1) Interview with Dr. re. environmental illnesses
Dr. Belpomme has a clinic in France where he diagnoses and treats people with environmental sensitivities. He was interviewed last week when he was attending a conference in Montreal.
“According to Dr. Dominique Belpomme, 80-90% of cancers are linked to the environment.”
2) Images of Wireless Networks
One of the problems with RF radiation is that it can’t be seen, heard, smelled or touched so we forget it’s there. Here are some photos of wireless radiation encircling us.
3) Maryland outrage re. time of use billing and “legacy” fees.
Smart meters are a scam [Letter] by Lynn Beiber – The Baltimore Sun – June 16, 2014:
– http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/bs-ed-smart-meters-20140616,0,620944.story
4) Texas utility moving Smart Meters to poles
In Texas the utility company is moving Smart meters from homes to distant poles without charge. Not the best solution but at least one that reduces the exposure to RF. Notice the company rep sounds like Hydro’s.: it’s not a smart meter, it’s only an RF meter.
5) SaskPower Huge Bills
Number of SaskPower customers with huge bills growing: Many customers say their bills jumped after a Smart Meter was installed
6) RF Radiation is not good for plants
A simple plant study that demonstrates that wireless radiation is not good for growing things.
7) Smart Meter data is valuable
Privacy – mushrooming of data from sources like smart meters. There is big money in selling our data.
The privacy issue is being addressed at some of the popular outlets. Industry admits – could there be a quota system?
Here is an excellent report written by the Ontario Privacy Commissioner Ann Cavoukian about privacy and $meters.
Sent: June 17, 2014 3:50 PM
To: toddcontr.cannon@bchydro.com
Cc: john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca; greg.reimer@bchydro.com; mike.farnworth.mla@leg.bc.ca
Subject: meter exchange
Todd Cannon
In response to your email dated 2014-05-27 @ 4:34 you indicated that my meter seal had expired and the meter must be removed from service, that Hydro is legally obligated to ensure that meters meet all applicable standards and requirements. In my opinion it is a bite of a stretch to replace all expired meters, as well as an extreme wast of time and money.
What about my rights, to protect myself against, and from dangerous hazards. We both know that Hydro costumers are told half truths or not given complete information. Although Measurement Canada, may say that Canada has the highest standards in the world, most informed people know that NOT true. How can anyone live with themselves knowing what RF radiation will do over time. Hydro is like the cigarette Co. pushing its product knowing what the results will be, and if you don’t want the product you still have to pay.
On Friday a Corix employee arrived to replace my analog meter, this would have happened had he not had a digital display meter in his hand. I have little faith in Hydro and trust even less because of the stunts they have used on costumers. I have a analog meter and understand how it works, I know there is no RF radiation, and I will not have anything digital. In your letter you state, “The old meter at your premise will be replaced with another old meter”, The old meter at my home is an analog meter, and seeing as how Hydro is extorting $32.40 from me every month, the $64.80 I will pay at ever bill payment, I want an analog meter.
I will not pay the $65.00, failed installation fee, because your representative failed to come prepared. Hydro knows what meters are on the houses that your representative will visit, and he has a list of costumers, it should not be that hard to match meter with costumer.