2015-04-05 Former head of Saskatchewan Smart Meter program new head of SaskPower


  • SaskPower has the head of the smart meter program as new CEO. Promises at least 18 months of research, etc. before the next installment begins. Hopefully he learned his lesson and due diligence will lead to keeping the analogs.



  • Here is a recent interview with Barrie Trower, a very dedicated man who is spending his retirement teaching people what he knows about the dangers of RF radiation, learned while he was working for the UK military. I have not had the time to listen to this but I have seen several youtubes of other presentations, have spoken with him on several occasions. From prior experience, and from what other are saying, this probably is very interesting.



 (Note from Ted:  This is a Radio interview lasting just over 2 hours.  I listened to the first 10 minutes before getting called for supper but I intend to listen to the rest of it shortly.  Barrie Trower has lots of good information.  Getting the audio to run properly on my computer was a bit of a challenge but I finally got it running.  So grab a tea or coffee and sit back and listen.)



From: XX
Sent: April 3, 2015 10:40 PM
Subject:  MP and MLA take BC Hydro to task.

Good day Mr. Hogg,

Following my previous number of letters on this subject, none of which you were disposed to answer (not quite at least polite), here I am copying you a letter of Mr. Atamanenko and Ms. Conroy sent to B. Bennett to remind him and BC Hydro to do their business within democratic boundaries.

Here again I am asking you to do your job to follow with your constituents inquiries. More than a half a year passed since you promised verbally at our September meeting to bring SM issues to the decision makers. I sent you a well compiled package of facts to help you to understand and summarise the issues. Since that meeting I received nothing from you.

How could I feel that you, elected official, have any intention to do your job? You, by joining Mr. Atamanenko and Ms. Conroy, would just add credibility to your political portfolio, and gain more confidence and respect from your electorate. What are you afraid to lose while trying to help people who elected you?




A letter sent by a member to many media outlets, as an opinion piece.

– Letter to the Editor –

The recent news of explosions of 8000 smart meters in Stockton, California, caused by a pole landing on one wire, should cause pause for THINKING.
This latest incident caused untold damage to households and owners’ electrical equipment, not to mention these homes being without power.
The costs to replace and repair the meters, housing, installation, all to be borne by the user.
In similar small scale cases with BC Hydro this means expenses paid by us, the taxpayers!


The millions of dollars for replacement of all the Saskatchewan meters last year was also borne by the taxpayer, not the CEOs who make these uneducated decisions.

In addition to the ongoing stream of smart meter challenges, “smart” meter programs:

It is difficult to imagine a more blatant failure, or a more harmful deployment of unproven technology, at the risk of the public.

How can utilities be getting away with it?

More specifically, how is BC Hydro, supposedly a corporation owned by BC taxpayers, getting away with it?

BC Hydro has demonstrated an appalling lack of response to letters, being in legal default and ignoring these, making mistakes in billing, and having their employees dispense inaccurate information and withhold helpful information.

Not expecting any answers, certainly not anything sensible from BC Hydro; just expressing frustration and attempting to educate.

signed –

Lorene Benoit  (name provided with permission)

 a frustrated non-bureaucrat and
Natural Health Practitioner (who sees the effects EMF has on sensitive people)

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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation