- We all have seen the same names with the same comments on articles/blogs, etc. mocking anyone who comments negatively about wireless devices, health issues from RF, or smart meters in particular. It is common for industry to hire people to do nothing but make comments like this. There is a way to be notified whenever a word, name or phrase is used – so that these “independent, objective, paid opinion givers” can respond. Often these people take over the discussion so that the real issue doesn’t get debated – the discussion ends up about the opinion givers. Here is an example of an ad to hire this type of person.
- The story of one person’s awareness of being (EHS) electro-hypersensitive. This is worth a listen because many people do not associate their symptoms with RF or wireless devices. The estimate is that 3-10% of the population are suffering severe symptoms, and many more suffer symptoms to a lesser degree. As the amount of RF exposure increases so will the number of people with EHS.
- Many people complain of “the hum” that has been driving them crazy after $$ Smart meters are installed. According to this report the hum seems to be related to cell transmitters, and IT IS REAL.
- Below is the response I received from Elizabeth May, the only response I’ve received to date, to my letters about the US plans for RF warfare. Unfortunately Ms. May missed the point that the warfare is RF, not sonar, and noise is not the prime concern. Rather it is the fact that RF will impact communities as well as the environment and wildlife.
- The world is getting weirder. One of our members asked if having collars with RF transmitters on wild animals to track them, etc. would be harmful. In response someone sent this article about using farm animals as wifi hot spots!!
- 44 reasons not to use cell phones:
From: Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca [mailto:Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca]
Sent: February 10, 2015 7:26 AM
To: dsnoble@shaw.ca
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Electromagnetic Warfare: Two Open Navy Comment Periods Mean Citizens’ Work Is Not Finished
Dear Ms. Noble,
Thank you for your email concerning the Growler jets using the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station. I apologize for the delay in response.
While the US military have used the base since 1942, they have recently upgraded some of their aircraft and are proposing an increase in the number of aircraft flying in and out of the base.
This decision by the American government impacts Canadian communities as well. Residents have commented on the disruptive noise from the jets, as well as potential environmental impacts.
Our government must engage with the United States to ensure that Canadians’ concerns are taken into account. I have attached my letter to US Ambassador Bruce Heyman. The United States must know the impact that these decisions are having on our communities. I will seek opportunities to raise this issue in the House of Commons on your behalf.
Thank you again for writing.
Elizabeth May, O.C, M.P.
Saanich-Gulf Islands
Leader of the Green Party of Canada
—–Original Message to Elizabeth May —–
From: Dennis and Sharon Noble [mailto:dsnoble@shaw.ca]
Sent: January 1, 2015 10:20 PM
To: May, Elizabeth – M.P.; Garrison, Randall – M.P.; Atamanenko, Alex – Riding 1; Mulcair, Thomas – Député; John Horgan. Leader NDP; Christy Clark
Cc: mayor@victoria.ca; mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca; mayor@colwood.ca; mayor@sooke.ca; mayor@metchosin.ca; mayor@oakbay.ca; mayor@saanich.ca; mayor@sidney.ca
Subject: Pacific NW Electromagnetic Warfare: Two Open Navy Comment Periods Mean Citizens’ Work Is Not Finished
This is addressed to our Federal and Provincial elected officials:
The US Navy’s plan to hold RF warfare exercises over the Olympic Peninsula – Juan de Fuca area is something that will inevitably involve and affect British Columbia, especially the Islands and the southern mainland. Our airspace will be invaded, our environment endangered. To date I have seen nothing from any elected official about this although I and others have sent many articles about this over the last 2-3 months.
We will be subjected to electromagnetic radiation from airplanes flying as low as 1200 ft over land. The number of planes and the low altitude at which they will fly will mean noise that will make our homes unliveable. Our wildlife will be threatened.
What information has the US Navy given both the provincial and federal government about these exercises? How have the provincial and federal governments responded?
Has due diligence been done to determine the effect to our environment, our wildlife and our families? According to those in the US, the Naval environmental assessment has been superficial and incomplete. Canadian governments should demand a complete impact assessment.
The citizens of British Columbia must have their welfare and interests protected. I respectfully ask, what is being done on our behalf?
Sharon Noble
Victoria, BC