2014-07-21 Federal Minister of Health is ignoran/milseading re. Safety Code 6

1)  Apparently Minister of Health Ambrose knows nothing about the realities of RF Radiation

Our MPs have the power to put real pressure on the Federal Minister of Health who is in charge of Health Canada, but few have done so. Attached are documents from two from BC who have consistently advocated on our behalf.

Hansard Oct 29 2012 – Mr Atanmanenko (BC Interior) – click to view

Letter from Libby Davies to Rona Ambrose – click to view

Hansard June 19, 2014 – Question by Libby Davies, Answer by Rona Ambrose. – click to view

Minister of Health, Rona Ambrose’s response to MP Libby Davies is not only misleading but down right false when she says that our standards are among the best in the world.

Is she totally unaware or dishonest ?

Either way she is not doing her job. We must push other MPs to get involved.



2)  Saskatchewan power bills have huge increases since Smart Meters were installed

Just as in BC, Ontario and California, people in Saskatchewan are seeing huge increases in bills after getting $$metered.


Comment from someone in Ontario:

And it’s happening everywhere…. there are over 5000 complaints to the Ontario Ombudsman as we speak… an unprecedented number of complaints.  My upstairs neighbor moved here because of the hydro bill…. the first month he was living there, in a 1 BR apartment in a house, one guy, all by himself, his bill was $200!  Outraged by that as he was, the next month really did it… it was $700!!! How on earth could he be using that amount of power? Not without a grow op, he wasn’t… and he was not growing anything but a small dracaena plant that has seen better days!


 3)  BC Hydro is still harassing people in apartments

Hydro harassing people even when it is possible that the Smart meters won’t work in these apartments.


4)   A sign of things to come re. cell phones, wifi, smart meters, baby monitors, ipads, smart phones, DECT cordless phones, etc.

Cellphone manuals, at the back in small print, warn people to keep phone at least 5/8 of an inch from the body, but there are no warnings for other devices.

And what about health authorities who say there is no evidence of harm?? They could be held liable too, especially after they’ve been sent 100s of studies and reports.


5)  Cyber attack on the electrical Grid could be catastrophic

Cyberattack to the electrical grid is a major and real concern. This could be the next battlefield.


“The alternative to this mass of interconnected wires would be a decentralized, smart grid involving a very large number of small generating ‘stations’ where thousands of failures would be required to cause a sustained loss of power for millions.

But currently?

The loss of just nine critical substations could mean a catastrophic loss of power for up to 18 months. What the country would look like after that, and whether such an insult could be recovered from is an open question.”




6)  Brazillian courts establish new lower magnetic field limits

Scientific evidence has led Brazilian courts to establish low limits for exposure to magnetic fields near powerlines.




As with radiofrequency exposure, we are left unprotected because Health Canada refuses to acknowledge independent evidence. CANADA HAS NO STANDARDS FOR EXPOSURE TO MAGNETIC FIELDS.


http://www.lrws.gov.sk.ca/health-effects-exposure-guidelines-related-extremely-low-frequency-electric-magnetic-fields pages 257-260

7)  Smart Meter Fires are being under-reported

Re. FIRES in UK. Incidents are occurring, but are being under-reported, similar to the situation in BC where overheated (even melted meters), small fires that are extinguished by the home owner, etc. are not reported to the provincial fire commissioner.





Date: Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 11:40 AM
Subject: Discrimination by BC Hydro
To: Patrick.wruck@bcuc.com
Cc: oppositionleader@leg.bc.ca, mary.polak.mla@leg.bc.ca, bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca, good@cknw.com, msmyth@theprovince.com, customer.service@bchydro.com, Complaints@bcuc.com, emh.minster@gov.bc.ca, stopsmartmetersbc@gmail.com

Dear Mr. Patrick Wruck,

I am concerned about the fact that BC Hydro is not treating all customers equally.  My understanding is that countless people with smart meters are having their meters read manually with no charge to them at all, while those with analogue meters are being charged a service fee.  This is discrimination.

I have retained our home’s analogue meter due to safety, the right of privacy but mostly to serious health problems — my wife suffered a massive stroke 3 years ago and now she has developed a seizure disorder she is permanently disabled.

I am continually pressured and harassed by BC Hydro through letters.  I have done nothing to alter my original contract with BC Hydro, yet they are attempting to charge me with an additional fee each month.  My account has always been kept up to date over the past decades.  Since the introduction of the smart meter, I have consistently paid for usage fees, but my account is now considered overdue by BC Hydro because I have not been paying the legacy meter fees.

According to my records BC Hydro has not been manually reading my meter since the so called “Legacy Meter Charge” was introduced so in what grounds are they justifying such discriminatory charge when is already included in the basic charge each month.

Being charged $32.40 each month by BC Hydro for estimating my electricity usage every other month is unreasonable.  I should not be pressured or harassed to pay an exorbitant fee for a service that countless people with smart meters — who are also having their meters manually read — are receiving for free.

I am more than willing to read my own analogue meter and phone in the results to BC Hydro.  Once a year BC Hydro can send someone to confirm that my information adds up accurately.  I am willing to read my own analogue meter and I will not charge BC Hydro a cent.

Please instruct BC Hydro to stop charging “legacy meter fees” for people who have opted to keep their analogue meters while other customers are receiving the same service for free.  All BC Hydro customers must be treated equally.

Signed __________________


From a member who got the same response I did and shared in last night’s update:

Dear Mr. Wruck,

Thank you for your quick response to my letter and the information you have provided me.  I am sorry that you missed the point I was trying to make.  I have followed the proceedings for setting the fee for the legacy meters and read the final report of the BCUC.  My point was that it is discriminatory to charge for reading the analogue meters (which BC Hydro estimated to be in the range of $18-37 as printed in the final report) while not charging for manual meter reading of those smart meters that are not yet being read remotely.

I await further information and hope the BCUC will instruct BCHydro to cease billing for manual reading of legacy meters until all smart meters are hooked up to the grid and no smart meters are being read manually for free.  Refunds of payments for legacy meter reading so far should also be refunded.

Thank you.  ________________________


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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation