1) From Marg Friesen of C4ST.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Calling on members of Council of Canadians
A member of C4ST would like to put forward a resolution regarding safety and wireless radiation exposures for the next COC meeting and needs two co-sponsors. If you are a member in good standing with COC and would like to know more, please email Marg Friesen at:
Please put Council of Canadians in the subject line.
2) A third case study by Hardell and Nilsson, this one in an apartment facing a 5G antenna about 60 meters away. Readings were as high as 75.8 uW/cm2. At a playground about 40 meters from the 5G base station, the readings were as high as 112 uW/cm2. This is unbelievably high, but still way under Safety Code 6 max. Just imagine all the homes, schools and playgrounds that will be closer than 60 meters from a 5G station and all the people, especially children, who will suffer the consequences.
To convert the power densities from uW/m2 to uW/cm2 divide by 10,000 (move the decimal point over 4 places) e.g ICNIRP’s maximum of 10,000,000 uW/m2 (average over 30 min.) equates to 1000 uW/cm2 (which is Safety Code 6’s maximum for the frequencies being measured.)
Case Report: A 52-Year Healthy Woman Developed Severe Microwave Syndrome Shortly After Installation of a 5G Base Station Close to Her Apartment
“In this article we present a new case, a woman aged 52 years, suffering of the microwave syndrome after installation of a 5G base station on 25 November 2022. The base station is located 60 meters from her apartment, see Figure 1. The 5G antenna is placed on the roof of a three-floor building and projected towards her apartment on the second floor, see Figure 2. There was previously a 4G base station antenna at the same spot, see Figure 3, but it was only after it was replaced by the 5G antenna that the woman quickly developed severe symptoms of the microwave syndrome. The 4G antenna was removed shortly after the 5G deployment.”

3) Jean Hudon has shared, via his facebook, a translated version of a Dutch article about the disappearance of bees in The Netherlands. Scroll down to find this (or see below in Letters).
Role of radiation underexposed in unprecedented bee mortality
“Dutch beekeepers are facing an unprecedentedly high mortality rate among their hives this year. Experts are in the dark about possible causes of this sudden increase. Some beekeepers are calling for more research into the effects of radiation on bees, but there is little appetite for it.”
from https://www.facebook.com/groups/Appel5GAppeal/
4) Below in Letters is one regarding a new group in the USA, “No Cell Towers on Our Schools“, and their efforts to prevent a cell tower from being placed on their school. This should be a concern for all of us because schools are one of the prime targets for telecoms, and parents are not aware of and are not being told about the possible harm their children suffer.
“The community of Starkey Ranch, Odessa Florida is concerned over the placement of a new 4G/5G cell wireless tower that is proposed to be placed on the Starkey Ranch K-8 school property.”

3) Role of radiation underexposed in unprecedented bee mortality Sylvia Slegers – 14 april 2023
A wappie, is “a person who has a different view of facts, for example when it comes to pandemic policy, and who is therefore sometimes thought of as weird.
From: “VISTA – Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance” <VISafeTechAlliance@proton.me>
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2023 12:19:39 PM
Subject: POSTPONED: VISTA Fundraiser and Family Fun Carnival – Save the Date for June
Hello everyone,
Please note that the Fundraiser and Family Carnival that was planned for VISTA has been postponed due to weather. This event will NOT be held on Sat, Apr 22 but will now be held in June – either the first weekend or the 4th weekend of the month.
Here is a Save the Date Poster and we will circulate another Poster soon once we’ve confirmed a date with Dove Creek Hall.
We do need volunteers for the day, please reach out to Cara if you can help at: miningforgold@gmail.com . We could also use a few canopy tents, tables and chairs. Please let us know if you have any you can lend us. Thanks!
Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance (VISTA)

From a member of a US group.
Hi all,
The “no cell towers on our schools” parent movement is spreading widely and more parents are taking strong and legal action to keep cell towers off their children’s schools. Along the way these young parents and families are also learning about the biological and environmental effects of RFR and they are educating their policy makers, neighbors, friends and loved ones and making changes towards safer tech in their own lives.
This is the way things change~
Starkey Ranch is one of these school communities and they are in the fight of their lives to keep a cell phone tower from going up on their school. Their Board Of Education votes on whether to sign the contract for the cell tower tomorrow night 4/18. The parents have hired attorney Robert Berg.
As a safe tech educational movement we haver prepared for years for moments like this and we have the expertise and resources to help support and guide these young parents and to help strengthen their efforts in all the ways necessary to make them successful.
Their success is our success and their success sets excellent precedence for other parents to build upon and provides the kind of forward leaning movement we need.
Updates will be forthcoming on Starkey Ranch and other schools taking on cell towers & safe tech issues.
Please help support the Starkey Ranch School Parents in keeping the cell tower off their school. Info is below
Very deeply appreciated~ Our support strengthens them and helps them to carry on~ this is a very long and important road.
– Donations To Help With Legal Funds: https://www.gofundme.com/f/attorney-fees-to
– Sign The Petition To Keep The Tower Off The School: https://www.change.org/p/oppose-stop-and-ban-cell-tower-on-starkey-k-8-school-track-property-cellphonetowers-kidssafety-cellphonetowerradiation
– Join Their Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/242943074786004
– Visit Their Website: Say No to the Dangerous Cell Tower on Starkey School Grounds | Help keep our Starkey Ranch Children Safe
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“People wish to learn to swim and at the same time to keep one foot on the ground.” Marcel Proust
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.