1) The video of this webinar is available on ART’s website, broken into 6 segments. The discussion pertains to US laws but many, as well as the situations discussed, are similar to those in Canada.
Did you miss the March 22nd webinar?
The Rights of Citizens in the Deployment of Wireless Infrastructure
“Americans for Responsible Technology in partnership with the Broadband International Legal Action Network presented a professional webinar for local municipal officials and attorneys to help them understand their rights under the 1996 Telecommunications Law.
Speakers included Brenda Martinez of Fiber First LA and attorneys Scott McCollough, Andrew Campanelli, Odette Wilkens and Julian Gresser. The panel was moderated by ART founder and national director Doug Wood.”
2) The FCC has done nothing to comply with the court order “to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to radiofrequency radiation unrelated to cancer, in accordance with the opinion of the court.” Is the FCC ignoring this court order in hopes that they will have to do nothing, thus keeping their “RF guidelines” at a level that only protects against thermal harm — e.g. heating of tissues like the eye?
Attorney SCOTT MCCOLLOUGH (on behalf of CHD) puts new pressure on FCC to comply with 2021 Court Order to revise RFR exposure levels.
“On August 13, 2021, the FCC was sued in D.C. Federal Court by Environmental Health Trust and Children’s Health Defense. A court mandate was issued on October 5, 2021, whereby the FCC was required to consider the 11,000 pages of evidence proving harm at much lower radiofrequency radiation levels than their required EXPOSURE LIMITS. As of this date, no action has been taken by the FCC, and their exposure limits remain absurdly high, with no regard for biological harm to humans or the environment.
The petition also calls for implementation of CEQ-mandated (Council on Environmental Equity) NEPA PROCEDURES UPDATE AND REQUEST FOR PROMPT RULING.”
In the filing, McCollough quotes: “The [D.C. Circuit Court] judgment states that the ‘petitions for review be granted in part and the case be remanded to the Commission to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to radiofrequency radiation unrelated to cancer, in accordance with the opinion of the court.’””
To read the petition, click on this link. It is only 6 pages long and is a fast read.
3) Some background about the filming of a documentary “Electric Malady”. A trailer and details re availability are in this update:
A core member of the Coaliton, who is sensitive and has sensitive family members, hosted 2 people working with Ms. Lindon on an earlier version which, unfortunately, ran out of funding.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Marie Lidén: On filming the unfilmable: Documenting the people allergic to electrity
“It’s been about a ten-year process. It was a really difficult film to fund because it’s not a sexy subject and it’s very controversial. A lot people don’t even believe it.” Marie Lidén is talking about her sensitive and sublime documentary Electric Malady, which has just been nominated for a BAFTA.”
Marie Lidén: On filming the unfilmable: Documenting the people allergic to electrity

PITTSFIELD Board of Health, VERIZON, vs. RFR injured neighbors (incl. Courtney Gilardi and her family):
Thursday, April 6 at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT)
The Pittsfield Board of Health issued a cease and desist order to Verizon to remove their cell tower from a neighborhood in Pittsfield where homeowners were getting very sick from RFR exposure. Verizon refused to comply and sued the Board of Health. Fearing legal costs, the City Council did not back up their own Board of Health and required that the Board rescind the order against Verizon, which they did.
Now the injured neighbors are seeking a decision that the rescission was a violation of the rules of “legal ethics.” A successful outcome for the neighbors would require that the Board of Health protect the injured plaintiffs and pursue the cease and desist against Verizon.
All are welcome to dial in to “listen only” mode to the court proceedings scheduled for Thursday, April 6 at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT):
(877) 927-7415, enter 3419308#
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.