1) Public Meeting, Saturday, Feb. 21, 9:30 AM
Kaleden Hall, 320 Lakehill Road, Kaleden
Dr. Malcolm Paterson, PhD, world renowned cancer researcher, will speak on the health-related science re. wireless devices
A flyer is attached. Please forward to friends. This is a wonderful opportunity to listen to an expert on the subject.
2) A group of well spoken, well-informed Salmon Arm residents did a great presentation before their city council, and the article about it made the front page. Hopefully many who know nothing about this will take note and start to get involved.
3) In Quebec the botched $$tupid meter program looms large in the multiple resignations of the Hydro Quebec management.
4) Many people ask how to use their meters to measure radiation from $$meters. This article, in part, explains why it’s so hard.
Step-By-Step Smart Meter Measurement Protocol For RF Emissions by Peter Sierck – EMF & RF Solutions – February 03, 2015:
– http://www.emfrf.com/smart-meter-measurement-protocol/
5) Itron’s newer version of Openway $$meters is available, and we should pay attention to see if Hydro is going to spend our money to “upgrade”. This will be ongoing, as with all computer systems. The 4G LTE system will have much higher RF emissions.
6) Wonderful letters in response to the cell tower opposition in the Qualicum Beach/Parksville newspaper today!!
7) More discussion is taking place about privacy and security.
A letter in a Massachusetts newspaper, that sets out the issues so very well:
The Debate is Over:
Researchers Conclude Wireless Radiation Causes Cancer After Latest Scientific Findings Announced
National advocacy group calls on major children’s health organizations to promote safe technology in schools with the “Turn It Off 4 Kids” Initiative
Link to press release: http://www.prlog.org/12421346-researchers-conclude-wireless-radiation-causes-cancer-after-latest-scientific-findings-announced.html
With my very best regards
Yours sincerely