1) I am starting a new project involving documentation of false/incorrect information being provided by Health Canada. Many of you have written to Health Canada with information or asking questions, and have received letters that are filled with such statements, many of which you’ve shared with me. I could go through all the updates searching for them, but if you have any available I would certainly appreciate it if you would send to me again.
Send to: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with HC letter on the subject line.
2) From some of our colleagues in Australia where science is being ignored by the government to the benefit of the telecoms.
Australian 5G inquiry report ignores the science
“The chair of the Committee, Hon Dr David Gillespie MP, enthusiastically opined in his address to Parliament (Hansard, pp. 44-45) that “This report is an excellent report”, going on to say that “It establishes that 5G is coming and it’s going to revolutionise so many parts of industry”. Dr Gillespie asserted that 5G is safe technology, dismissing “the concerns by some people in the community” as having “been influenced by misinformation about the technology”.
As foreshadowed by the Australian Government’s decision in December 2019 to establish a new community information campaign on 5G, the Committee’s report fails to give any credence – whatsoever – to concerns voiced by the majority of the inquiry participants about the wisdom of hurtling down a path that clearly offers no assurances of safety.
Instead the report’s recommendations focus on facilitating an early uptake of 5G technology.”
3) We are still waiting to get solid info about the devices Shaw is installing on poles on Salt Spring Island now, and will be doing so across Western Canada, including several communities in BC over the next week. In the meantime, Telus is putting more devices on the poles that already hold microcells.

(click on photo to enlarge)
If you see anything like this in your area, please get some good photos of the device and any writing, and send to me at:
If I am able to get more information on what Telus is doing, I will let you know.
This is from a member in Chemainus:
“Central Tel was downtown yesterday installing more equipment on the existing poles which had microcells already on them. I haven’t had a chance to drive around to see if they did any more work on the other approx. 50 microcells scattered all through our little town but I’ll let you know if I find more.
The original equipment is the smaller rectangular microcell unit which was installed about 2-3 years ago if I remember correctly.”
4) A rather lengthy but very easy-to-read article regarding the available evidence that children are at risk of serious long-term health effects from “smart”phones, Wi-Fi, and other wireless devices. This professor is pressing for changes in many countries’ (e.g. US) guidelines which are basically the same as those set in the 1980s. Parents and teachers are being misinformed, or not informed at all, about the risks posed to children sitting in school rooms loaded with RF from Wi-Fi, wireless tablets, etc. and the media is basically working with industry in this regard.
On the Clear Evidence of the Risks to Children from Smartphone and WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation
“Children’s health and well-being is under significant threat from everyday digital technologies, as the past 15 years have seen the proliferation of microwave Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) devices in the home, school and society. The safety standards for such devices—smartphones, tablets etc.—were based on the proven thermal or heating effects of microwave devices in adults, not children. Scientists in the life sciences have long been aware of equally harmful non-thermal effects….
… parents, educators and governments should be alarmed and take immediate and appropriate action….
In response, this paper aims to inform by presenting clear evidence, in a balanced manner, of the risks to children based on proven scientific theories and empirical evidence. The paper concludes by offering practical advice on how the risks to children, and indeed adults, can be minimised.”
Winnipeg 5G Protest Rally
As part of 3rd Global Protest Day
Saturday, June 6th, 2020
Noon to 1 pm
Winnipeg City Hall Courtyard
Number limited to 50. To sign up contact:
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Nelson Mandela