1) There is strong opposition on Hornby Island to a proposed Rogers cell tower and the methods employed by “lobbyist” Brian Gregg. Here is an excellent letter from a lawyer who is representing them. Of note: financial support of this legal assistance is being provided by the West Coast Environmental Law and the Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund.
This excellent report shares the various concerns that many of us have. It is aimed largely at the authorities who have the authority to accept Rogers’ application. It is rather long — hopefully, some of them will care enough to read it.
(click on photo to enlarge)

BASIC PREMISES & OBJECTIONS To the proposed Rogers cell tower on Hornby Island
“We do not consent to our bodies, families, animals, pollinating insects and all living creatures on our properties being subjected to the electromagnetic pollution from a cellular communications tower operating continuously in the centre of our island. Festooned with multiple microwave (and eventually millimeter) transmitters, this proposed telecommunications tower would gravely increase our involuntary exposure to unwanted Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) that could impose considerable costs on our community’s health, environment and livelihoods.”.
2) Virtual Reality is seen by many educators as a valuable tool, resulting in children of all ages being exposed to the many and well-documented potentially harmful effects. If strong, healthy military men suffer “physical impairments”, imagine what growing young people will experience.
Another U.S. College Invests in Virtual Reality (VR) Labs Despite Liability Risks
“Fray’s class wasn’t the only one at the college to use the new Experience lab. Professor Brandon Lowery, who teaches biology and environmental science, used the lab to take his classes on virtual field trips.
“People are little uncertain about VR at first, but after they try it, they’re like, ‘Oh, it’s so easy,’” he said in the release. “Once you get the hang of it, it’s a breeze, and the students love it. In the end, VR is going to benefit everybody.””
U.S. Soldiers Experienced “mission-affecting physical impairments” While Using Augmented Reality Goggles
“The 79-page DoD report on the Army’s testing of Microsoft HoloLens mixed reality headsets has yet to be officially released to the public but a summary via Nickolas Guertin, director of the Defense Department’s Operation Test and Evaluation, concluded that 80% of soldiers who used the goggles experienced “mission-affecting physical impairments,” such as headaches, eyestrain, and nausea.”
University Administrators Address Privacy, Security, and “danger of physical and psychological harm” of AR/VR Systems
“Administrators from the Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Michigan say that users and providers of emerging XR technologies should be conscious of privacy, security and safety challenges.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” Aldous Huxley
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