • Recently we learned that the transmitter can be turned off in the $$meters with a push of a computer button, after BCHydro and FortisBC deliberately misled BCUC about the work involved  to get higher fees to punish those who wish to “opt out”.   Also, Hydro misled BCUC into believing that all the smart meters would be fully functional, thereby requiring special programs and significant additional work to read analogs.   Apparently these lies are systemic in the $mart program. The power companies in Australia are doing the same thing.



  • In some areas of BC where there is no cell reception Fortis is insisting on installing $$meters with no explanation. People are wondering if Fortis will be using satellite or something else. People are being forced to have fire hazards and RF transmitters put on their homes for no reason.  Please provide comments. They could be published in the next edition.



Sharon Noble

 Beware the Smart Home!

Smart Home Hub

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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation