Please come to support our fight for our civil right to live free and safe in our homes, to not have a government mandated device that we believe to be dangerous and invasive – – the $meter!!
LOWER MAINLAND: in BURNABY FRASER FORESHORE PARK, 9265 Glenlyon Parkway, Burnaby, across from Smart Meter headquarters, 9200 Glenlyon Pkwy.
(12 p.m. to 2 p.m.) For more info or to help, contact Linda
VICTORIA: in front of the B.C. Legislature Building
(12 p.m. to 2 p.m.) For info or to help, contact Nathalie, Some of the speakers: John Ranns, Mayor of Methosin, Walt McGinnis, and me, Sharon Noble.
NANAIMO: at M.L.A.’s office, 4-77 Victoria Crescent
(11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) For info or to help, contact Rita or Jim
SALMON ARM: Join in the Salmon Arm Rally along the Trans Canada Highway, between Alexander and 4th Street, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Participants meet at the vacant Honda parking lot at 11:00 a.m. The rally will move to the Ross Street parking lot gathering place where speakers will be Una St. Clair, founder and director of Citizens for Safe Technology Society, and Steve Corrie and Jerre Paquette of the Voice of Shuswap. For more info or to Una
UPPER SUNSHINE COAST in Powell River. March from BC Hydro Office to office of MP Nicholas Simon
(12 p.m. to 2 p.m.) For more info or to help contact Wendy
KELOWNA Kelowna Unitarian Fellowship, 1310 Bertram Street
(2 p.m. to 5 p.m.) For more info or to help, contact Dr. Barbara James
COURTENAY / COMOX VALLEY in front of the office of MLA, Don McRae, Fifth Street, Courtenay (12 p.m. to 2 p.m.) Please join our National Day of Protest Against Smart Meters. Anyone opposed to the smart meter program, even those who already have had one installed, are welcome to attend.
For more info or to help, contact Kel
HWY 3A near the Junction, at the Damn Inn and Fortis turnoff site. (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
For more info or to help contact Christina
1) As of noon today (Friday) the results of the poll in the Burnaby news showed a high level of concern. While not scientific, the results are significant. I hope you all will share these with your MLAs – who need to know this is a major issue.
Are you concerned about the safety of B.C. Hydro smart meters?
Yes | 78% | |
No | 22% |
This is not a scientific poll
From a member:
On Sunday I removed the substantial barriers on our analog after confirmation from Hydro and BCUC that our meter expired in 2011. It was installed in 84 when I built our house and I posted the letter from Hydro stating it would be replaced with another analog.
An installer from Corix came on Wed morning and appeared to be heading for our front door when Juliette saw the truck and rushed out to see him. The first two meters he pulled out of boxes were from 1965/70 and were cloudy inside the glass and looked ancient so she insisted he look for another and the third box was one from 2011 (ironically). He exchanged the meters and commented that this issue had been tough on them too. (????) (Just doing my job, Ma’am). I read the meter when I got home Thursday night and replaced the lock and signs but added a sign to say the meter had been replaced on Wednesday just in case they accidently forget. I have been reading the meter and reporting by phone since the beginning and have been paying the legacy meter fee with a separate cheque. We have absolutely no intention of receiving a smeter on our property.
From MLA Carole James
to a member:
From: “James.MLA, Carole” <>
Date: 11 June, 2014 16:04:06 CDT
To: ____________
Subject: RE: Analog meter
Dear ____________
Thank you for your comments regarding BC Hydro’s Meter Replacement Notifications to homes that do not have smart meters installed.
Many people have raised a number of good questions about unfair installation fees. We took those concerns directly to the minister responsible on May 14 in the legislature.
You can find a transcript of the debates in the legislature here:
During this debate, Opposition Leader John Horgan asked about the $1.4 million contract awarded to Gary Murphy, an American consultant, to sell the smart meter program to British Columbians who didn’t want it.
We also asked about the lack of consultation by the B.C. Liberal government on the $1 billion smart meter program before it was implemented.
When we asked about the expired meters issue, and specifically whether the meters could have been inspected and recertified instead of replaced, the Minister couldn’t answer. We will continue to follow up with the minister.
Once again, we believe this demonstrates the current government’s mismanagement when it comes to the smart meter program and of our hydro utility in general.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Warm regards,
Carole James
Member of the Legislative Assembly for Victoria-Beacon Hill
Community Office: 1084 Fort Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3K4
T:250.952.4211 F:250.952.4586