1) And we wonder why the government allows the telecom industry to do whatever they want.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Former industry minister Navdeep Bains gets Rogers job, sparking criticism
“Former Liberal industry minister Navdeep Bains is joining Rogers as the company’s new chief corporate affairs officer, pushing critics to sound the alarm on a perceived politics-to-industry pipeline….
Bains served in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet as federal industry minister from 2015 until early 2021, and chose not to run for re-election that year.
The industry minister is responsible for overseeing the country’s national industrial strategy, including regulating national sectors such as telecommunications….
“This hiring raises questions, especially after the government green-lit the Rogers-Shaw merger, benefiting Rogers at the expense of Canadian consumers,” Masse said in a statement.”
OpenMedia info – https://www.facebook.com/207803029263762/photos/a.660408907336503/6450314031679266/
2) The WHO project to review their guidelines has been going on for years, with people “invited” to join, and those with ICNIRP affiliation were given preference. The secrecy does not bode well for those of us who are hoping for a breakthrough — using science instead of affiliation to determine guidelines.
WHO RF Review Shrouded in Secrecy
Task Group Members Told To Say Nothing
“The World Health Organization’s EMF Project continues to work on updating its review of RF health effects. The effort, which has been ongoing for more than a decade, is being tightly controlled by the WHO staff. Public disclosures are very limited, and at times misleading.”
Microwave Newsletter — update. Very interesting information showing how ICNIRP people have controlled this entire process is available if you scroll up
RF Working Group Held 1st Meeting in March
—No Public Notice
3) Without its customers knowing about it, Amazon has built an IoT network simply and cheaply by adding wireless capability to its devices.

Amazon’s Huge IoT Network
“In a recent blog post, Amazon invited developers to test drive its gigantic IoT network. This network has been labeled as Sidewalk and was created by tying together all of Amazon’s wireless devices like Amazon Echos and Ring cameras.
Amazon claims this huge wireless network now covers 90% of U.S. households. Amazon created the network by transmitting Bluetooth and 900 MHz LoRa signals from its various devices. This network provides a benefit to Amazon because it can detect and track its own devices separate from anything a homeowner might do with WiFi….
This network has been under-the-radar until now, and most homeowners have no idea that their Amazon devices can connect and communicate with other devices outside the home. Amazon swears that the IoT connection between devices is separate from anything happening inside the house using WiFi – that the IoT network is a fully separate network.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.” Franz Kafka
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.