1) Devra Davis continues in her efforts to raise awareness about EMF and the various biological effects that have been replicated in study after study. A very interesting video that should be shared widely.
(click on photo to enlarge)

In this episode, we dive into: – The connection between EMFs, cell phone radiation, and cancer (1:03)
- – EMFs impact on fertility (11:55)
- – How EMF exposure to kids is different from adults (21:53)
- – How electronic devices are tested for safety (27:25)
- – Speech delay acquisition and technology (30:31)
- – How the EPA, FDA, and FCC are being hijacked by the telecom industry (37:44)
- – What motivated Dr. Davis to get involved in this work (49:21)
- – How cellphones can cause brain damage to children (51:40)
- – What you can do to mitigate the damaging effects of EMFs (53:59)
- – The dangers of Bluetooth headsets (1:06:20)
- – Electromagnetic illness (1:11:59)
- – California and 5G infrastructure (1:17:34)
https://ehtrust.org/dhru-purohit-interviews-dr-devra-davis/ (1:24 hr.)
On the main page are several interviews and more information about the connections between EMF and cancer.
2) From Cece Doucette. The proceedings were recorded and are available at the link provided.
The New Hampshire House Committee on Science, Technology and Energy will be holding three livestreamed meetings today to discuss HB1644 for setbacks from cell towers and antennas:
- 12:30 p.m. Sub-committee work meeting to discuss New Hampshire’s groundbreaking 5G Commission Report
- 1:00 p.m. Public hearing continuation
- 2:00 p.m. Executive session with full committee to decide on next steps
3) More cell towers to support 5G in the US, and most likely in Canada too. We have to organize like the truckers.
Verizon plans to turn on about 2,000 5G towers in February -sources
“The new phase comes after the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said on Friday it had agreed that Verizon and AT&T T.N could safely turn on more 5G towers in a deployment that has been disrupted by aircraft safety concerns.
Verizon turned on about 5,100 towers in January and will be able to turn on about another 2,000 in February, the sources said, adding that the total could rise as aviation buffer zones are refined.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If you don’t want to know, don’t ask.” Old Chinese proverb (thanks, Dr. Davis )