2015-05-06 More concerns re. attack on the grid – LETTER RE OLYMPIC PENINSULA WAR GAMES


  • LITHIUM BATTERIES – One of our members wrote to the BC Utilities Commission with regarding the explosive, flammable lithium metal battery that is in each $$meter, and the fact that the Commission was misled by Hydro and Fortis about the complexity of disabling the transmitter – the Commission was not told a button being pushed was all that was involved. Whether giving misleading or deceptive information to the Commission is cause for reconsideration will have to be seen. Unfortunately the government never made Hydro to submit an application except for determination of the fees, so the issue of the safety of the $meters was never debated. But Fortis did apply, and misleading information was provided. The member is investigating the criteria for reconsideration and I will keep you informed.  Below is the member’s letter and the response.



  • If you’ve listened to any of Barrie Trower’s interviews, you’ve probably heard him mention the microwaving of the US Embassy in Moscow in the 1960s. He was involved in investigations at the time. Here is an interesting article by someone who was in the embassy at the time.  This irradiation was done to just a few back then. Now we’re all being involuntarily exposed and at levels that are even higher, all day every day. According to some sources the levels of exposure were 5-10 microwatts per square centimeter, or mere fractions of what is allowed by Safety Code 6.





  • Many of you have been writing letters about the US Military’s plan to have RF warfare exercises over the Olympic Peninsula starting in Sept. The planes and radiation will inevitably affect areas of BC. Please take a minute to read info about what has been going on, and consider writing a letter with your concerns. Letters must be postmarked by May 8. Sorry for the short deadline – I just got this.




  • And another member found this great mother’s day gift! 




  • More warnings about possible attacks on the grid which make going off grid not only a good idea, potentially a life-saving idea.



  • NOTICE:  Smeters are being installed west of Penticton. Get your signs out, warn your neighbours.





Announcement of a meeting in Metchosin, on Vancouver Island, west of Victoria, to support a healthy environment. Mayor John Ranns has been a leader in the fight against microwave radiation in his community, working to make Metchosin a safe place to raise families, plants and animals.


Today is the day to stand up for environmental rights in Metchosin. On Monday, May 11th  Metchosin Municipal Council is voting on the municipal declaration for a right to healthy environment. Let your councilors know you want to see the declaration passed in Metchosin.




1)   Write to Mayor and Council here: mayorandcouncil@metchosin.ca . Tell them how important environmental rights are to you and urge them to pass a municipal declaration of environmental rights

2)   Bring a friend and show up wearing blue to Metchosin Municipal Hall 4450 Happy Valley Road on May 11th 7:00pm to show your support for the right to healthy environment.

3)   Speak to Mayor and Council about what environmental rights and the municipal declaration mean to you, your family, and friends. Each person can speak for 5 minutes ­ there is no need to register beforehand.

Vancouver Island communities like Victoria, Duncan, and Ladysmith have all passed similar declarations on environmental rights. Now is the time for Metchosin to stand up for clean air, fresh water, and safe food. Let¹s show Canada that the Municipality of Metchosin is a leader on environmental rights.




From: Dennis and Sharon Noble [mailto:dsnoble@shaw.ca]
Sent: May 6, 2015 12:55 PM
To: Patrick Wruck
Subject: Rate increase April 1

Dear Mr. Wruck,

Can you please tell me if the 6% fee increase in BC Hydro rates effective April 1 applies to the “legacy” fees? The increase last April did not, so I assume it would not this year either, but some Coalition members have advised me that they have seen an increase in their most recent bills.


Also, Mr. Wruck, I have received dozens of emails and phone calls from people who recently received a very threatening and intimidating letter that threatened them with loss of service for no apparent reason. All of these people have paid all fees, including the outrageously high “legacy” fees, and have no outstanding amounts. For many this is the first communication, besides bills, from BC Hydro in 2 years or more, so they are bewildered at the tone.

I suspect that this pertains to the need to replace an expired meter but there is no mention of this in the letter.

The people of British Columbia, the customers of BC Hydro, deserve better treatment and more respect than this. We all have been harassed over this smart meter program, and this appears to be just the latest attempt to scare people into relinquishing their right to decide not to have something they believe dangerous or invasive on their home.

I would ask that you investigate why this letter was sent, and instruct BC Hydro to amend and re-send it with a full explanation (even, perhaps, an apology). BC Hydro should be made aware that its actions over the last 4 years are causing many customers to leave or to consider leaving the grid. The fact that Hydro is a monopoly will no longer ensure that its customers are its captives.


