1) Smart Meter Rally – Vancouver Burnaby
Video of some of the speakers at the Vancouver/Burnaby rally: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-SjcaXD75k&feature=youtu.be
Thanks to Chris Clevette for this!
Sorry – I’d hoped to have photos from all the rallies on our website by now, but I guess we’re all taking a breather after all the work preparing for our day of protest. I will let you know as soon as more are available.
2) Some people have had major problems with large wind turbines causing dirty electricity and terrible noise. It’s good that people are beginning to look at options and new designs.
3) From a Vancouver member, a good reminder of something I sent out some time ago. Please, do consider sending in comments, and while you’re at it, copy your MP and perhaps the leaders of the parties. They need to hear your comments, too. The email for submitting comments is: safetycode6codedesecurite6@hc-sc.gc.ca
Subject: Health Canada still in Denial about SC6 – but we can voice concern till 15th July!
Dear All
Please take a few minutes this weekend to check out this link – make sure you are sitting down or have a nearby wall to punch. After all the evidence submitted to them, Health Canada are still claiming there is NO DANGER from exposure to EMF and have no plans to change Safety Code 6 – even though it does not even consider biological effects etc. They made a quiet call on their website to invite ‘comments’ from the public for a few weeks until 15th July (summer time – feels like déjà vu?!). So please let’s give them some!
Details below:
Thanks so much for taking action on this.
4) Privacy — Industry is now admitting the level of detail the Smart Meters are capable of extracting.
5) An engineer in Ontario expresses concerns re. Smart Meters
[Pembroke, Ontario] Growing demand to ban smart meters spreading across North America by Edward Lapa – Renfrew Mercury – Inside Ottawa Valley – June 12, 2014:
6) Michigan’s DTE — Monthly fees to keep transmitter off meters, $67.20 Initial plus $9.80 per month. This utility misleads with statement that the pulses don’t matter, admitting they are high.
As Dr. Havas said to consider the pulses as the low temps at night when you have tomato plants. The weather may be above freezing on average but if the temps go down to -3 for an hour, the tomatoes suffer. Same with pulses of RF. Our cells are stressed by the peaks, not the average. There are some interesting comments about health effects.
June 13, 2014
BC Hydro Smart Metering Specialist Department BC Hydro, PO Box 9530 Stn Terminal Vancouver, BC V6B 4G8
Attention: Mr. Greg Reimer, Executive Vice – President, Transmission and Distribution
Dear Mr. Reimer:
Re: BC Utilities Commission Approval of the Meter Choices Program Fees
B.C. Hydro Account # XXXX
Further to your form letter of May 30th, 2014, advising I enrolled in BC Hydro’s Meter Choices Program, I have the following response:
1. I did not enroll in your Meter Choices Program. My “enrollment” is the direct result of a unilateral decision, taken solely by Hydro, for the benefit of Hydro, without my involvement, permission and contrary to the several letters I have sent Hydro over the past 2 and a half years.
2. Your letter implies my Measurement Canada meter seal may or may not expire in 2014. Please provide me with a copy of the Measurement Canada certification clearly stating my meter ID number and the expiry date.
3. If you intend to replace my meter, I must have a similar analog meter. I am paying your highly inflated fees, as quoted in your May 30th letter to “Retain old meter”. Since I am paying for my right to retain my old analog meter, I will not accept another type of meter. Any replacement analog meter must be accompanied by a copy of its’ Measurement Canada certificate. It is Hydro’s responsibility to ensure there is an adequate inventory of analog replacement meters.
4. As stated in my letter to Hydro on December 18, 2011, Hydro has my authorization to attend my property for the purpose of manually reading my meter. If you intend to access my property for any other reason, including changing out my meter, you must make an appointment so I can be present.
I will not pay your “failed installation charge”, should you choose to trespass on my property without an agreed appointment time. My meter has clear unobstructed access for the purposes of manually reading the meter but is protected from unauthorized tampering.
5. Any meter exchange must be done by a qualified electrician, who must provide identification. To protect my personal property including my meter base, any meter exchange must be done with the power off and follow the Hydro approved Work Safe Procedure (WSP) for a meter exchange. The electrician is to bring the current approved WSP and the associated WSP check sheet. I will require a copy of the completed WSP check sheet, after any meter exchange.
6. As I am a putative member of the class on whose behalf a claim has been made against you in Nomi Davis v. British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority (BCSC Action No. S135590, Vancouver Registry), I request that you ensure that any further communication that you make with me regarding this matter is approved by the Supreme Court of British Columbia.