Sharon Noble



From: “Complaints BCUC:EX” <Complaints@bcuc.com>
To: XX
Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2015 11:25:58 AM

Subject: RE: Update 2015-04-24 Smeters have batteries even more dangerous than lithium ion ones

Dear Mr. de Raadt,


Thank you for your email to the BC Utilities Commission regarding your concerns about FortisBC’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project and the fees for the radio-off AMI meter option.  The Commission Secretary provided your email to me so that I could provide you with a response.


In your email you appear to be questioning Order G-220-13, the Commission decision regarding the fees for the Radio-off Meter Option. If an intervener is concerned that the Commission made an error in fact or law, an intervener may make an application for reconsideration or file leave to appeal in the BC Court of Appeal. For more information on making an application for reconsideration please review the Reconsideration criteria, available here: Reconsideration Criteria

Thank you for contacting the Commission.


Patrick Wruck
Customer Relations Analyst
British Columbia Utilities Commission
6th Floor, 900 Howe Street, Box 250
Vancouver, B.C.  V6Z 2N3
Website: www.bcuc.com
Phone: 604.660.4700 | Fax: 604.660.1102 | Toll Free: 1.800.663.1385


From: XX
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 7:42 PM
To: Commission Secretary BCUC:EX
Cc: Noble, Dennis and Sharon; stopsmartmetersbc; Society, Citizens for Safe Technology

Subject: Fwd: Update 2015-04-24 Smeters have batteries even more dangerous than lithium ion ones


Dear Ms. Erica Hamilton,

You may remember me as an intervenor in the application by FortisBC of a few years ago, regarding their smartmeters. I cannot remember if I ever received a response from your office. Please find attached a copy of my presentation to your office. At that time, my wife and I lived in the City of Langley, where we were threatened by BC Hydro’s 13 smartmeters (not our own “lone ranger”) next to our townhouse front door. We tried everything to ask the Strata Council, but to no avail. We tried everything to fix our townhouse on the inside, to shield ourselves from the negative effects of these 13 smartmeters, but to no avail. The place had become “unlivable” to us, and we needed to move. In June 2013, we moved into a 50 year old house (that had been vacant for almost a decade) on 0.40 acres just north of Osoyoos. Now we are threatened by FortisBC’s smartmeters.

Below you will see the complete e-mail that I received from Ms. Sharon Noble. She is well known to you; I have received e-mails from her for a few years. What concerns me very significantly is the last letter (written by XX – and I do not know at all who this is) addressed to Mr. Atamaneno (MP for the federal riding in which I now live) and Ms. Conroy, the MLA of one of the ridings in the Kootenay. I have never met these politicians. However, one does not need to share their political colour to just become OUTRAGED – if these two specific allegations are true – which I have no reason to disbelieve.

The specific FortisBC issue is the charge of $ 110.00 (allowed by your Commission’s decision) for something that was alleged to be quite an operation, but now turns out to be only pushing a button F1. That should make everybody MADDER than I would like you to even imagine. It should also make you MADDER than you yourself cannot even imagine. You were already sent a copy of this “letter by XX” on Friday at 1 p.m. (by Ms. Noble). My question ton you is: What have you done with that information?

From what I understand the legal term “perjury” to mean, it is obvious that someone PERJURED himself or herself during the presentation of Forts’ Final Submissions on 2013-06-13. That is a serious allegation (from my side) and I believe that it ought to be proven or disproven – by YOU as BCUC – fairly immediately. That is my request and the purpose of this e-mail. People like ourselves are currently extremely threatened by smartmeter installation “within a few weeks” as evidenced by a card we received by mail, and by a half-page advertisement in the Osoyoos Times.

On behalf of the many of people who stand to be HURT by smartmeters (because of EHS and/or EMFIS) – currently estimated in Europe as between 3% and 5% of the population – I would urge you to put an immediate stop or cancellation or termination or whatever you would like to call it – to the formerly given approval to FortisBC to is install smartmeters and radio-off meters, and to provide a third option – that of retaining an analog meter – just as XX already suggested in the last paragraph of his letter to Mr. Atanamenko and Ms. Conroy.

That would be the “status quo”, I guess. I have already personally made a counter-offer to FortisBC – by rejecting both their smartmeter and their radio-off meter —- and note that I did this a few weeks ago, before even knowing about the second issue in the letter by XX – dangerous lithium metal batteries. My resolve to retain an analog meter is much strengthened by the letter by XX.

Ms. Hamilton, with all due respect, I believe that you endanger the population of British Columbia (both in BC Hydro territory and in FortisBC territory) by not doing something drastic, right now.

 Sincerely  XXXXX


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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation